
What this 2075 top economies chart could tell us about future world order?

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Take a look at this chart predicting the top economies on 2050, 2075:

There would be China, Nigeria, Egypt, Pakistan, Philipines (I don't believe Russia will reach that rank, because it would just collapse into smaller states) - these enlisted countries would have power. How would they influence the world then?

Would we become less democratic, more authoritarian? Or we would get more oriental wisdom, more left-brained approach to science, spirituality will become mainstream?

Of course in case of China's defeat in the war between China and the US, it could also become democratic and peaceful like Germany and Japan had became.

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Well there are some problems, like the definition of economy and the measure of it.

Linked measurements done with $ which is something going to be obsolete and replaced with digital money in future.

My rule of thumb is simple, if it's centealized it's authoritarian.

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Would we become less democratic, more authoritarian? Or we would get more oriental wisdom, more left-brained approach to science, spirituality will become mainstream?

We don't know how these countries will evolve culturally and politically. It's likely that China will move up the spiral by then.

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1 hour ago, thenondualtankie said:

We don't know how these countries will evolve culturally and politically. It's likely that China will move up the spiral by then.

That was also the question that interested me: will it? It kind of should.

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Nigeria? Are you kidding?

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@Leo Gura Nigeria is the wealthiest country in Africa right now and they believe it has great future

Edited by Hello from Russia

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Nigeria has a big population and a lot of precious minerals that will be in high demand for high tech and batteries. Precious material will be the next fossil fuel.


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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

Nigeria? Are you kidding?

Dont sleep on Nigeria. Because of their growth rate, the catch up effect in economics, their national attitude, and natural resources, they could definitely become one of the most prosperous nations in 2050 and beyond.

Edited by Phil King

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14 hours ago, Phil King said:

Dont sleep on Nigeria. Because of their growth rate, the catch up effect in economics, their national attitude, and natural resources, they could definitely become one of the most prosperous nations in 2050 and beyond.

What is their national attitude?

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A dictatorial communist party is practically a ticking time bomb. China and Japan are also predicted to suffer massive population decline, China is the youngest and the biggest it will ever be right now. Japan’s situation is looking much bleaker.

I heard good things about India, what happens when India has hundreds of millions of people more than China?

Egypt, Pakistan, Philipines are such random picks? What is Egypt gonna do? resurrect Tutankhamun? 

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What did we expect in West? just look at any product in your house it's overwhelming made in China. We sold our souls  (and our top spot) for cheap and replaceable goods and fast fashion. We need to stop buying cheap junk from china when possible!

While US businesses were playing the short game, China was playing the long game. 

Also how sustainably can such a small population in the west "rule the world" compared with Asia's populations.

Edited by itsadistraction

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3 minutes ago, MarkKol said:

A dictatorial communist party is practically a ticking time bomb. China and Japan are also predicted to suffer massive population decline, China is the youngest and the biggest it will ever be right now. Japan’s situation is looking much bleaker.

I heard good things about India, what happens when India has hundreds of millions of people more than China?

Egypt, Pakistan, Philipines are such random picks? What is Egypt gonna do? resurrect Tutankhamun? 

You could be right but you also risk arrogantly and foolishly underestimating the rest of the world.

Ressurect Tutankhamun ?

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28 minutes ago, itsadistraction said:

You could be right but you also risk arrogantly and foolishly underestimating the rest of the world.

Life is still going to be better in Europe and the US I'd say. Germany already went through It's villain phase that Russia and China and experiencing only today. at 4th place, Indonesia better be making a spaceship to Mars and back by 2075. 

I'm also curious to know how cultural differences and evolution in the US & other less Influential countries will effect other countries.

Edited by MarkKol

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6 hours ago, EugeneTheSage said:

What is their national attitude?

They are very similar to the jewish people in their valuing of higher education and great work ethic. If you see any Nigerians in US colleges, they will usually be among the smartest and study the most since their culture values being useful to society over everything else. 

Some people may dispute this, but its just that the infrastructure of nigeria is not yet developed enough for them to fully actualize to their potential

Edited by Phil King

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The biggest obstacle all these 3rd world economies will have is that of massive corruption. It will bog them dowm hopelessly. A place like Nigeria is too corrupt to be a serious world power.

Edited by Leo Gura

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6 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

The biggest obstacle all these 3rd world economies will have is that of massive corruption. It will bog them dowm hopelessly. A place like Nigeria is too corrupt to be a serious world power.

*Laughs in Russian*

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.


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Goldman Sachs can put those calculations up their asses. 

3% growth every year until 2075? 

What the fuck does that even mean, because the planet doesn’t have that much natural resources to sustain such rates of growth. It’s either bullshit or what they mean by strong economy is completely detached and different from what we understand as a strong economy today.

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40 minutes ago, Nabd said:


I think the same situation today will continue until the move towards green economy takes hold, then huge changes will happen.

Whose green economy is that?

Corporate with it's current tech advantage will never step down.

If It's going to be a strict scientific evolution; wage slaves are now going to become some sort of mind slaves.  

But this is after all the chaos.

Because the same situation goes for europe. Millions from Africa will seek refuge in Europe, which will fuel hatred and many bad things.


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2 hours ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

*Laughs in Russian*


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Tribalism is a bigger problem in Africa than corruption.

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