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When will we have technologies to download info directly into our brains?

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Just a wild curiousity. Perhaps Elon Musk could do it in this lifetime but who knows; it sounds really difficult to me, translating computer information into the human nueron. You would have to figure out a way to format all that digital information so that your brain could recieve it.

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My dude, there has always been direct access to the collective consciousness. But is it generally not treated as a precision art form/ science/ whatever.

Most people just go the dream/ daydreaming route, or rely on seemingly random bouts of inspiration.

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@Magnanimous it's already here and you're staring at it. But I do get what you mean. This is interesting:


If an AI can read neurons firing, it's not a stretch to do it in reverse. Instead of "downloading" information directly, we would "lookup" information using our handy dandy integrated AI/brain interface.

57% paranoid

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