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Biggest mindfuck of all time with cannabis awakening

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Hey guy, i have had the most crazyest experience of all time. Im still totally shocked of what just has happened. I'm now socialising in this stage green multi ciltural social circle and was on a ptesentation in a park about making a fayrer economy. I was there and during the presentation who was seated at the border was crazily chuckling and smoking a joint a little like a crazyman. After the Prasentation i went socialising in the garden area I was stuck with him. He was staring like a mad man and tellying me that meat doesnt give you energy only green veggies, i said that it would depend on the nutrition and than he talked how weed makes you clear and alcohol makes you crazy und confusied and weed makes you clear and I thought he would talk yibberisch because he also talked about how  the bad eliete always pull the strings and how they control us and make us literally weak! He also said that thoughts will make you weak and makes you suffer. But he didnt excactly in these words, he was talking yibberish. He also starred at me and said in an almost aggresive voice "you must concentrate! Concentrate! This was so crazy that I had been looking for any escape possible and because his eyes first seemed paranoid and I thought he was squizzo and was talking strange because he said that he quite often doses  up to as much as 800microgramm lsd and that something from there what have had stick to his mind.

I saw a way to flee him while he is talking yibberish but I decided to exploit him to take the joint as compensation for the head acke he was causing me.

I took maybe 3 or 4 tokes and we was saying, be careful with a crazy smile and twinckle. Then something clicked and reality was dialing in and we connected in samadhi and his shit immediately started to make sense. I have had an awakening...

What he was talking about that how we suffer from attachment to thoughts how we attach to thought and this energy he  was saying was intruth the level of consciousness and that certain foods make you weak means lower consciousness and concentrate was meant as being present and it made soo much sense and he was talking that cannabis was awakeng you more if you be present and it was a kind of awakening me and than i knew...

I was quite awake and he was claiming to be always in this state if I stopped drinking, smoke a bit and be present and he showed me some tensing exersizes he makes which he claimed he invented them for releasing emotions and thoughts and I was mindfucked because these are important kriya yoga banda areas. He said he felt that was right and he stickes to the routine. 

This was so hard, because the people around us all seemed to think of him of a crazyguy too and that could mean that I was seen as crazy too, because the words he used make in absolut other contexts no sense and sound like madness, and he was talking about god is consciousness and how to increase it and that he would rather be poor and in this awakened state than loosing it for money and junk and it makes sense that the elite makes you unconscious (In my state I did not agree with him on that particuliar matter but if I had discussed that a bit I might have found out that this also could have been a preawekening misundersranding. 

Then he said in his crazy misuse of words, if I am ready to get the real big picture with a twinckle in his eyes while he was picking up some piece to built an even stronger joint, chuckling like someone who has seen the truth but doesn't make sense to the persons around (at last there were fewer people than 10 mins ago). 

I then suddenly declined because my rational mindwas soo shocked to have been awakened and this guy started again talking yibberish again and the other peopke avoiding him. It was also highly probable that this was getting into psychedlic terretory real quick. 

So I hastely grabbed my stuff and said that we hopefully met again and off I went. I was still awake but my ego was strongly reacting to the truth and how crazy it might have sound talking about god and truth. I also was quite exstatic and about 3 hours later at home wheb I write it down I still am quite awake but I am still in a real shock but also in awe about this awakening. I'm so happy to have realised it. This was like getting a koan right or yogi transmission of high consciousness. 

Sorry if this sounds crazy or stupid but this is exactly what has happened and this guy seemed to be naturally very spiritual and conscious and not really followed any existing spiritual path or had some kind of disabbility or mental illnes which makes him not use our normal spiritual words or maybe he renamed him because he didnt bother to use the concepts. It's so hard to describe because he was high conscious but aware that his mind body had some disorders. What he meant was behind the speakable as I awakened and it did make some sense in an understanding and connnecting level and there dtill were some disagreement about concepts.

But really holy sh*t I almost didn't want to go out but I went and during the presentation in order to train my main state I did higher my level of consciousness or awareness as excersize and he was attracted to me. It was also funny because i noticed around us were also a bunch of stage green spiritual hippies talking in their sleep.


so maybe I'll see him again some time.



Edited by Starlight321

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