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Everything is exactly as it should be

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To me the following statements are impossible nonsense:

- "That hurricane that happened yesterday should not have happened."

- "You shouldn't drink coffee."

And I can go on with the examples .but my point is basically everything is perfect and inevitable.  because God did it . 

As I see it.. to believe in an all-powerful God and think should-not-have-ness exists is to therefore believe that God did a bad job. Or to believe he's just mean and hateful and nasty and such...Or stupid.

In contrast.. since I don't believe in shouldn't (s).. it means I look around at the world and to me the world as a  4D whole is perfect.  not a single spec is out of place. Unlike most people when I look out at the world..I conclude that if it was made by an all-powerful God then that God is all-loving and did a wonderful great perfect job..and deserves infinite thanks.. because there is nothing that should not be exactly as it is.

I know there isn't a nasty..stupid..mean or unloving God because I see the perfection of the world. I know that if there is a God that God must be all-loving and perfect and wonderful and worthy of infinite love because this world is.

But those who think the world should be different than it unchangeably is have an opposite view to me: They therefore think that if there is a creator God.. that God did a bad job. 

But even sadness and hardship has its own beauty . Think about playing a Video game.  Let it be FIFA vs. Pro Evolution Soccer. ..One of the reasons I Play FIFA on my PS is because its more realistic and difficult than PES. You can't just dribble all the players or score 5 Goals easily in FIFA. 

So the challenge and the drama is what makes a videi game good . Same with life .


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3 minutes ago, Sidra khan said:

No one knows, you'd only assume. 

 That's right. :)

For me personally..I believe how everyone else sees me is a true representation of who I really am as I am shy and awkward. I don't think many people know me and understand me.

I feel I am unlikeable..hard to connect with and strange when I meet new people.

I feel I am funny..thoughtful and loving to my family.

I don't have any friends because I think I'm hard to like.

So who am I to tell who you are if I don't even know myself ?

But everything is similar..the quick response was one of "her " styles. 

Anyways lol ...So after all that babbling, the answer is.. I don't really know lol sorry.

So do you have anything to add to OP?

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1 minute ago, Sidra khan said:

That makes sense , I can add one thing, may be you need to do some real work instead of creating new threads?  I had this feeling for too long but I avoid saying things that may hurt others or sound even slightly rude, but this is something I think would be the best suggestion, considering you my youngest brother, who often takes my advices.  Has it ever occurred to you that may be you create these threads out of boredom? To get some love ? Contemplate, ?

Well I do . I have zero active social life at the moment.  I even broke up with my GF. But Fuck that bitch I don't care lol ? 

Yes I am spending a ridiculous amount of time on this forum blabbering about metaphysical's out of boredom ..out of seeking approval from imaginary Internet people..or just to kill some free time . But ALSO I do genuinely like to share my thoughts with the world.  I've always dreamt of being a well known philosopher who writes books and such..but that dream is slowly slipping away as the years pass I dunno what to do . That's also part of why I post these .

Thanks ? 

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Do you think people should not say should not? ?

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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8 minutes ago, tuku747 said:

Do you think people should not say should not? ?

Haha nice one .xD

I'm saying you should remove should/shouldn't from your vocabulary. so it's like the Buddhist concept of denying all desires except for the desire to drop desires. 

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1 hour ago, Sidra khan said:

I can add one thing, may be you need to do some real work instead of creating new threads?

Be careful what you consider to be "real work". Life has a way of revealing things to us. We just have to have the eyes to see it. This also could be his way of learning, and he could be receiving a particular message that he sent to himself and this is the medium in which he receives that message. Balance is the key to life and it's not always about the tool you're using it's how you're using it. 

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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18 hours ago, Someone here said:

everything is perfect and inevitable.



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What is this 'God' you talk about? Where is it? Have you seen it ?

18 hours ago, Someone here said:


So the challenge and the drama is what makes a videi game good . Same with life .


These type of mental gymnastics are great for providing solace, when you actually want to master Life and grow a pair, you'll have to stop telling you this hunky dory phrases.


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