The Redeemer

I do not respect people who drink

8 posts in this topic

Why should I put up with this garbage society preaches and normalizes?

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Huh? I love to make and drink my homemade wines.

Peachs, grapes, plums they are wonderful.

Homebrew society is usually different than what you see out there.

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If people drink in a way that doesn't disturb others, then why does it concern you?

I don't want to live with people who impose their beliefs on others. 

This is coming from someone who doesn't drink. 

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3 hours ago, Sucuk Ekmek said:

Huh? I love to make and drink my homemade wines.

Peachs, grapes, plums they are wonderful.

Homebrew society is usually different than what you see out there.

Wine is different. I am mostly talking about beer and some liquor.

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1 hour ago, DefinitelyNotARobot said:

Who expects you to put up with it?


no one

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4 hours ago, The Redeemer said:

Why should I put up with this garbage society preaches and normalizes?

We put up with your garbage posts don't we? 

Someone as underdeveloped as you has no business waging your finger at people who drink!

I say this because I want the best for you. Furthermore I have lots of development to do also so I am not judging you either. 

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I used to be of a similar opinion as you. Drinking, after all is very unhealthy so there is some logic behind your thinking. However, going through life, I learned that drinking in the proper amounts at the proper time has social value. It helps you relax, it makes you talk faster and more, and the fact that you're drinking and allowing yourself to be vulnerable shows that you trust the person you drink with. That's important for bonding with others. You can say things that would normally not be acceptable, and if you make a mistake, alcohol will soften that mistake. It's understandable that people say silly things when drunk, after all. 

That being said, you can have just as much fun sober, and even more if you're developed enough. Especially pshychodelic users will learn this as they experience alternative states without the numbness that alcholol brings. But you probably won't be able to be this kind of person if you judge the people you're trying to have fun with.

Pull the stick out of your ass and have fun :)

Edited by RareGodzilla

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Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.

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