
Pedophile-Derangement-Syndrome in action

21 posts in this topic


For context, a woman murdered her step father. In court, she claimed her father had nude images on his computer(the story is that he had a nude picture of her breasts as the background for his unlock screen, which she claims is the reason she investigated the computer), and that it was the reason she murdered him.

Now, from what I understand, there is actually no evidence that any nude pictures of her ever existed on the computer. She claims she destroyed the hardware on which the images were located. These claims were made after the position that she did not commit the murder seemed untenable, and the prosecution gladly accepted the stated claims as fact as she basically confessed to first degree murder.


Now, if you google the case, you will get countless of headlines that "Jade Janks murdered her father after finding nude photos of herself on his computer". This seems to be completely unsubstantiated.


If you look through the comments in the video above, you will see people will basically call the father a child predator, and the consensus more or less is that he deserved to be killed, but that maybe she had to go to jail for a little because it's the law and you can't be a vigilante. Many of them are glad that the father is dead.



People are so hypersensitive in this area that they will completely abandon all reason as a result of their knee-jerk outrage. I want this thread to showcase more examples of PDS (Pedophile Derangement Syndrome), because it is actually becoming a relevant social phenomenon. People will call 21 year olds who are attracted to 17 year olds pedophiles, which is just bonkers.

We also have hypersensitivity around sexual crimes in general. Where sexual assault or harassment will basically be morally equivocated with forced rape. Now, to be fair, this hypersensitivity is a reaction to a hyposensitivity that prevails certain subsections of the society. However, a lot of these crimes are more due to people being dysfunctional, stupid and ignorant, rather than outright malicious actors. But increasingly, we have less room for nuance and actual, healthy discussions around these topics.


We have a kind of strange moralization of crime going on that is not healthy. On the one side, for minority groups we will make excuses based on arguments of environmental predeterminism, but for any group that is not viewed as underprivileged, suddenly all environmental factors are irrelevant and the actors are literal evil that deserve no consideration. The sexist-racist phenomena of "Karen"s is actually a good example of this.

It's all part of the same, tribalistic social media moralosphere that is not grounded in anything but perceived moral outraged.

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16 hours ago, Scholar said:


For context, a woman murdered her step father. In court, she claimed her father had nude images on his computer(the story is that he had a nude picture of her breasts as the background for his unlock screen, which she claims is the reason she investigated the computer), and that it was the reason she murdered him.

Now, from what I understand, there is actually no evidence that any nude pictures of her ever existed on the computer. She claims she destroyed the hardware on which the images were located. These claims were made after the position that she did not commit the murder seemed untenable, and the prosecution gladly accepted the stated claims as fact as she basically confessed to first degree murder.


Now, if you google the case, you will get countless of headlines that "Jade Janks murdered her father after finding nude photos of herself on his computer". This seems to be completely unsubstantiated.


If you look through the comments in the video above, you will see people will basically call the father a child predator, and the consensus more or less is that he deserved to be killed, but that maybe she had to go to jail for a little because it's the law and you can't be a vigilante. Many of them are glad that the father is dead.



People are so hypersensitive in this area that they will completely abandon all reason as a result of their knee-jerk outrage. I want this thread to showcase more examples of PDS (Pedophile Derangement Syndrome), because it is actually becoming a relevant social phenomenon. People will call 21 year olds who are attracted to 17 year olds pedophiles, which is just bonkers.

We also have hypersensitivity around sexual crimes in general. Where sexual assault or harassment will basically be morally equivocated with forced rape. Now, to be fair, this hypersensitivity is a reaction to a hyposensitivity that prevails certain subsections of the society. However, a lot of these crimes are more due to people being dysfunctional, stupid and ignorant, rather than outright malicious actors. But increasingly, we have less room for nuance and actual, healthy discussions around these topics.


We have a kind of strange moralization of crime going on that is not healthy. On the one side, for minority groups we will make excuses based on arguments of environmental predeterminism, but for any group that is not viewed as underprivileged, suddenly all environmental factors are irrelevant and the actors are literal evil that deserve no consideration. The sexist-racist phenomena of "Karen"s is actually a good example of this.

It's all part of the same, tribalistic social media moralosphere that is not grounded in anything but perceived moral outraged.

   I agree, this is a great example of thought terminating cliche in action from the collective masses judging this event, and general ignorance based on developmental factors like stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, ego development, states of consciousness, life experiences, other lines of development, ideological upbringing. I have a thread that doesn't cover the pedophile derangement syndrome, but where I do body language analysis here:

   and covered a video between Destiny and Mr. Girl in that thread and did body language, verbal, some discourse and some statement analysis of Destiny. The science and analysis, my interpretation based on what Destiny did and said with his face, hands, shoulders, eyes and voice, is in that thread. My opinion here, of that situation, is that it's a joke, a farce. I actually side with Mr. Girl there for being brave enough to call out the unhealthy dynamics of that steamer space there, although I disagree partly that he did it in an inflammatory way, leading me to believe that he may have narcissism as well as some kind of savior complex, and despite him being narcissistic he's an empath apparently. It's a narrative and propaganda warfare, where Destiny get's to character assassinate Max Kharson while he is banned from YouTube. Destiny the sociopath has mostly successfully swayed the majority opinion of this situation, but not me and others that can analyze body language. Also, just common sense, if you had hard evidence of the other person being a pedophile and rapist, and did a criminal act, and vice versa, of the other being a sexual abuser and sexually exploitative, mystery man methods type of person, why haven't any of you contacted FBI or the police, and pursued a case? All their claims are slanderous and defamatory. IMO that whole situation is a complete lack of morality that thanks to Destiny I stopped watching his content and most streamers in general, just keeping it to tutorial vids or to philosophical discourse, and to skip the debates.

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17 hours ago, Scholar said:


For context, a woman murdered her step father. In court, she claimed her father had nude images on his computer(the story is that he had a nude picture of her breasts as the background for his unlock screen, which she claims is the reason she investigated the computer), and that it was the reason she murdered him.

Now, from what I understand, there is actually no evidence that any nude pictures of her ever existed on the computer. She claims she destroyed the hardware on which the images were located. These claims were made after the position that she did not commit the murder seemed untenable, and the prosecution gladly accepted the stated claims as fact as she basically confessed to first degree murder.


Now, if you google the case, you will get countless of headlines that "Jade Janks murdered her father after finding nude photos of herself on his computer". This seems to be completely unsubstantiated.


If you look through the comments in the video above, you will see people will basically call the father a child predator, and the consensus more or less is that he deserved to be killed, but that maybe she had to go to jail for a little because it's the law and you can't be a vigilante. Many of them are glad that the father is dead.



People are so hypersensitive in this area that they will completely abandon all reason as a result of their knee-jerk outrage. I want this thread to showcase more examples of PDS (Pedophile Derangement Syndrome), because it is actually becoming a relevant social phenomenon. People will call 21 year olds who are attracted to 17 year olds pedophiles, which is just bonkers.

We also have hypersensitivity around sexual crimes in general. Where sexual assault or harassment will basically be morally equivocated with forced rape. Now, to be fair, this hypersensitivity is a reaction to a hyposensitivity that prevails certain subsections of the society. However, a lot of these crimes are more due to people being dysfunctional, stupid and ignorant, rather than outright malicious actors. But increasingly, we have less room for nuance and actual, healthy discussions around these topics.


We have a kind of strange moralization of crime going on that is not healthy. On the one side, for minority groups we will make excuses based on arguments of environmental predeterminism, but for any group that is not viewed as underprivileged, suddenly all environmental factors are irrelevant and the actors are literal evil that deserve no consideration. The sexist-racist phenomena of "Karen"s is actually a good example of this.

It's all part of the same, tribalistic social media moralosphere that is not grounded in anything but perceived moral outraged.

   Also, I did cover her and analyzed her body language and tonality, and personally I can't comment any further on this specific situation because something in her tonality is annoying the hell out of me, like a Beverly hills accent, and hardcore stage green fake or something like that. I understand and to some extent empathize with some of the people she covers, but she just ruins that with her delivery, and I can't offer more empathy that she's trying to appeal even more out of me. Feels predatory to me already, to try to manipulate the audience to extend more empathy that they can't offer.

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Yep this is pretty common now. For example a NFL team let go a punter named Matt Ariza because he was accused of participating in a videoed gang rape. All over the media and the Internet his name was slandered and anyone questioning it was called a monster etc. 

welp, not only did the DA admit that the video of the “rape” showed clearly consensual actions, Matt actually provided proof he wasn’t even present when it happened. Of course that part of the story received not nearly the same attention. 

You are just guilty until proven guilty to the public it seems. 

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Random addition to the thread. But she has sex with 15-16 year old males in her highschool.

What do we say about morality here? Most men would say "lucky guys". The thing is there is a double-standard and its not always bad, there are gender differences. 

As far as the law in concerned what is the right way to enforce order at scale? - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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12 minutes ago, integral said:

Random addition to the thread. But she has sex with 15-16 year old males in her highschool.

What do we say about morality here? Most men would say "lucky guys". The thing is there is a double-standard and its not always bad, there are gender differences. 

As far as the law in concerned what is the right way to enforce order at scale?

   Ideally, the legality should be around if there was physical and/or psychological ham, that's where it should be determined.

   Yes, there is a double standard, and morality is relative existentially. Good luck trying to convince and persuade others when they're suffering from thought terminating cliche/ 

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@Danioover9000 Reading some of the comments they think she is "mentally unbalanced" for falling in love with the 16 year old boys.

When in truth love is simple and has nothing to do with thinking it away. Most of these critics cant see that the love a 16 year old boy is the same love coming from most 25 or a 35 year old. Love is not bounded by logic, it that where true we would only date people that are good for us, a rarity. 

Edited by integral - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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20 hours ago, Scholar said:

People will call 21 year olds who are attracted to 17 year olds pedophiles, which is just bonkers.

Look up the CallMeCarson story if you want another example of this.

Dude was absolutely crucified as a pedophile for talking sexually online to (or as media stories put it “grooming”) a 17 year old fan when he was 19. A lot of comments I read about his case were people who genuinely thought he was pure evil for what he did.

I almost thought I was going insane reading how angry people were at him for that.

Edited by something_else

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@something_else Its like they think 17 year old girls are sexually innocent. - Voice Everything Browser Extension

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1 hour ago, something_else said:

Look up the CallMeCarson story if you want another example of this.

Dude was absolutely crucified as a pedophile for talking sexually online to (or as media stories put it “grooming”) a 17 year old fan when he was 19. A lot of comments I read about his case were people who genuinely thought he was pure evil for what he did.

I almost thought I was going insane reading how angry people were at him for that.

   I can't imagine how much worse it is now, given the invention of Tik Tok, overconsumption of social media sites, very tailored A.I programs that hijack the limbic system of the human brain, to trigger more effective dopamine cravings and other chemical/psychological addictions, Algorithms improved curating of content to user biases, auto beautifying profile images which increase narcissism and false self image development, forums that have a cult dynamic and echo chambers that germinate and proliferate ideological points of view onto other sites, which then spills over onto real life.

   I can't imagine Gen Z and a few more generations of this mind fuckery will lead to stronger minds, but rather more brain rotten, ADD/ADHD, very triggerable minds heavily influenced by thought terminating cliches, with many distortions amplified by the internet.

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1 hour ago, integral said:

@something_else Its like they think 17 year old girls are sexually innocent.

   The trappings of stage blue conservativism/traditionalism in an environment mostly stage orange/green, sometimes more blue depending on which country or culture you are in. Even some who have stage orange, who are liberals, will still have that social programming from traditional moral values.

   Just about 2-400 years ago, boys aged 16, 15, 14, 13 and maybe younger, would be drinking and fucking as part of their coming of age, or take part in a raiding party. More stage purple/red, to even hardcore blue, would still have arranged marriages or multiple wives/concubines. Again, it's only a couple hundreds of years ago, really not that far away from now. It's not like 10,000 or 100,000 years ago, just a few hundred. The human mind's ability to create cognitive distances and distort time is pretty significant.

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1 hour ago, something_else said:

Look up the CallMeCarson story if you want another example of this.

Dude was absolutely crucified as a pedophile for talking sexually online to (or as media stories put it “grooming”) a 17 year old fan when he was 19. A lot of comments I read about his case were people who genuinely thought he was pure evil for what he did.

I almost thought I was going insane reading how angry people were at him for that.

   Better Call Saul?

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3 hours ago, integral said:

@Danioover9000 Reading some of the comments they think she is "mentally unbalanced" for falling in love with the 16 year old boys.

When in truth love is simple and has nothing to do with thinking it away. Most of these critics cant see that the love a 16 year old boy is the same love coming from most 25 or a 35 year old. Love is not bounded by logic, it that where true we would only date people that are good for us, a rarity. 

   True, it's fine when a woman may pursue sexual relations with a teenage boy, but god forbid an adult man onto a teenage girl, oh the double standards. And right there, them being critics biases them to OVERTHINK and maintain rationality over emotions, when in fact EMOTIONS runs their logic coding. I can't even trust 70% of that comment as trolls and haters are attracted to controversies like this.

   Exceptions being Colleen Ballinger, she definitely seems a bit creepy and either a narcissist or sociopath with her apology video, for the alleged sexy times she had with an under aged fan of hers.

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7 hours ago, integral said:

@Danioover9000 Reading some of the comments they think she is "mentally unbalanced" for falling in love with the 16 year old boys.

When in truth love is simple and has nothing to do with thinking it away. Most of these critics cant see that the love a 16 year old boy is the same love coming from most 25 or a 35 year old. Love is not bounded by logic, it that where true we would only date people that are good for us, a rarity. 

This isn’t love, it’s lust. If it was a adult man sleeping with a 16 year old girl you would be saying he’s sick too.

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45 minutes ago, Raze said:

This isn’t love, it’s lust. If it was a adult man sleeping with a 16 year old girl you would be saying he’s sick too.

Even if it starts as lust and attraction (how most relationship do), it doesnt stay that way.

Not every situation is predatory and manipulative with age gaps, people can be lonely, they like the attention and how the other person makes them feel.

People think these age gaps are not "real" relationships, there is no way to enjoy the company of someone who is not around your age, they think there is this massive mental gap, when in reality most of them are not like that, they are normal relationships because the mind of a 16 year old is really no different the most adults.

Most adult relationships are extremly immature. Thats the comparison people cant see. 

So a 25-40 year old can date a 16 year old and find alot of common ground.

Edited by integral - Voice Everything Browser Extension

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I've always found this sentiment so odd, never understood it. People will literally care less if you commit actual murder lmao

Describe a thought.

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Completely agree with what you have pointed out. I also found such reactions as sheep-like.

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Yes completely agree, YouTube comments are a good show case of how stupid the court of public opinion can be. But let me attempt a compelling "meta perspective" for this case below:

For centuries women, blacks, and gays, have been treated like chattel. How many women were killed for no reason throughout history? Being falsely accused of being witches? How many innocent blacks were lynched? How many alter boys were molested?

Now society wants to change and there will be collateral damage, like Pedophile-Derangement-Syndrome, as society goes through this change. But these movements are overall good for society even if there are some unfair public opinions in the YouTube comments. 

Public opinion is like a pendulum, it oscillates between extremes but on average is pretty balanced. 

Edited by itsadistraction

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I find that the public perception of what pedophilia is is very separated from the psychological definition of attraction to prepubescent individuals. It is common for girls to be physiologically developed as early as 15. The question becomes a moral one. At 15 years I don't think people have the complete discernment to engage in sex in a healthy way and, anecdotally, I find that people that engage earlier in their sex lives have more trouble in this aspect of life. When does one draw the line of the famous "age of consent" has always been a tricky matter. In the US, it varies from 15 to 18 years old. 

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