
Politics is just a load of bs.

24 posts in this topic

Have fun when some underdeveloped thugs make their own local clan and pillage the rest.

I don't think it would ever work because most people are not that developed and most would not like it because they have different needs.

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On 23/8/2023 at 1:49 AM, jdc7733 said:

The world has evolved past the need for politicians. I think we should just like get rid of social hierarchies and people voluntarily work, for no pay, but, pretty much everything is free or you have to make it yourself, like in tribes. Morals would be based on social contract. People could have a simple life, food would be produced locally. Okay, I'm getting into politics again now, but, only as an anarchist. Then again, it's kind of a pipe dream. I at least don't think you should have to work to live. There's a city where there's no money or laws, and, it's going great. Why can't it be like that everywhere?

That world you speak of would evolve at an incredible speed towards armed groups, slavery, and the story would start all over again. you have to understand a bit about human nature and the nature of life, otherwise you invent utopias

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@jdc7733 This book is an excellent read on this exact topic, I highly recommend.


أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.


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People need to realize what the government is and isn't. People expect so much from the politicians yet do little for their community. The first step is to play a part instead of passively allowing someone to make decisions for you.

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