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Christoph Werner

One important self deception of Leo to be aware of

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There are states of consciousness and levels of understanding so far beyond human reality where human understanding  just seems laughable and you can learn to access these states with psychedelics, there is no question about that. But to claim that  you cannot live human life being conscious of God all the time and to imagine you can access these states of consciousness only through psychedelics and actually being convinced by that story is pure Delusion. Who would prevent you from living a human life god realized?  Who would prevent you from producing any kind of psychedelic state that you want with your body?   The highest understanding a human being can carry is complete surrender to God.

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37 minutes ago, Christoph Werner said:

you cannot live human life

Indeed. God can't live human life because God transcends survival. All human activity (all of it) is pure survival. God can only Be. Actually, God is always being, it just seems like it's doing. All doing is a delusion. 


40 minutes ago, Christoph Werner said:

Who would prevent you from producing any kind of psychedelic state that you want with your body? 

I'm doing it to myself. I've put on myself all the restrictions consciously when I was creating my ego. 

It is apparent for me that you have never accessed God states, or even if you did, they were not deep enough to comprehend what Leo was talking about. Go deeper and leave your ideas behind. 

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14 minutes ago, TheGod said:

Indeed. God can't live human life because God transcends survival

Are you really telling God what it can not do?  God can imagine anything. It can imagine living a human life god realized. 

24 minutes ago, TheGod said:

All human activity (all of it) is pure survival.

All human activity is Love. You can live a human life beyond survival. You choose to take part in survival  in order to spread Love to human beings and at the exact same time you are completely unconcerned with survival because you know who you are.

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24 minutes ago, Christoph Werner said:

Are you really telling God what it can not do?  God can imagine anything. It can imagine living a human life god realized. 

I'm not telling God what it can not do. I am God and I know what I'm doing to myself :)  


25 minutes ago, Christoph Werner said:

All human activity is Love. You can live a human life beyond survival. You choose to take part in survival  in order to spread Love to human beings and at the exact same time you are completely unconcerned with survival because you know who you are.

This is just an idea that you hold in your mind. You've got no clue what you're talking about.

Once you're in the God mode there is no human beings. There is only You. Everything you see is yourself which has no begining and no end. "Spreading love to human beings" where did you get the idea that God is interested in doing so?  Spreading Love to human beings is a survival activity. 


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My understanding is that God is not a thing. (Aka God is nothingness) So living as God means you become nothing. 

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20 hours ago, Christoph Werner said:

Are you really telling God what it can not do? 



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22 hours ago, Christoph Werner said:

There are states of consciousness and levels of understanding so far beyond human reality where human understanding  just seems laughable and you can learn to access these states with psychedelics, there is no question about that. But to claim that  you cannot live human life being conscious of God all the time and to imagine you can access these states of consciousness only through psychedelics and actually being convinced by that story is pure Delusion. Who would prevent you from living a human life god realized?  Who would prevent you from producing any kind of psychedelic state that you want with your body?   The highest understanding a human being can carry is complete surrender to God.

I think what he is saying is that as a human you are not going to be in an infinite state of consciousness.  Even during awakening the ego dies and there really isn't any physical form.   But post awakening the ego returns and so does a limited state of consciousness.   Think about it.  If you are a player in a video game would you know everything before it happens? No - that would defeat the point of playing the game in the first place.  That would be like being in the game in God mode.  There would be no point in playing because you already know everything there is to know about everything from every angle of the game.  So what you do is you limit yourself down.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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15 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

I think what he is saying is that as a human you are not going to be in an infinite state of consciousness

I agree in that there are much higher levels of consciousness which are unaccessable as long as you imagine living a human life.  Luckily we are not a human.


15 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

Even during awakening the ego dies and there really isn't any physical form.   But post awakening the ego returns and so does a limited state of consciousness.

Why seclude awakening to there not being physical form? How can the ego die when it is just a fiction?  To me awakening is to be conscious of the eternal presence of God and forever recognizing God is you and this does not contradict imagining yourself living a human life. You can live a human life fully aware that you are God playing a character. If there is a post awakening marked by the return of an ego it just means you had an awakening experience not awakening, and you are giving away your power to a ficticious self fabricated ego. 


15 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

If you are a player in a video game would you know everything before it happens? No - that would defeat the point of playing the game in the first place.  That would be like being in the game in God mode.  There would be no point in playing because you already know everything there is to know about everything from every angle of the game.  So what you do is you limit yourself down.

Yes you limit yourself down. Doesn't mean you cannot be conscious that you are the One that created the game and that you are all the characters in the game and none of them. That is playing the game in awakened mode. 


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11 minutes ago, Christoph Werner said:

I agree in that there are much higher levels of consciousness which are unaccessable as long as you imagine living a human life.  Luckily we are not a human.


Why seclude awakening to there not being physical form? How can the ego die when it is just a fiction?  To me awakening is to be conscious of the eternal presence of God and forever recognizing God is you and this does not contradict imagining yourself living a human life. You can live a human life fully aware that you are God playing a character. If there is a post awakening marked by the return of an ego it just means you had an awakening experience not awakening, and you are giving away your power to a ficticious self fabricated ego. 


Yes you limit yourself down. Doesn't mean you cannot be conscious that you are the One that created the game and that you are all the characters in the game and none of them. That is playing the game in awakened mode. 


It is being lucid but you still don't know what happens next.  There are things you have intentionally separated from yourself to make them outside of your control.  The interesting about this though is that sometimes you can still tap in and see how you are doing it all.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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4 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

It is being lucid but you still don't know what happens next.  There are things you have intentionally separated from yourself to make them outside of your control.  The interesting about this though is that sometimes you can still tap in and see how you are doing it all.


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