manuel bon

Best translation of the Bible, to really learn what it is about.

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There are thousands of versions of the Bible, and all of them contain mistakes in the translation, which are either incorrect or misleading. 

Reading a good translation of it could be insightful (or maybe not?), but I am also aware of the fact that it is difficult to translate dead languages into English (or any other language used today), so there will never really be a perfect translation.

Tell me if you know a good version of the Bible.


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Read the Book of Thomas if you already have not. As to a good translation of other books, i don't have knowledge about that. 


Edited by Vibroverse

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@Vibroverse I know about it, I read some of its sayings. It is for sure interesting, but there is no narrative, or any connections between those sayings... Maybe I should read better and contemplate each one of them.

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I personally use "Youngs literal translation" though Its quite horrible to read altogether. It's a direct translation from the greek with some author added context though marked as such. Its perfect for wanting to get a better more truthful understanding of specific passages, but the broken english of the greek translation is a boring read. If you want to read it more authentically YLT is perfect. If you want to enjoy it and gain some spiritual aspects from it, just go with any of the common translations.

Though doth not want these hands! - Jesus

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2 hours ago, Hojo said:

i listen to kjv

The kjv has alot of flaws. It lacks alot of relevant original contextual scripture. Especially in the story of cain and able.

Though doth not want these hands! - Jesus

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I’d suggest trying the Blue Letter Bible app. It’ll give many translations for each verse you look up, and it has built-in links for going back to the original language for many words. It’s the best resource I’ve found if you want to understand the meaning correctly. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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I like the English Standard Version. King James Version is a bit hard to read(New King James is better if you go that route). I think the newer the translation the better tbh. New International Translation is very good too. is a great website to play around and see which translation speaks to you. I recommend reading different translations, because what is well articulated in one could be lacking that potency or be a total miss in another, and visa versa. Remember that the truth is often hidden behind the words, if you have a good sense of the spiritual and of God's nature, you can separate the wheat from the chaff regardless of the translation, this is the Holy Spirit(we can also call it your intuition) guiding you. Another hint that I learned from my sister is that there are "shit tests" in the Bible, on purpose or by accident idk, but some stories don't mention God or are void of God's hand even if he was mentioned. Humans like to project onto God when some things are not God's doing but natural or societal consequences of our own doing(though we could argue All is God's will but the bias assigned to God is our own bias). Read Conversations With God by Neale D. Walsch if you want some insight into God's nature through a different channel. If you search for God, trust that you will find God, that is faith. Keep the faith :)

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ESV as mentioned is nice but if you want a more literal translation look into NASB. The NET is also another lesser known translation with commentary to the translation. 

no translation is perfect so it’s best to use multiple when doing studies. 

Edited by Selfnaught

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