
Being aware of Absolute Truth is Impossible

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Since Truth must be infinite (Infinity) you would have to be aware of infinity, All there is. You cannot do this because it is infinite. 

If you were in the Godhead for five minutes, you know "five Minutes" of the Truth, but you weren't aware of the Total because that is Impossible. You would just have to be everything forever.

It is like the "number" 0, while theoretically possible, it does not exist because Nothingness cannot exist, there just is Everything and always has.

Since there are an infinite amount of truths (our individual perspectives) all of them are neither true nor false.

The moment we attempt to characterize Truth we already limit it, and it is beyond any limit and beyond any understanding. Words cannot do it Justice. Either you are Truth or you arent.

? Late night discussions i had with a friend...

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You can become aware of infinity. You become infinite and you are aware of it, that is what ‘you’ are. Also there is no 5 minutes in/as the godhead. The 5 minutes is created by not being in the godhead. When being infinite, it’s all merged, as one, so you are aware of the totality, your just not making any distinctions between anything

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41 minutes ago, Dazgwny said:

You can become aware of infinity. You become infinite and you are aware of it, that is what ‘you’ are. Also there is no 5 minutes in/as the godhead. The 5 minutes is created by not being in the godhead. When being infinite, it’s all merged, as one, so you are aware of the totality, your just not making any distinctions between anything

For this you would have to be dead. How can you even verify that the "sensation/awareness" of infinity on DMT, for example, is in fact total infinity and not just some watered down version of it that wouldnt happen if you were dead?



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I would try and bypass infinity and say that truth is something that persists. If something persists forever then it's an absolute truth. 

For example you could say the sky is Truth, because it's always there, it persists. Maybe consciousness is Truth - it's always there.

The problem is you can't know with your finite experience if something will persist forever. Actually you're right, you can't know infinity.

But it's funny how there's a word for it: infinity. How can we have a word for something we don't understand? What game is being played here?

57% paranoid

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3 hours ago, LastThursday said:

I would try and bypass infinity and say that truth is something that persists. If something persists forever then it's an absolute truth. 

For example you could say the sky is Truth, because it's always there, it persists. Maybe consciousness is Truth - it's always there.

The problem is you can't know with your finite experience if something will persist forever. Actually you're right, you can't know infinity.

But it's funny how there's a word for it: infinity. How can we have a word for something we don't understand? What game is being played here?

If it persists indefinitely it is ... Infinity.

The sky might as well appear the second you look at it. Maybe consciousness created itself. We dont know.

Infinity (truth) is basically the definition of something that we cannot describe with language or even perceive, ever.

It is outside of perception and language.

It is with no boundaries. (Is this already a boundary? Did I just limit the limitless by saying its limitless?)



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@Leo Gura last night I showed a friend of mine, who is into philosphy and a hardcore atheist, some of your videos. Immediately he said: this guy is corrupted, he cannot speak of telling us the Truth because there is falsehood in his work and if he does not tell us what exactly is false about it we might as well have to assume that everything about it is false. Based on the blogpost where you yourself say falsehood is in your work.

In another blogpost you go on to say that neither Nirvana, Meditation, Drugs, Void, No Self, Buddhism, Christanity, etc etc etc nor etc etc etc is God-realization and basically that post just screamed "everything is a lie and truth cannot be known because we live in something that is made out of lies"



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Even here you’re making that distinction of alive and dead. That distinction collapses into itself. When there are no distinctions made by the mind it becomes infinite. One distinction made creates a separation, a fragmentation, there suddenly seems two, and so on and so on until you have what you have here, one total, sliced up into all sorts. But it’s still that one. You’ve sliced up God/infinity into thoughts, sensations, physical objects, people, animals, your very own body, you name it, if it’s distinct from what seems something else, that’s what you’ve done, whether aware of it or not. When you awaken to infinity all those distinctions collapse, even dead and alive. What you’re left with is infinity, and you’re aware of it, because it’s your mind, an infinite mind, you are it, pure formless awareness, formless mind, consciousness. At this point you are what you would call dead. But there really is no difference, to be what we call alive is to have sliced up and carved out what you have, to be what we call dead is to not have sliced or carved out anything at all. But it’s still there, one and the same. You may not know exactly what it is, but you can become totally aware of infinity. Again, because that’s what you are.

You made a grave mistake in your last nights conversation, when you came to the conclusion and used the word impossible. I remember one of Leo’s videos and he said, ‘possible and impossible are something you imagined’, and through direct experience I’ve verified this, that nothing is impossible for consciousness, including becoming totally aware of itself.

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7 minutes ago, Dazgwny said:

Even here you’re making that distinction of alive and dead. That distinction collapses into itself. When there are no distinctions made by the mind it becomes infinite. One distinction made creates a separation, a fragmentation, there suddenly seems two, and so on and so on until you have what you have here, one total, sliced up into all sorts. But it’s still that one. You’ve sliced up God/infinity into thoughts, sensations, physical objects, people, animals, your very own body, you name it, if it’s distinct from what seems something else, that’s what you’ve done, whether aware of it or not. When you awaken to infinity all those distinctions collapse, even dead and alive. What you’re left with is infinity, and you’re aware of it, because it’s your mind, an infinite mind, you are it, pure formless awareness, formless mind, consciousness. At this point you are what you would call dead. But there really is no difference, to be what we call alive is to have sliced up and carved out what you have, to be what we call dead is to not have sliced or carved out anything at all. But it’s still there, one and the same. You may not know exactly what it is, but you can become totally aware of infinity. Again, because that’s what you are.

You made a grave mistake in your last nights conversation, when you came to the conclusion and used the word impossible. I remember one of Leo’s videos and he said, ‘possible and impossible are something you imagined’, and through direct experience I’ve verified this, that nothing is impossible for consciousness, including becoming totally aware of itself.

Hm, since we were only two people this perspective did not come up. We did not think much about possible, impossible, limited, limitless specifically we thought more just about Infinity and Truth.

Actually, no. We have concluded that somethings are in fact Impossible. Can consciousness Imagine Nothingness? What the fuck does that mean?

Can 0 exist? 


Edited by KatiesKarma

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22 minutes ago, KatiesKarma said:

@Leo Gura last night I showed a friend of mine, who is into philosphy and a hardcore atheist, some of your videos. Immediately he said: this guy is corrupted, he cannot speak of telling us the Truth because there is falsehood in his work and if he does not tell us what exactly is false about it we might as well have to assume that everything about it is false. Based on the blogpost where you yourself say falsehood is in your work.

In another blogpost you go on to say that neither Nirvana, Meditation, Drugs, Void, No Self, Buddhism, Christanity, etc etc etc nor etc etc etc is God-realization and basically that post just screamed "everything is a lie and truth cannot be known because we live in something that is made out of lies"



Your friend, probably, has no idea about what he is talking about, to be honest. He just seems to be stuck in his socalled realism and rationality. 


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This is good.

Communication by definition is not infinite, it's an abstraction of the infinite.

I want to ask you:

Is the sensation of taste infinite? Can you point to where "taste" ends? What about "sound"? What about "touch"?

Now, what would happen if you just experienced all of these without converting them to a thought or communication afterwards? Where would you be left?

Can you convert your experience of taste, touch and sight into a thought or communication about the sensations? Is it possible? Was it ever possible?

Describe a thought.

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Ask your friend if he knows what metaphysics is. Then ask him if he is metaphysical. If he says he's a physical thing then he is talking about something else.

Edited by Hojo

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6 minutes ago, Vibroverse said:

Your friend, probably, has no idea about what he is talking about, to be honest. He just seems to be stuck in his socalled realism and rationality. 


No I would not say this, the things I wrote here about him is like a 1% reflection of what he is like.

He even said that science/logic cannot truly explain anything 

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7 minutes ago, Osaid said:

This is good.

Communication by definition is not infinite, it's an abstraction of the infinite.

I want to ask you:

Is the sensation of taste infinite? Can you point to where "taste" ends? What about "sound"? What about "touch"?

Now, what would happen if you just experienced all of these without converting them to a thought or communication afterwards? Where would you be left?

Can you convert your experience of taste, touch and sight into a thought or communication about the sensations? Is it possible? Was it ever possible?

Well I taste something all day every day whether I am aware of it or not. When I drink cola I am aware of the taste of cola as long as these molecules "touch" my tongue receptors. Well, you could then try to zoom in and find the border between the start of the taste and the end of the taste sensation but you would never find it. 


It is impossible. I can say the sky is blue but that means absolutely nothing. I can say cola tastes like cola but that means absolutely nothing. 

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@KatiesKarma if he thinks science is not true and logic is not true how is he an athiest? What does he believe is true?

And 0 exists as a void of nothing but it is conscious. It can't think or do anything but exist. Think about before you were born there was nothing. But you were there existing in the nothing you just don't remeber because nothing was happening.

Edited by Hojo

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14 minutes ago, KatiesKarma said:

Well I taste something all day every day whether I am aware of it or not. When I drink cola I am aware of the taste of cola as long as these molecules "touch" my tongue receptors. Well, you could then try to zoom in and find the border between the start of the taste and the end of the taste sensation but you would never find it. 


It is impossible. I can say the sky is blue but that means absolutely nothing. I can say cola tastes like cola but that means absolutely nothing. 


Any thought or description is equally as real as any other. 

That's why you can't "bring back" or remember truth. It's an incorrect way of accessing it. "Remembering" is just a tool for accessing the relative.

Describe a thought.

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53 minutes ago, KatiesKarma said:

Maybe consciousness created itself.

Bang on, I say.

53 minutes ago, KatiesKarma said:

Infinity (truth) is basically the definition of something that we cannot describe with language or even perceive, ever.

And yet, here you are describing it in language.

"infinity" is a word, so it surely points to something we can experience or think about.

57% paranoid

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Your current experience is Absolute Truth.

You are over-complicating it. Truth does not mean you have to experience everything. Whatever your experience happens to be, that's Truth.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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What is infinity? 

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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