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Evolution of this forum & You

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10 minutes ago, WoodDragon said:

Didn’t mean to imply that you felt any need.

as for your curiosity, your mind may feel more lucid. You may feel euphoria.

one way I explained it to a friend, about how truth serum works, is that you lose all fear and inhibitions, which can help you see more, but also leaves you exposed, as you may share too much. These things should be done alone but with structure.

9 minutes ago, WoodDragon said:

as you may share too much

Sounds like me sober. Lol. Sometimes I think I'm too transparent, but that just comes from no personal fear of being judged. I've overcome that. I think all of us exhibit traits of the one Source because it is all there is. Why not try to generate those feelings naturally, so you can sustain them and they become a part of your everyday experience. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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1 minute ago, WoodDragon said:

You are already in a good place. Nicely said and done.


12 minutes ago, WoodDragon said:

as you may share too much


What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@Princess Arabia tbh, I think it's quite sensible to remain drug free. Some people report long term benefits, some people go mad. Everything is temporary. The drugs wear off, you kind of get more developed as a result. I would say you can empathize with drug users but the shifts in perspective require repeated occasions of using. Usually, the then what part is addiction. Like I say, deal with the devil. Then again, you may experience something life changing. I've had temporary "fixed" moments with my paranoia for a few days to a week after ketamine. I suppose you could keep taking it but eventually that leads to problems.

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35 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

@Razard86Thank you for the explanation. However, you still didn't really address the part about, THEN WHAT. How does experiencing all this change the overall quality of our lives. Knowing I'm you and you are me and me being able to taste the pizza you're tasting and feeling your there a major life change to those kinds of things. I'm not saying there isn't a major shift in your perspectives and elevated states of consciousness and becoming more loving and less suffering when you become God Realized, but what I'm asking is why do I need psychedelics to make the latter changes, when all that is required is knowing your true nature and becoming more aware and feeling more connected to Source. Tasting someone else's pizza isn't required to feel the Oneness of the Universe.

1. The ego is always focused on THEN WHAT. Mines is too so I understand your question...also I did mention that some people become more creative. There are spiritual gifts that are awakened as part of the process. For example..being able to taste the food of others without having to actually put it in your mouth is considered a psychic ability. So one change is you break the boundary of the individual and experience the collective consciousness.

2. When I tell you other people's bodies are your bodies you aren't getting it. When I tell you, you are talking to yourself you aren't getting it. Every conversation you have with another person has a different meaning depending on the perspective. There is subtle nuance you can gain access to at certain states. Again you can only understand this through Awakening. But I'll do my best to give an example.

Somebody could tell you something and at one state of consciousness it could be hey go talk to that person maybe they can help you. At another level you are literally telling yourself that person you are telling yourself to go talk the KEY TO EVERYTHING YOU ARE TRYING TO DO. THIS is what I literally changes your ability to read situations.

You can also literally access the emotional, and bodily sensations of others, which means when they talk to GET THEM. You truly understand them in that moment at a level you can only understand from their perspective....which is SECRETLY YOUR PERSPECTIVE. This is the bonkers level paradoxical aspect of reality you can only experience through awakening. Even telepathy is possible...because there is no location/destination/time, everything is always absolute wherever you go.

When you watch a video on youtube....that video wasn't made months ago, YOU made that video....INSTANTLY and tell yourself a story. All of reality is separated through explanations/stories, sensations, so intelligently that you will only ever get to perceive what I am saying through a dedicated daily deconstruction and meditation to untangle these webs.

But in truth, if you are doing awakening to obtain aren't going to make it. You must want to awaken because you just want to know the truth of reality, what it is and why it is the way it is. You must desire to connect with it and awaken more than anything else. If you want to awaken to get more money, or improve your some point that motivation will falter. Because awakening actually strains relationships....because it becomes harder to relate to others after you awaken. You see through all their egos, and egos....can be tiring because they are addicted to the future or the past. Egos don't care about NOW. The only time they ever care about NOW is when they are hungry, or bored. But once satisfied they immediately start planning to maintain that satisfaction out of fear of losing it. The ego never stops....always scheming, and planning for a better experience.

Well guess what? Awakening trumps any experience you can buy. ANY. Because you escape the confines of time/space/ ....but not in a way for personal gain, but in a way where you experience the TRUTH of what you are. 

Example: Duality/Falsity/Illusion: You listen to music.

Unity/Truth: YOU ARE MUSIC.

This is an example of how an awakened person perceives reality. They listen to music....but are aware they ARE THE MUSIC. TOTALLY different experience than listening to it as if it is separate from you. Think of awakening as being able to turn the dial up, on the intensity of the experience. When you become music....every note is felt as if each note is your arm, your leg, etc. Like being an ocean of melody. Versus a person listening to the melody. But the beauty couldn't understand the beauty of being the ocean of melody, without the contrast of being a person listening to the melody. So awakening isn't even valuable without the experience of being asleep.

Edited by Razard86

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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1 minute ago, jdc7733 said:

@Princess Arabia tbh, I think it's quite sensible to remain drug free. Some people report long term benefits, some people go mad. Everything is temporary. The drugs wear off, you kind of get more developed as a result. I would say you can empathize with drug users but the shifts in perspective require repeated occasions of using. Usually, the then what part is addiction. Like I say, deal with the devil. Then again, you may experience something life changing. I've had temporary "fixed" moments with my paranoia for a few days to a week after ketamine. I suppose you could keep taking it but eventually that leads to problems.

I see. I see people who drink, do drugs, eat poorly, socialize with toxic people, take pills, consume toxic content, I mean everything, and they always have drama in their lives. I guess the less toxic things we consume, the better for the body. We all can't get away from it totally, but balance is the key. I still do some toxic things but I try to balance it out with nutrition and trying to keep my mind healthy.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@Razard86Thank you for the detailed explanation. I understand what you are saying. I'm already experiencing some of what you've laid out, so that's how I'm able to understand. I'm merely asking in my original post, if we need psychedelics to obtain this form of Awakening. When I ask, THEN WHAT, it isn't coming from a place of what can I gain but more how can it make me a better server. Is psychedelics going to be able to make me become a better person other than just seeing Reality for what it is. 

Your last explanation went over this, even sometimes indirectly, so I can see where it can be beneficial as a whole. Holistically, in all walks of life, because when you awaken to certain things, your whole outlook changes in how you relate to people and the world. One thing you've also made me realize is that this is a process, different levels. I don't think there's an end to this Awakening thing. Some people are more awake than others. We all have different agendas, and depending on our survival strategies as humans, the way we relate to ourselves and the world will vary. 

I also see a lot of loving people who know nothing about this Awakening thing and some mean people who know a lot. I think the difference is how much fear they have inside and how much they have re-connected back to Source. Source never left it's us who are the ones denying it and let's us make the choice. When I say loving and mean, I mean all sorts of traits in between. Thank you for your responses.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@Princess Arabia you don't know you are god through logic or thought you know you are it through experience. To say you know you are god through thinking is just conceptual and dosent get the job done you need to feel it and experience what it is. You will have a change in perception literally you will see the world one way then it will click in your brain and your perception of reality literally changes. Like leo says in one of his videos about the silhouette woman.


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2 minutes ago, Hojo said:

@Princess Arabia you don't know you are god through logic or thought you know you are it through experience. To say you know you are god through thinking is just conceptual and dosent get the job done you need to feel it and experience what it is. You will have a change in perception literally you will see the world one way then it will click in your brain and your perception of reality literally changes. Like leo says in one of his videos about the silhouette woman.


When did I say I know I'm God intellectually or through logic. Pleas quote, as I'm unaware of this.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@Princess Arabia i didn't say you say you know you are god how do you know you are god or part of God? Was it a logical conclusion or did you have spontaneous awakening with no outside stimulant?

It is something that has to be experienced is all I am saying. and if you think you found out from listening to others or thinking it is not it. When you realize god it is a soul thing and you will shake you existentially in the core of your being.

This is why psychedelic are important because they push you out of your body and mind.

Or you can sit there for 10 days paying complete attention which is something that our minds are being forced not to do by society.

Edited by Hojo

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Just now, Hojo said:

@Princess Arabia you say you know you are god how do you know you are god or part of God? 

Because I feel God within me. God speaks through me. God is me. I just know, words can't explain. It's an intuitive knowing. I know I'm not this body, the body is a manifestation of God and so is everything else. God is working through me as me. The small self is not who I am it is what God is using to experience itself. This isn't just talk because I can feel it. It is so obvious to me. The word God is just a word pointing to something, and that something is what I am conscious of being. I AM. Whatever I choose as God to be in any given moment, then I become that. 

The ever- present awareness, the unchanging presence, that's what I am.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@Princess Arabia that is good then.

I'm not trying to undermine your feeling it is just very important that you know without logic. It is that Waking up as God is very important and special and can be a trap to do it logically and not experiencially. Without knowing it experiencially you could lose consciousness when you die and lose all and logic and self instead of being awake on death. If you know you are conciousness you can hold onto it on death and not die its the only thing that is consistent so its important to identify yourself with it and only it.

Edited by Hojo

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8 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

@Razard86Thank you for the detailed explanation. I understand what you are saying. I'm already experiencing some of what you've laid out, so that's how I'm able to understand. I'm merely asking in my original post, if we need psychedelics to obtain this form of Awakening. When I ask, THEN WHAT, it isn't coming from a place of what can I gain but more how can it make me a better server. Is psychedelics going to be able to make me become a better person other than just seeing Reality for what it is. 

Your last explanation went over this, even sometimes indirectly, so I can see where it can be beneficial as a whole. Holistically, in all walks of life, because when you awaken to certain things, your whole outlook changes in how you relate to people and the world. One thing you've also made me realize is that this is a process, different levels. I don't think there's an end to this Awakening thing. Some people are more awake than others. We all have different agendas, and depending on our survival strategies as humans, the way we relate to ourselves and the world will vary. 

I also see a lot of loving people who know nothing about this Awakening thing and some mean people who know a lot. I think the difference is how much fear they have inside and how much they have re-connected back to Source. Source never left it's us who are the ones denying it and let's us make the choice. When I say loving and mean, I mean all sorts of traits in between. Thank you for your responses.

I wouldn't say you need psychedelics per say, I've only taken 2 traditional psychedelics before, a mushroom and a LSD analogue, outside of that I've taken edibles 4 times (I consider edibles to be a psychedelic like substance but some don't) outside of that everything else was from meditation and deconstruction. 

So I would say it depends on how deep you wanna go. Again if you are not really willing to risk your sanity you won't reach the deepest states. These deep states alter not just your consciousness, but your neurological network. My entire neurological system is rewired. My baseline has forever been changed. I can definitely attribute the acceleration of this process due to those substances when I took them. For me when I took them I tripped for weeks after one use. I don't even understand how people's trips only last a couple hours. The only substances that lasted temporarily for me was mushrooms and the LSD analogue, but those edibles? My Gosh they lasted weeks after consuming them. One time even lasting a month. Technically the one that lasted a month I had to consciously bring it down because it wasn't coming down on its own.

So take from that what you will, that was my experience anyhow.

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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9 hours ago, Razard86 said:

1. Awakening is really just about waking up to your true nature. If you don't awaken during your life you will awaken at physical death. So all will eventually awaken.

2. Awakening does have some tangible benefits that differ depending on the person. Some become more creative, some get over past traumas, etc. Awakening can make you more loving in that you TRULY REALIZE you are only ever talking to yourself at all times. This discovery is more outrageous than you realize. I'm not kidding. I'll put it in easy to understand terms right this exercise right now. Close your eyes. Imagine a boy and girl sitting on a bench. Have the girl and boy talk to each other while you are watching. Now in this scene walk up and introduce yourself. 

^^^^^THIS IS YOUR LIFE RIGHT NOW!!!^^^^ So your entire life is just you talking to yourself. Your trauma is with yourself. Your suffering is with yourself. For many they don't like this message. This is why awakening is about SELF-LOVE and one of the main components to awakening involves solitude. For many they don't want to know others are really them. They feel like they lose something in the process. But this is the ABSOLUTE TRUTH. The water you drink is you, the air your breathe is you, everything is you. An intellectual understanding is not enough.

Without an AWAKENING which is a DIRECT INTERFACE with all there won't really understand. Do you know you can be so awakened that someone next to you could eat Pizza and you could taste every bite? Do you know that you could be so awakened that you can smell and feel every sensation in a supposed OTHER? That you could become so aware that they are you...that the boundary between you and them collapses so much that there is no privacy? You feel everything you normally feel in your own supposed individual feel it in their body.

Why? Because their body is really YOUR BODY!! This is how ridiculous awakening is. This isn't some normal thing. It completely eradicates all current scientific understanding about life....because IT IS JUST YOU DREAMING!!! Right now I currently can talk to TOTALITY, as I can imagine a duality between me and INFINITY and have a conversation. You can too....if you are willing to deconstruct everything......but it is not easy. You will feel like you are going INSANE. SHIT IS BONKERS!!! But how bad do you want TRUTH?

Lastly here is the counter-intuitive nature of life. The most awakened people...would probably not even be recognized. You see one of the biggest barriers to personal success. Money, fame, fortune, status, etc. make awakening REALLY TOUGH. As a result some of the most awakened beings....could literally be homeless beggars and you would never know.

Nice anology with imagining something! Always love to read your posts,

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18 minutes ago, Razard86 said:

I wouldn't say you need psychedelics per say, I've only taken 2 traditional psychedelics before, a mushroom and a LSD analogue, outside of that I've taken edibles 4 times (I consider edibles to be a psychedelic like substance but some don't) outside of that everything else was from meditation and deconstruction. 

So I would say it depends on how deep you wanna go. Again if you are not really willing to risk your sanity you won't reach the deepest states. These deep states alter not just your consciousness, but your neurological network. My entire neurological system is rewired. My baseline has forever been changed. I can definitely attribute the acceleration of this process due to those substances when I took them. For me when I took them I tripped for weeks after one use. I don't even understand how people's trips only last a couple hours. The only substances that lasted temporarily for me was mushrooms and the LSD analogue, but those edibles? My Gosh they lasted weeks after consuming them. One time even lasting a month. Technically the one that lasted a month I had to consciously bring it down because it wasn't coming down on its own.

So take from that what you will, that was my experience anyhow.

Reality really is personal, sometimes you gotta forget and that´s good, because that´s a really enjoyable aspect of reality. It would be boring watching a football match, knowing, that your Team will win. And then you connect with yourselves and it´s terrifying. It´s fucking personal Reality, I smoked some Weed, watched Leo´s guided exercise to god realization and then I somehow saw the puppets I had as a child, that were so personal to me. I really had a connection to them, and I saw them as an aspect of me. At the same time I had such a special connection to a specific person that I got reaally emotional and it didn´t feel bad in any sense. When you become one with another person, the love really hits to the core. And then I just slept, as if nothing had happened.

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