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Hell animation

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Disclaimer: likely to cause existential crisis .watch on your own risk .

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Big pile of bullshit, mostly looks like the imagination of a stupid, berserk Semite from the Middle Ages.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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1 minute ago, Schizophonia said:

Big pile of bullshit, mostly looks like the imagination of a stupid, berserk Semite from the Middle Ages.

That's a nice defence mechanism.  You don't want to admit that you are scared shitless of such horrific scenes.  


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2 minutes ago, Understander said:

@Someone here it's not good.

What did it reveal to you? know that I want to become a muslim..and Islam emphasises a lot that you gonna burn in hell forever if you are not a believer.  So it kinda puts things into perspective. 

Existence is not a joke .its dead serious. You must make sure that if such hell realms exist you don't end up in one of them . Although @Leo Gura will say that hell exists if you imagine it exists. Because you are imagining reality. Dunno

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4 minutes ago, Understander said:

and you think islam would help you?

Yes . if  islam is true of course. If Islam is true and you are a believer you will have your salvation ticket from hell . And shall reside in eternal paradise


6 minutes ago, Understander said:

Believers are wrong. Why shouldn't you trust me?

I don't know what do you mean by that .

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Even if you believe that it can help you, being religious is not about practicing spirituality. They are selling a small and unintelligent part of it to you, but you will be learning (brainwashed with) a specific lifestyle. It's a mind scam. They are extremely biased and mostly untruthful.

Edited by Understander

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@Understander each religion has exoteric sects. In Islam its called Sufism.  There is plenty to learn from that. But you must dive deep into the teachings and not stay or get lost in the shallow details . But I'm not a fool ..I'm well aware of the pitfalls of Islam. So I'm still open minded that Islam might be a crocket of BS.

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Learning doesn't necessarily mean that you are or will become a believer.

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Idk man, just be careful not to brainwash yourself.

However intelligent they may seem, they will likely have a huge influence on how you live your life. Until you practice spirituality, you will be adopting their views, and you don't know whether the practices will work. In the end, you will most likely hold perspectives about the world that you think you came to by yourself, but in reality, you are unconsciously taking them from people around you, and you will be so biased that you will believe that your contemplations are true. And it's not that their views are a little bit wrong and they are aware of it; it's actually the other way around.

Edited by Understander

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1 hour ago, Understander said:

Idk man, just be careful not to brainwash yourself.

However intelligent they may seem, they will likely have a huge influence on how you live your life. Until you practice spirituality, you will be adopting their views, and you don't know whether the practices will work. In the end, you will most likely hold perspectives about the world that you think you came to by yourself, but in reality, you are unconsciously taking them from people around you, and you will be so biased that you will believe that your contemplations are true. And it's not that their views are a little bit wrong and they are aware of it; it's actually the other way around.

Thanks man. I appreciate you . There is truth to what you are saying .

But you have to understand that I contemplate reality almost 24/7 trying to crack the nut of existence.  So I'm well aware of adopting beliefs or dogmas. But you have to understand that if I have sufficient evidence that Islam is true then its not dogma anymore but sincerely direct experience. 

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Why is everyone so obsessed with hell and demons lately. Not just here, but like everywhere. It's bizarre.  

Edited by Mulky

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Islam doesnt make sense 

It makes people scared and act of fear instead of pure logic - brainwashing.
Thats why: No believer would pray if they wouldnt believe in hell and if it wasnt religios duty.
They pray to get their own benefit, they fear hell and want paradise. 
It is hard to be logic when there is fear, desired promises and selfishness

6 hours ago, Someone here said:

Although Leo Gura will say that hell exists if you imagine it exists. Because you are imagining reality.  

Consider, that it is possible to imagine that only believers go to hell 
Also, its possible to imagine a smarter god than allah, and less poetic and sadistic 
A god who doesnt want to be worshipped and served so badly 
You can imagine infinite gods, infinite hells and paradises

Islam is not the light it claims to be, It is darkness in fact 

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"Santa was imagined to make children behave, Satan (or Iblis in Islam) was imagined to make adults behave" - Someone on the internet

No idea if there's truth to it, just thought it was funny :P

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12 hours ago, Someone here said:

do you have past experience with Islam? 

Wanting to know What is true, I spend some time with studying religions, also Islam 
Came to the conclusion that it is a lie 

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On 8/20/2023 at 11:34 PM, Schizophonia said:

Big pile of bullshit, mostly looks like the imagination of a stupid, berserk Semite from the Middle Ages.

And there goes the comment of the centuries. 


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Lmao hell sucks ass

I love how everyone is scared shitless in the comments section too ?

Also, thing is with those demons is they are all brawn, and no technique. I saw various striking techniques from the demons that were pretty amateurish. I would have taken them to the ground, and got straight for an armbar.

Also, 1:30 = *When you nut but she keep sucking*

Some haters may say I am using humor to cope with the fear this video induces. Those haters would be right.

Edited by Ulax


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At the risk of sounding like a broken record, listen to the Conversations With God audiobook in order to dispel these kinds of superstitious notions, brother.


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