
Can't find any compatible guys.

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There are so many hot yoga chicks who are into spirituality and all this kind of stuff, it's gotta be the next level of lazyness to not find any

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12 hours ago, Hardkill said:

Well, it's kinda hard to motivate myself when you keep getting stuck in rut with trying to improve my game after getting endless amount of rejections.

I get it. It went through it. You just gotta focus on the growth and the adventure of it rather than the rejection. I stopped caring about rejection at all at some point. It doesn't even register in my mind if some girl ignores or rejects me. I will laugh at her.


Emotionally stimulating and connecting with women has become such an unbelievably difficult skill for me to learn.

It was extremely difficult for me too. But that challenge is what makes it so rewarding once you conquer it. So just learn to be more optimistic.


How am I supposed to compete with men with really tight game or have a lot of social status?

You must drop that competiton framing. I never think about flirting with girls as a competition. Rather it's about molding yourself into a more extroverted, humorous, fun guy. You're not in a battle with other men, you're in a battle with yourself to build social skill.

Also, social status and value can be built. For example, you can build a cool circle of friends. Or you can build up a career that also gives you some social status. You can design these things. For example, you can host parties. You can become a leader of your social circle. These things are within your control.

You gotta stop fixating on getting the girl and focus more on building skill and enjoying your time out. If you go out and have 3hrs of fun and you improve your skill by 1% that's a win. The girl is truly irrelevant in this.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura  I would argue that there is magic to it, example: I found my ex after 2 days on a dating site (the first time I'd been on a dating site) and we fell in love within a week. The first time I met him, I had got on the train, fallen asleep on the train, my phone died, I got off at the wrong stop, got a taxi to a place near his house, bumped into his dealer and he let me phone him. It shows how things can kind of magically work out. This is not the only time weird coincidence have happened to me (they happen every day.) 

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@jdc7733 The more you socailize the more these "magical" things will happen. It's just the serendipity of talking to people.

If you talk to 5000 people you will get some insane serendipity going. All sorts of random good fortune and synchronicity will come your way. You will also have plenty of bad luck too.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura finding love is worse than failing to as you have the highs and lows. Then again, I kinda think it's worth it. It's a deal with the devil, like taking MDMA or cocaine.

Edited by jdc7733

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6 minutes ago, jdc7733 said:

@Leo Gura finding love is worse than failing to as you have the highs and lows. Then again, I kinda think it's worth it. It's a deal with the devil, like taking MDMA or cocaine.

I suggest you stop thinking about finding love and just focus on socializing consistenty. And then things will just work themselves out. You will have an abundance of people to love. More than you can handle.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura

11 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

More than you can handle.

I can only handle one romantic interest at a time. I mean, sometimes I talk to more than one person at a time but I just find the others boring, there's always a main one.

Edited by jdc7733

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9 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I suggest you stop thinking about finding love and just focus on socializing consistenty.

Fair advice. I'll try to take it.

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