
Travelling for massive life experience

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So I'm going travelling in a month or so to New Zealand first and then probably to other countries. I'm living in the UK at the moment, have lived here all my life, am now approaching the age of 30.

I know Leo has said that travelling is material, and it won't make me happy, I understand that. But I'm  going to do it purely for the life experience. To meet interesting new people, to push my boundaries and comfort zone, to work in jobs I never thought id be doing, to get out in nature and to really feel alive. Because these past few years I'm not doing anything new and I kind of feel like I should be getting out more. In my early 20s I was VERY social, but that has dwindled away these past few years due to getting older...

I'm at the age now where I'm staring down the gun of a mortgage with a highly paid job which I love and hate at the same time. I feel like I've reached a point in my life where I'm getting stuck and desperate for change. Massive change. Although I know that the travelling is temporary and I know I'll have to come back. 

Is this a really good idea? Or will it just make my life worse in the long run? Is this going to come back to bite  me? Has anyone done the whole travelling thing and either regretted it or it was the best thing that they ever done?

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As long as it's not to fill a void, travelling can be a good and rewarding experience. Give it a shot. You'll learn a thing or two, which is always a good thing. But don't let us choose for you, you decide even tho, suggestions and opinions can also be eye-opening. In the end, it's your decision.

Know thyself....

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Sure, do it.  Just have a purpose and intention to know. What are you hoping to achieve? Decide to get it. 

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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Travel can be very beneficial. Just keep in mind that you cannot use travel to run away from yourself. Wherever you go, there you are.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Sounds good.

Almost no one regret a nice trip ;) 

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10 hours ago, Vibes said:

Nailed it. I had this experience recently. Eventually, in the first moment of silence and quiet you'll remember yourself...

I completely understand that, I know you can’t really run from yourself, but surely the life experience is worth it? Surely the life experience alone will grow me? 
I’m not doing anything special to grow myself here where I am. I literally work, go to the gym, come home, eat, watch a bit of YouTube and then go to bed…

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The last time I travel was in 2013/2014 & 2018. I regret not travelling more often when I was younger. 

New Zealand seems like a nice place to travel to. 

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1 minute ago, Sabth said:

The last time I travel was in 2013/2014 & 2018. I regret not travelling more often when I was younger. 

New Zealand seems like a nice place to travel to. 

I’m 30 and I haven’t travelled long term either. I regret not going in my early 20s too.

What did you gained from travelling when you did go? Did you grow as a person?

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@RawJudah it was just a lot of fun and it create memories with those I travel with. And the younger you are, the more positive your outlook will be, so it's more fun to travel as a young person. When there's not much problem in your life. You're much more innocent and carefree. 

I created an album (photo album) of my travel. The second time I travel I didn't go fully with the group. I had to go back a little early for my university. Nevertheless it was a good trip even though it's a bit rushy. (I only went for 3weeks and the others four.) 

I wish I would take much more pictures and videos. I don't think there was growth in my trip it was just fun?

*I wish to travel more. And my next destination would be *Egypt

Edited by Sabth

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13 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Travel can be very beneficial. Just keep in mind that you cannot use travel to run away from yourself. Wherever you go, there you are.

Is the solution to this problem sitting around meditating? 

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@RawJudah Of course the life experience is worth it. Especially if you do it in less touristy ways. The best would be actually living in lots of different places for some time. If you live in a very foreign place for a month, that will generate massive experience.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Terence McKenna says that the closest thing to a psychedelic experience is traveling. Not sure if you have experienced them but 8 years ago I started traveling and was obsessed with it. Until I tried psychedelics and discovered that there is a whole universe within myself to explore. 

With that being said, Im originally from Brazil, live in US and have travelled around a bit. Experiencing different cultures will help you a lot with changing your belief system and consequently your life, once you experience many cultures you start getting rid of old stuff from your culture and opening up space for new things to come into your life, it's a deconstruction of your web of beliefs.

Moving to a new place also circulates energy, sometimes when we don't circulate energy life forces us into change, while when you are proactive and circulate energy ourselves life flows more smoothly. 

Another point is, wherever you go, there you are. Contemplate the main reason why you want to do the big move. Hope my brainstorming helped 

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." Shakespeare



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My main man I'm also moving to NZ in a month to start working on wetland restoration! How cool and hope you enjoy yourself! ?

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45 minutes ago, LoneWonderer said:

My main man I'm also moving to NZ in a month to start working on wetland restoration! How cool and hope you enjoy yourself! ?

Are you doing it for life experience?

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@RawJudah My idea is to actually make it my new home but we'll see. I'm originally from Spain but want to experience and live more of the world. Never been in Oceania or Asia (relatively cheap flights from new Zealand to crazy places like New Caledonia, the cook islands and tasmania) and this gives me the opportunity to experience all that. :) Travelling can be a great way to break boundaries. Just be open to the experience.

Edited by LoneWonderer

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3 hours ago, MsNobody said:

Terence McKenna says that the closest thing to a psychedelic experience is traveling. Not sure if you have experienced them but 8 years ago I started traveling and was obsessed with it. Until I tried psychedelics and discovered that there is a whole universe within myself to explore. 

With that being said, Im originally from Brazil, live in US and have travelled around a bit. Experiencing different cultures will help you a lot with changing your belief system and consequently your life, once you experience many cultures you start getting rid of old stuff from your culture and opening up space for new things to come into your life, it's a deconstruction of your web of beliefs.

Moving to a new place also circulates energy, sometimes when we don't circulate energy life forces us into change, while when you are proactive and circulate energy ourselves life flows more smoothly. 

Another point is, wherever you go, there you are. Contemplate the main reason why you want to do the big move. Hope my brainstorming helped 

great points here. totally agree. It opens new worlds and expands current paradigms.

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On 8/20/2023 at 4:34 AM, Leo Gura said:

@RawJudah Of course the life experience is worth it. Especially if you do it in less touristy ways. The best would be actually living in lots of different places for some time. If you live in a very foreign place for a month, that will generate massive experience.

@RawJudah I traveled and stayed in Mongolia for over a month. Best 6 weeks of my life. From learning to speak the language, to hiking Bogd Khan mountain which overlooks the capital city, to dating multiple girls, to meeting several nomads in the countryside, to camping and waking up to 1000/10 sunrises, to eating their unique and delicious cuisine, ya there's a lot to be gained. The touristy stuff i did was the least valuable. The main reasons i went was 1) for graduate research and 2) to date women on my off time.

What are you specifically traveling for?? Your sounding unsure about your decision makes me believe you don't have a specific objective. What's important to you?

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