Thought Art

Negative thoughts crewing in

65 posts in this topic

I’m starting to feel a bit pessimistic about being successful. I’m 27, have debts from being scammed, and student loan debts. I don’t have a great paying job or a job I love. I feel like I don’t have the time to master anything. I’m gonna spend all day working for some asshole. 

Is my life worth living now? I should have invested my teens and 20s into escaping wage slavery. Now I’m wondering if it’s possible. But, back then I had no idea it was a thing. I e been dealing with suicidal thoughts creeping in more and more. I try to be positive and proactive. I want to build a good life. But, my debts, rent, food, bills, and my age are locking me in to a mediocre grind. I won’t do that for 40 more years and then die. I either find a way to run my own business or die. I’m afraid of dying and don’t want to make things worse or hurt my family. But, I have little interest in just living for the sake of it. I want to enjoy my existence. Not be a slave to survive my whole life. 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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I hesitated to respond to this post right now as I'm getting ready to sign off. I clicked back and read it again. It is heartbreaking to read. I know the empathetic side of me will kick in with attempts to try to.....hmmm...not save you ...I'm trying to think of a word to put here but I can't. Help you is not it and change your mind isn't it. 

This is a very delicate subject no matter who it's coming from; but knowing that you're not the "boy that cried wolf" whose posts are constantly negative and always being negative and complaining about life, it hits differently. I'm not qualified to give advice on this matter nor did you ask for any. 

What I will say is sometimes the weight on our shoulders may seem burdensome and life can get challenging at times. We tend to not see the bigger picture and we think the problems we face are not solvable or that we're alone and have to go through our challenges all by ourselves. The Universe is here to serve you. It doesn't know anything about student loans or debts or low-paying jobs or any worldly problems. It only knows and reads your vibration, your energy and frequency. When things start to spiral down, they will keep spiraling down if you don't change the frequency you're vibrating at. 

What I mean by this is don't see your problems as problems, see them as what's happening. Change the frequency by seeing in your mind the solution. What is it you would like to see happen. See yourself debt free. See yourself in a high-paying job, see yourself owning a business, see yourself in whatever situation you would like to be in. Imagine it. Use your imagination and see yourself how you would like to be and keep it there and keep it there some more and never stop seeing it in your mind.

What will happen is you will start to attract different thoughts and these new thoughts will start to attract more thoughts that align with the previous thoughts and so on. You will slip and that's ok. Just bring it back and each time you slip just bring it back again to your desired outcome. The more you do this, things will start to change. The pace at which it will change will depend on the depth at which you believe it to be so. You have to start at the root. You have to know you are Source. You don't want to believe you are Source, you have to know you are Source/God. Then you have to surrender. Surrender by not worrying how it's going to happen but that it will happen. 

What you're dealing with are major life changes so don't expect it to happen right away. Take baby steps. Trust. Know. You have imagined your way into this situation, and you can imagine your way out of it. That's what life is. It's pure imagination. Nothing is set in stone and outside circumstances doesn't determine your destiny. Your state of being does. It will probably stay stagnant for a little while, but as long as you keep watering the seed, it will continue to grow, and the changes will start to emerge slowly. Don't try to manipulate your way out of this, just leave it to Source to do the work, your job is to keep imagining the outcome. Your logical mind will get in the way, but leave it alone until you start to feel good about a particular action and then implement it. Use your logic to figure out the basics. If you don't know what to do, do nothing. Wait for inspired action.. You will know what that inspired action is if it feels good and if it comes with no resistance. Follow your heart. Leave it to your higher self. It has Infinite ways to get you out of this. Your logical mind doesn't. 

I will stop here and let you meditate on what I'm saying to you. If you feel it won't help, don't resist it just give it a try. The Universe will only guide you if you let it. It doesn't interfere. It responds to you. So let go of your fears and doubts and open up your heart and let it in. Thanks for reading and don't hesitate to ask for help or guidance, that's what we're here for. Peace.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@Thought Art 

Deep down, you know what's right for yourself, and eventually you will know what to do. You just have to go through it, whatever it may be.

For example, be pessimistic for a while.

Just understand yourself as deeply as you can.

This is not an easy thing to say because, like you, I have my own problems to work on. But I see it as an adventure, however much suffering or horror I may experience.

Edited by Understander

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The best advice I can come to think of, is to try to take one day at a time to gain mental clarity. It's hard to find the right answer each and every day, because we feel and think differently. But it's impossible to find the right answers in a projected future. Especially if we start to believe that only doom and gloom awaits us. 

Even if we plan or have a plan in motion already, we stil need to move forward in that plan one day at the time. If possible, try to make your work into a meditation of some sort. You can gain deeper understanding about yourself and others just by paying attention to what happens in a workplace environment as well. 

With mental clarity comes greater optimistic and creative thinking abilities, so who knows what your outlook and plans for life could look like. Start there, gain that clarity, make a plan on how to get more of that clarity. One stepp at the time.

A bonus thought on mental clarity. It is not a uncommon thing that you also may realize that you need to cut down on costs that just has served as bad habits. So you could end up saving some money as well, or atleast cut down on some prior costs.

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Sorry for the duplicate. Had trouble uploading. Watch these two videos especially the bottom one but both are good. It's just a guide to help you understand the power of your mind.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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I’m 27 as well, so I can relate to your struggle. Trust me, it’s never too late to change the course of your life. This will require gradually shedding away old beliefs you have about yourself and discovering new perspectives. Like zooming out and seeing the bigger picture, giving you more clarity about who you are.

Making a long-term commitment towards forgiving yourself is helpful. It’s not about  ignoring and forgetting the pain and regret, it’s about a deep acceptance of yourself. And realizing that you can still move forward despite your circumstances. 


(Imagine shedding away old beliefs as organically losing layers of yourself that’ve been weighing you down + giving you a false sense of protection, rather than pushing it away.)

I AM reborn

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43 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

I’m 27 as well, so I can relate to your struggle. Trust me, it’s never too late to change the course of your life. This will require gradually shedding away old beliefs you have about yourself and discovering new perspectives. Like zooming out and seeing the bigger picture, giving you more clarity about who you are.

Making a long-term commitment towards forgiving yourself is helpful. It’s not about  ignoring and forgetting the pain and regret, it’s about a deep acceptance of yourself. And realizing that you can still move forward despite your circumstances. 


(Imagine shedding away old beliefs as organically losing layers of yourself that’ve been weighing you down + giving you a false sense of protection, rather than pushing it away.)

I can tell from your posts here lately that you are growing. Keep it up. You are emerging into your true being and it's admirable. I have a long way to go too, but you have to start somewhere. We are already that which we want to become we just have to know how and helping others is a great way to help yourself because there is no separation. One thing: Take the word struggle out your vocabulary, use the word challenge instead. Words have power.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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I think you need a more solid morning routine. Consider optimizing. - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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What kind of life can you enjoy if you didnt bleed for it?

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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Life is simply an investment simulator. I haven’t invested well due to trauma and immaturity.

Ive been working as a tree planter. There are guys who have been planting for 5 years and it’s obvious because they plant more than double me and make that much more. Some of them are like 22-23. I’m 27. I hate it. They simply have more hours doing the planting. 

I don’t wanna live as some loser who is broke. I’m not in a good place right now.


Okay, so you’re in debt what do you do? Work more. That’s about it. But if you work more you aren’t investing in building skills, or your business. Then, you’re 40 years old and might as well kill yourself because it’s too late to make something of yourself. Fuck, I totally fucked up.

I journal, and work on my mindset. But, also there’s just the harsh reality that I’m a loser. I’m in debt, I don’t have strong skills. No one will pay me to make music or teach Qigong which is all I wanna do. 

If I died the world wouldn’t care. But, my suffering hopefully would end. I don’t like having these thoughts I just… 

Look, I’m deeply ambitious by nature. Feeling like I’m a loser, feeling behind is really hard on me. 

Will I actually kill myself? Unlikely but the thoughts haunt me.I have to admit I’ve been dealing with them for a long time.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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I am investing in my Qigong channel. I just need to be patient for go through my ups and downs.

When you don’t live life properly naturally you pay with a lot of suffering. It’s just how it’s designed.

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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41 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

What kind of life can you enjoy if you didnt bleed for it?

An enjoyable one. I’ve been bleeding though. Getting scammed out of 8k, and being in debt because of it. 

Like, with my debt and student loan I’m paying 650 dollars a month. What the fuck! Waste.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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@Princess Arabia

Thanks for taking the time to speak with me. I do believe that vision, and thinking constructive thoughts is important. But also I think it was the manifesting stuff that lead to my debt problems. I am increasingly wary of wishful new age thinking. I need a more rational realistic approach now. 

I don’t know. I am alive right now. What am I gonna do with reality as it is? I can’t go back in time. Skills take a lot of time to experience. Hmm

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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If you play your cards right you could live until you're 80 or even 90.  There's plenty of time to still turn things around in your favour.

In terms of being financially independent/having your own business, it might be harder as you get older, but it's still possible if you're of sound mind.

It's not an even playing field.  Some people live off their parents until they've laid the foundations for their own enterprise.  Just focus on what's best for you going forward.  Keep your head on you and don't compare yourself to the success of others.

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@Thought Art You need this more than you know it, keep bleeding but proactively,reactivley doesnt count for the blood bank :)...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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1 hour ago, Thought Art said:

@Princess Arabia

Thanks for taking the time to speak with me. I do believe that vision, and thinking constructive thoughts is important. But also I think it was the manifesting stuff that lead to my debt problems. I am increasingly wary of wishful new age thinking. I need a more rational realistic approach now. 

I don’t know. I am alive right now. What am I gonna do with reality as it is? I can’t go back in time. Skills take a lot of time to experience. Hmm

You're welcome. I hope you get the help you need to overcome your challenges. On numerous occasions I have overcome challenges in my life by using the approach I suggested. It's not about New Age, it's about understanding how Reality works in respect to the mind and how we are creating our own Reality by our thoughts, assumptions and self-concepts and our beliefs. I'm not saying it isn't more than that, and just simply believing you're skinny isn't going to turn a fat person skinny overnight or turn a poor person rich just by believing your rich. It doesn't work that way it's more complex than that. But I was giving you the basics and maybe you could expand from there because the Universe has a way of guiding us down a path we have chosen and giving us more ways to fulfil that path. Even if that path is destructive because it doesn't know the difference.

Saying "I'm a loser", "I'm in debt", is you telling the Universe to show you more ways how I can fulfill this prophecy and now the subconscious will look for ways to prove those beliefs to be true. Very few people understand this and we're trying to become awake not realizing we're already enlightened beings we just have to drop the false beliefs we have about ourselves and the world. It's not about doing, it's about being.

We can try to manipulate our way through Reality all we want by using logic and through rational thinking but that just brings a whole lot of suffering. It can be done, but there are simplier more effective ways to do it. We are Reality and you don't see Reality struggling to survive it is flowing with ease. We are the ones complicating things with the mind and trying to control outcomes by doing. We are attracting things and repelling things all the time and what we attract or repel depends on our state of being. Sounds woo woo and New Agey, but that's what you and I are doing in every single moment unaware this is happening.  Anyway, until you have consciously done this for yourself and seen it happen, and change your self-concept you will forever deny your powers and become a victim to your own mind and attract thoughts to you of a similar nature. I wish you the best as I have done my part. We have so many false beliefs as humans that it is contributing to our own demise. I'm not saying my life is perfect, far from it, but I'm seeing small changes as I begjn to change the way I see myself and the world and knowing that I have the power within me to do so. It is challenging because of all the programming, conditioning and filters, but at least I'm aware of it, and having the awareness is the beginning of change. Much love.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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The debt really bothers me. I find myself resenting the people who encouraged to take their shit program. 8k is so much time….

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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3 hours ago, enzyme said:

If you play your cards right you could live until you're 80 or even 90.  There's plenty of time to still turn things around in your favour.

In terms of being financially independent/having your own business, it might be harder as you get older, but it's still possible if you're of sound mind.

It's not an even playing field.  Some people live off their parents until they've laid the foundations for their own enterprise.  Just focus on what's best for you going forward.  Keep your head on you and don't compare yourself to the success of others.

Yeah, but what are you gonna do when you are 60+ if not live in the castle you built when you were younger? I want to create something and do something. Not be a slave and retire and then what? Drink my tea and read the paper in my tiny rental, fearing I get renovicted?

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Anyway, I think I’ll make paying off the loan a priority and yes. Take a proactive approach instead of being reactive. It is what it is. I can handle this.

I don’t need to act as if I know a what the future holds and that I’m doomed.

I got scammed and taken advantage of and yeah, it’s a set back and a shame. But, if I use it wisely it’s an important life lesson so I don’t get scammed again.

It May take me some years to become more proactive, and strong and wise. I don’t mean to have a low adversity/ reactive response. But, when I end up in this sort of learned helplessness state… it can take a bit of time to get work through. I’m just being with myself and my pettiness.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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