
What are the unspoken rules?

3 posts in this topic

I recently made the mistake of violating women's unspoken 'keep this between us' rule. This led to a lot of drama which I naively believed could be resolved. It didn't work. Now my cousin and sisters hate each other even more. Here is the thread for context.

This issue got me thinking about what other unspoken rules there might be. Maybe there are other people on this forum who made a serious mistake and learned from it. This should be a more efficient way of understanding relationships so we don't have to repeat each other's mistakes.

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6 hours ago, trenton said:

I recently made the mistake of violating women's unspoken 'keep this between us' rule.

I wouldn't even remotely feel sorry for this. It sounds like you're letting your sisters and grandma manipulate you with their dirty games. Don't make the mistake of trying to follow unwritten rules, instead come up with your own rules like: don't talk about others behind their backs when I'm around.

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@meta_male I know my sisters are trying to guilt trip me and I don't feel bad about myself..

my goal is not to subscribe to the rules, but rather to know what they are. This can help me to anticipate other people's behavior, allowing me to more effectively navigate social situations.

Autism is a factor for me because many of these social games make absolutely no sense to me. There is way too much bullshit, including my sisters trying to guilt trip me while denying their vengeful motives.

By the way, they now refuse to discuss my cousin while I'm around. My rule has been made.

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