Average Investor

Struggling To Find A New Direction

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I experienced a dark night of the soul that totally shattered everything I was doing in my life.  Destroyed my business, lost my savings, 10k in debt, lost a girl I was attracted to, lost my apartment, etc. I nearly lost my life with the entire situation and thankfully, I am okay. 

I have got some pretty insane results over the last 5+ years of doing this work. Something that I have not managed to do is get a solid life purpose together. I am going through the course a third time and it has been a struggle to really pick something. I have been in a limbo faze for a few months of really trying to make sense of what happened to me and what to do next.

I have done some life coaching and health coaching, which has been great. I love working with people and getting them results. My recent experiences have lead me more towards doing something as a counselor or something like that. I could maybe go to school and do that. I have considered trying to build some branding to get more clients, but I have struggled in the past with making something sustainable and keeping with it. 

I have been debating on working on something mental health related and helping people get through similar life situations that I have been through. It's just been tough to fully metalize something. I actually have been planning out some branding and stuff around this and I am considering going deeper in it. 

It's temping to try to get things back to where they were a couple months ago, but I am not sure. I had a reselling business that I loved doing and it was actually going well. But it would require a lot out of me to get back to where I was with things. 

I have just been in limbo for a few months. For a bit there I was grinding games out and now I have just hit a point where I want to really nail this down. I am just not sure how I should move from here. 

What am I missing here? I feel like I have just been hitting my head against the wall for 5 years trying to figure out my life purpose. I tried a lot of different stuff and it just seems difficult to come up with something tangible and viable to do. 

What lead you to making the right choice for a career path for yourself? What helped you get clarity in a major life rut? 

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Slow down. Your foot is stuck on the gas pedal without you realizing it.

You’ve mentioned that you’ve gone through “a dark knight of the soul”. It would be wise to take some time off to process it, rather than continue business as usual as if nothing had happened.


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@Yimpa It's been a few months, but you are right. I need to take some time to let things heal and get back in order. I am going to finish the LPC again and work on my health in the mean time. 

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