
Library of Juicy Insights

15 posts in this topic


The thread is not meant to be about me, but I'll share a story of why I made this thread in the first place to make some sense to it.

My whole life purpose IS to gather as expansive intellectual knowledge of different aspects of reality and human life as possible. That being said the scope here is massive and I really want unique content that you've REALLY thought for yourself. I need more inspiration, because I have already thought of so many different things and I've reached some type of wall for 10th time or something in my life. Also as an another motivator for starting this communication between Actualized.org members is because it seems that the content here lately hasn't been evolving and I see higher potentiality for us.

So to the point.

We're basically trying to make team contemplation here. There's 2 type of ways to engage with the thread.

1. Contemplate something new for 30min - 1 hour or whatever you need to write something unique.

a) Take out paper and pen.
b) Make correct mood for contemplation with being alone and maybe by listening to some relaxing playlist.
c) If you have and want you could take a little amount of psychedelics to get thoughts flying and creativity to shine.
d) Write a word or thought on paper that you want to contemplate and set a timer and sit for the whole time.
e) Post DEM results here.

2. Analyze someone's contemplation and push it further with new points and use the same method as in step (1.)

Aim to surprise me and other actualizers and try to make every post pure, valuable and deep.

Here is an example of a type of post I am looking for. (It's my own contemplation that I've done in the past)

How to think Part 1

- If there is perspective outside of yours then you're wrong
- Try to find how you're wrong to get thinking process to start
- Define different words and write essays of them
- Have hard discussions with people that stimulates your mind
- Combine differnet worldviews
- Understand that there's always some intension and that shapes thinking radically
- Argue everything for yourself and don't take information blindly in
- Learn to think in structures
- Make thinking your hobby so it doesn't feel like work
- You'll face lot of things that sound absurd, but learn that ABSURD =/= WRONG
- Watch out for conflicts in your logic
- Upgrade your patience so you can sit long enough front of a topic to find juicy perspectives to it
- Thinking is like scanning your mind and topics to find irrationality to fix
- Fuels of thinking are curiosity, information and want to grow as a person
- In order to really upgrade thinking one has to be ready to change themself
- Make it as enjoyable as possible to really have motivation to do it
- Stop judging other perspectives, because it blocks you from integrating it to be part of larger worldview of yours.

I hope this will not be a problem in this thread, but if there's extremely low quality of a post that doesn't add anything or somehow I don't like I'll ask a moderator to delete it, because as I said already, I am aiming to build something SPECTACULARLY MAGNIFICENT and I want it to go to direction that I saw in my vision.

With love your friend <3

Who told you that "others" are real?

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Subskills of being social
(about 40min)

- Being able to relax your body
- Having fluid mind enough to see the perspectives of others
- Finding people interesting
- Incredible storytelling talents
- Skill of making conversations of any words
- Recognizing humor in day to day things
- Good emotion reading skills
- Skill to hype people up
- Skill of lightening mood progressively and reducing tension among people
- An eye to help shy people to join conversations
- Skill to make people feel good of themself
- Understanding the weaknesses and strenghts of a specific environments
- Progressively building respect between people
- Having good awareness in general
- Drama preventation skills
- Good emotion handling skills
- Having good, positive and energizing mood 
- Good mix of being relatable, but still unique
- Knowing how to categorize people
- Showing somehow that you don't judge others
- Skill to be hypnotized by the conversations


Who told you that "others" are real?

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I think it's great You want to inspire unique contemplation. :) Maybe I'll join in later, although I don't usually contemplate with bullet points, but we'll see.

19 hours ago, Kksd74628 said:

I hope this will not be a problem in this thread, but if there's extremely low quality of a post that doesn't add anything or somehow I don't like I'll ask a moderator to delete it, because as I said already, I am aiming to build something SPECTACULARLY MAGNIFICENT and I want it to go to direction that I saw in my vision.

Okeydokey. Posts in this thread will be put to extra scrutiny then. Please don't be offended if a post of yours disappears!

Edited by Sincerity

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What lifestyle means?

- Set of principles that guide your life
- Expressing your personality through living life
- Special way to play life
- Structured one helps you achieve your dreams
- Experience you offer for people that know you
- The art anyone can create from their life
- Should be aligned with who you are
- Tells lot about owners intentions
- Good one gives feeling of meaning
- Well crafted one builds ground and trust
- Makes you feel unique
- Inspires others and oneself
- More sustainable and meta solution for bare habits
- Changes based on your goals
- Is personal for everyone so it shouldn't be copied
- If is stuck your whole life feels stuck
- Product of the integration process of intellectual knowledge and understanding
- Limits and determines your possibilities in life
- Even small changes have huge impact
- It is easy to identify with your lifestyle therefore to get development stuck

Who told you that "others" are real?

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How can I give more love to others? / How do I help the people close to me progress?

  • Listen more and give full attention when they need it
    • Show I find them worthy of being listened to
  • Share more of myself in a genuine way (and show I find them worthy of being shared with)
  • When I appreciate something they do, tell them
  • When I appreciate something beautiful about them, tell them
  • Let them help me when I see they genuinely want that (giving love deepens them in love)
  • Motivate them in a masculine or feminine way, whichever I feel they need more in the moment
    • Masculine example: "You will handle anything that comes up. You are strong. You're going to be make it"
    • Feminine example: "Everything is going to be okay. No matter what happens, I will always love You"
    • I think everyone needs to hear these things explicitly sometimes. It's a light of hope.
  • Support them in authentic desires, especially for positive change (cheerlead the fuck out of them then)
  • Believe in their power as creators and capacity to change when they want to
  • When they make a promise, show trust in them and don't control or monitor them
  • When they break a promise, forgive them and show You believe in them nevertheless
  • Be honest with them (show that You believe they are able to handle the truth)
    • Everyone wants to believe about themselves that they're able to handle truth.
  • Respect them for what they are
  • Don't express disappointment with their lows or unconscious reactions, believe they will transcend them
    • Of course the belief has to be genuine here. If it isn't then it's being dishonest
  • Reward conscious behaviour with extra encouragement (very powerful)

General insights from this session:

  • Profound, unattached believing in someone could look like not caring to the other person (especially a child)
    • Faith so strong You can't even see it!
  • True love is invisible (and yet so obvious when You see it)
Edited by Sincerity

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Very good contemplation! I see how listing those things down actually made you more conscious of them and it'll help you change your behaviour for better in the future :).

Now to the actual analysis

- Deep authentic listening helps you to step into their perspective and see life from their eyes which helps you in guiding them further
- Because love is the connection, sharing and receiving are 2 of the most important things to up love
- Good way to remember telling people nice things is by learning to love that activity and then you'll never forget it
- Manifestation is exactly trusting future you want to see. That trusting changes your behaviour and it impacts the future
- When they promise something try to make it easier for them to success in it by positioning yourself differently
- Honesty is lack of substance between 2 of you so more honesty = more connection = more love

- Respecting someone is valuing them as an individual
- Remember to lead your fellow loved ones by showing good example by yourself
- Masculine example for love could have little harshness in it too if you know the receiver can take it properly in

Who told you that "others" are real?

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What is mastery?
(about 2-3 hours)

- Extreme precision
- Capability to put intention effortlessly into action
- Massive amount of understanding that acts as your map
- Ability to see complex thing simply
- Way to experience life through what you do
- Large quantity of quality experiences well analyzed in your mind
- Total immersion into your work
- Skill to see small nuance differences
- Creativity to survive from tough situations
- Mastery of yourself comes before you can have mastery in something else
- Result of well focused attention and effort in life
- Ability to imagine end results clearly
- Astonishing love for what you do
- Patience to wait your work to turn into perfection
- Ability to shut down all theory in your mind and just perform
- Being always prepared
- Curiosity to deepen your understanding
- Being in flow of work and becoming one with the thing you do
- Automatic patterns that work with good muscle memory
- Having good feel of what you do
- Good sense of own limits
- Requires concentration
- Very valuable attribute that we should aim to have more in our society
- Tough mind full of courage
- ART, ART, ART, ART, ART, ART and ART!!!!

Who told you that "others" are real?

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What it means to be spiritual?

- Becoming more conscious overall
- Aiming to turn into a mature person
- Opening your mind, body and feelings
- Wanting to be healthy in all domains of your life
- Caring more about connections of any kind
- Developing deep love for everything
- Becoming more intentional
- Valuing learning in itself
- Wanting to have more experiences in life
- Deep introspection
- Appreciating every moment as something special
- Contemplating own purpose and field of mastery
- Letting go of past trauma
- Finding personal meaning for own life
- Becoming more creative and playful in your approach to life
- Arriving to place of no worries
- Having reasonable balance in things
- Cultivating happiness into your life
- Making all above part of your lifestyle

Who told you that "others" are real?

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What is clarity? (30 min)

  • Being aware of patterns
  • Experience is not blurry or dull 
  • Smooth thinking
  • Sense of direction
  • Sense of meaning
  • Feeling connected
  • Noticing details and nuance without forgetting the big picture
    • Being able to zoom in and out
  • Not being blinded by own perspective
  • Being able to think deeper
  • Seeing experience as art
  • Being able to focus
  • Being able to notice "signal from the noise"
  • Calmness
  • Good intuition
  • Being able to be decisive
  • Being aware of intentions / motives
  • Being aware of consequences
  • Holistic thinking
  • Recognizing bias / beliefs, not being deceived
  • Flow
  • Honesty
  • Being authentic
  • Self-knowledge and emotional skills
  • Flashlight in the dark, a compass in the path


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Would love to see your perspective on this: 


"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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How to be responsible?

Being responsible doesn't mean actions that are motivated by fear of consequenses or following moral norms because "that's how responsible adult is supposed to do". It is understanding the consequenses of actions, making a conscious decision to aim for a certain consequense and changing your approach based on the result if needed. It is taking the ownership of your life. It is being the artist and seeing your life as your artwork.

  • Don't try  to find someone/something to blame
    • Understand reasons and actions behind situations, but focus on what you can do about it
  • Ask for help when needed, but don't expect to be helped
  • When you do/don't do something, be aware of why you do it
    • Don't act mindlessly
  • Be aware of consequences 
  • Be decisive
    • If you feel like you're not able to make decisions, you'll feel like your actions don't have positive meaningful/significant impact on your life
      • "Something negative happens anyway no matter what I do, why be responsible?"
  • Know your goals and what is important
    • To focus on things that actually matter and to know what you want to achieve with your actions
  • Know yourself
  • Trust yourself
  • Forgive
  • Be patient
  • Learn from mistakes
    • Mistakes are opportunities for growth. Growth gives you more tools to view and sculpt your life
  • Be able to tolerate experiencing something you perceive as negative
  • Don't give up if something is hard
  • Keep your promises
  • Be on time / Do things on time
    • Because it affects how you view yourself. Constantly missing deadlines creates a feeling that you're not on top of your life
  • Be honest
  • Admit if you're wrong
  • Question yourself

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Damn such a beautiful thread. This is like infinite intelligence at play

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# How to build a routine

When I was a child, I wasn't happy how my life was. I didn't sleep well. I was sad and anxious all the time. I didn't brush my teeth regularly, I didn't brush my hair regularly, I didn't take care of my room. I was ugly. I wasn't good at school. I didn't get positive attention from my crushes and I didn't have a lot of friends. I was bullied. Exercising in school / in front of others was embarrassing. Doing anything in front of anyone was embarrassing. I didn't feel like I was understood. I didn't feel worthy. I didn't feel loved. I didn't feel I belong. I felt like a failure who isn't good at anything. I felt like my thoughts and feelings don't matter. 

I didn't want to be a child, because my experience was pointing out that if you're a child, nothing you think or feel is valuable. I didn't want to be the way I was, I wanted to be something else. I daydreamed about celebrities who would come to my life and do a makeover to me and my life. I daydreamed about being a celebrity because I thought that they can be whatever they want to be and they are still popular, accepted, adored and valued.

I created an imaginary friend who was the perfect version of me and I also had this "bad" imaginary friend who was the manifestation of all kind of problems I could think of back then. 

I tried to make myself better by writing down self-help guides for myself. I tried using magic.

I wrote diary and I tried to create systems how I would write. I did contemplations. I created "emotion school" for myself. I tried to be more confident by changing my attitude and my actions. I explored ways and systems to be better at school. 

Later I created "an evil reflection" who hated me for being so weak, emotional and incapable of living a life. She thought that she's the queen who has the right to crush everything and everyone in order to finally get their success. She was angry at me because I couldn't live like she wanted and I didn't let her take my place. I fought to keep her behind the mirror. At some point I trapped myself somewhere in my body/in my mind. The "real me" was somewhere deep, not expressing themselves, just watching as some kind of fake myself was living my life. My identity got so shattered that I didn't even know anymore who I am. 

It started as an survival method. The change was essential. The belief of possibility of change was essential. It was all I had. I created this ideal me and ideal life, but got blinded on the way and lost the connection to my actual self, whatever that is or if that even is. My life became a manifestation of problems and self-help, self-growth. The endless cycle of those. My purpose of living narrowed to being the solver of the problem of living. It wasn't anymore about something in my life, it was my life. It became my whole and only identity. But how could I or anything ever truly change in that frame? The change would mean giving away everything I know I am and everything I know life is and thus giving away the meaning. Fear of facing the thought that what if I truly am nothing. 

Why does all of this matter? It sheds a light on the topic from a different angle.

But now to the actual question: How to build a routine?

- Understand where you are coming from

- Understand where you are now and why

- Understand where you want to be and why

- Understand what needs to be or not to be, to remove the space between now and ideal then

- Generate ideas, but don't get attached to them

- Observe yourself, be mindful

- Understand what works and what doesn't and why, be ready for trial and error

- Define how you see yourself and change the way you see yourself (if necessary)

    - Don't be attached to an identity, don't take your self-image as an absolute truth

- Define your idea about what routines are and change it (if necessary)

    - They are not something I'm trying to do or achieve, they are part of who I am because they are expressions of myself and expressions of how I view myself and the life

    - They are expressions of self-love and self-care

- Don't limit your freedom: Don't be too strict or black and white, give room for change, variety and spontaneity

- Don't make failure your enemy, because it's your best friend: It tells you something you wouldn't have otherwise seen

- Drop the "everything and now" attitude

- Drop the victim mentality but don't deny your bitter feelings, MAKE PEACE WITH THEM

- Be authentic, be honest with yourself

- Understand that your feelings, thoughts and actions matter 

    - You need to value yourself to really believe that you deserve better, if you don't think you deserve anything good, how could you change your behaviour in a such way

    - Stop self-sabotaging because it only maintains the image of someone who deserves to be treated badly

- Don't expect that someone else lures you out of misery

- Question your motives and beliefs of change

- Act and think in a way the "ideal you" would act. Stop wanting to be that ideal, start to be that ideal

- Make note if your ideas are realistic, but don't stop dreaming because you or someone else says something is impossible

- If someone says you're not able to do something, DON'T BELIEVE THEM JUST BECAUSE THEY SAY SO


    - They are probably just trying to invisibly sell their own ideas and wants to you and make it look like your idea

    - Adopt ideas if they truly fit for you

- You don't need to want something you used to want and you can want something you didn't want before

- Change your idea of perfect

- Be profound with your plans and contemplations of the topic, dedicate yourself to your cause, but stop over complicating stuff, just live your life, really. 

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Love this thread. Here's my Contemplation of 

What is Context? 

I totally want to have a badass contemplation habit myself. I've been totally lacking. 

I forgive my past, I release the future, and I honor how I feel in the present. 

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What is unworthiness / low self esteem?

The extent to which one's body-mind system has not internalised that not getting its needs met properly by parents in childhood, and all the direct and indirect consequences of that, is not one's fault.

Learn to resolve trauma. Together.

Testimonials thread: www.actualized.org/forum/topic/82672-experience-collection-childhood-aware-life-purpose-coaching/

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