
This forum is not healthy

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@Princess Arabia all kinds Christian philosophy Buddhist athiest. They all have their ideologies on how or what God is and if you question them they won't like it. If you tell any of them they are God they will ban you. This is the only place I've found where you can openly discuss it with out being attacked. And everyone here seems open to the fact that God is everything so it makes it the safe space to talk about god

Edited by Hojo

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15 minutes ago, Hojo said:

@Princess Arabia all kinds Christian philosophy Buddhist athiest. They all have their ideologies on how or what God is and if you question them they won't like it. If you tell any of them they are God they will ban you. This is the only place I've found where you can openly discuss it with out being attacked. And everyone here seems open to the fact that God is everything so it makes it the safe space to talk about god

The fact they ban you for saying you are God should tell you something. I always find it a bit questionable how most of society cares about your well-being in this one aspect of life and ignores most of the rest. Like Jehovah's Witnesses will come to your door to try to save you from burning in hell but they don't worry if you're poor and can't pay your rent. Like people take it upon themselves to try to save you from the future but ignore what you're going through now. Like they really care about you. Doesn't make sense on the outskirts, only when you understand why. Then it does. 

People don't realize how much they give clues about the Truth just by denying the Truth. What's the big deal if someone claims to be God. Let them. It's none of your business. If you're not God why should you care. Of course, this argument won't fly with the ones who say you're not, and their minds will just come up with all kinds of stories and self-deception theories. The fact that they don't even try to understand this bold claim and dig deep as to why some believe this, to me, speaks volumes.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@Hojo because spiritual/religious people are not honest about what they do not know, but they would gladly prove otherwise.

They believe they have authority over their minds, but they forget that they have sold it to their beloved religion. They can't help but delude themselves.

Edited by Understander

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I think I can help.

If you look in your internet browser on the tabs you may have open for this site there is a little 'x' it and never return.

Problem solved, you're welcome.

Edited by SOUL

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@Princess Arabia very true.they lost the plot and its okay they are where they are cause God put them there. I also know God will put me where I belong so being banned multiple times from places for just trying to talk about god does not bother me, I take it as God saying this is not the place to find me. If I get banned from here I take it as a move on to the next as well. God will put you where you need to be by failure until you find the right place to flourish and be with him.

Its impossible to talk about god irl so it is nice to have a place to contemplate God with other

Edited by Hojo

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@Understander very true. They like to beleive in God until it scares them then they run. This is the cowards way to God and it will take forever

Edited by Hojo

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7 hours ago, Sugarcoat said:

I swear to god. I downloaded tik tok a few weeks back to see what’s up and have barely opened it since. Such social media can be nice tho if you closely curate exactly what you follow so you create this specific feed for yourself . And the Awakened subreddit has golden nuggets once in a while too but this place is something else 

   Big mistake to download Tik Tok. You can still use that site without downloading the app, and even then I'd stay clear from that place, that whole place is a poisoned Well and hyper Venus fly trap, poisonous to the mind.

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@Hojo What they mean by God is the creator of their fantasies about reality. By believing in God, they accept what they have been told instead of what exists outside of their beliefs.

They can't accept that they are living in fantasies, but, interestingly, they think others do. They believe making everything overly simple is a good thing, which makes their fantasies more ugly. When it works, they pay a huge price for that and are happy about it. They can't handle the complexities of life.

Edited by Understander

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On 8/15/2023 at 8:24 PM, Thought Art said:

I like the forum. 

Truth is the world is pretty unhealthy and thus the internet reflects that.

Overall, I like the forum a lot. I’d like to see more discussion on personal development and engage deeper on topics I find interesting though. I’d like to have deeper conversations on here.

You're right, but there are implications that come with a forum that goes as deep as this one, and allowing freedom of speech and blind leading blind will only cause more issues "qualified" by the fact that there are likely no better community sources unless you spend money to go to a retreat or seminar for these things.

On 8/16/2023 at 3:20 AM, KGrimes said:

There's only a handful of people on this forum that you should take seriously. Everything else is just bullshit - a bunch of people thinking they are awake or enlightened, when they are in-fact very far away from truth.

My suggestion:

Follow only mods and Leo, maybe a couple other users.

Very much agreed on the first part, disagree with the suggestion. 

On 8/15/2023 at 0:45 PM, ZzzleepingBear said:

@LSD-Rumi I get the feeling that alot of users don't come here for serious or practical reasons when it comes to spirituality. But rather for various other reasons. And that is fine too.

It's more like people are confused, and wants a quick answers to that confusion. That is my overall impression at least.

Good observation honestly. It's prolific though and hard to weed out or teach better solutions, especially if the ones teaching them are also misguided.

On 8/15/2023 at 1:48 PM, LSD-Rumi said:

@ZzzleepingBear Some threads should get more interaction and some should recieve less or none. Sadly, the opposite is happening here. And we keep engaging in endless arguments about stuff we had discussed million times before. 


bingo. I saw this same stuff happening like 3 years ago and decided to leave after the only ones actually 

On 8/15/2023 at 2:44 PM, Princess Arabia said:

The only people I see complaining are the ones who aren't starting decent threads themselves or none at all. Only lurking behind the scenes waiting for a chance to point the finger. Not saying we should continue to endorse toxic behaviors and push useless threads and I do see where the Admin are closing the really disturbing/toxic ones while still allowing for the less conscious ones because I assume they understand the importance of balance sometimes. 

There are people here who are at different levels in their development, and it is important for us as a whole to embrace that polarity because we can learn by contrast. If everything here was of high caliber the turn around would probably be higher as there would be less chance of levelling up and outgrowing the forum. It is less likely for people to level down so the ones at the lower levels would be learning from the higher levels and levelling up. Holykael was a good example of someone who kept on spiralling down and you see what happened to him.

Lately I've seen a few people have left the forum but also a lot more newbie comments and people have stepped up their engagement who didn't normally engage. 500+ guests are here everyday so that should tell you there is still value here, we just need to stop complaining and try to do something about what we consider to be a problem. Don't be a part of the problem be a part of the solution. Some people might not consider this forum toxic but only when you avert their attention towards it being so then their brains will start to search out for what it deems to be toxic. Ever notice the toxic comments come in spurts, because now we're noticing them. Start to point out the good things and the trend might just follow. 

You're tainted with a dense ego, attachment with a dash of holier than thou vibes and it wreaks throughout all your interactions. I don't have to try to find the toxicity, in fact it bubbles to the top cause just like clickbait and media it too is an easy trend.


On 8/16/2023 at 8:52 AM, Sincerity said:

Forum bad. ? Depends on how You use it, jesus.

One of the first things mentioned in the guidelines is that this place is a casual chat room. A lot of people seem to forget that.

Still, it's pretty strictly moderated and we care about its quality. It's a balance between that and allowing people to speak their mind even if what they say isn't the peak of human wisdom or open-mindedness.

if you cared about the quality, half this stuff wouldn't be passable as quality. But we'll just slap that under differed opinions

This forum is a trap, and coming back to see the shit storm that I created seems like a testament to that.

On 8/16/2023 at 9:31 AM, WoodDragon said:

This forum is a tool. Not all people know how to use it. But let them try. How else do you learn?

if all you see is toxic, you’re not using it very well.

it's a tool with a bunch of baggage and a bunch of misleading user manuals of how to properly use it.

On 8/16/2023 at 9:41 AM, WoodDragon said:

I felt the same way after my first post, but there are some really good things in here. Look before you leap and go in with an open mind. Read enough to get a real grasp on things, then share with love and honesty.

of course there's always going to be diamonds in the mud. You act like I've not been a member of this forums years before you arrived lol

On 8/16/2023 at 10:26 AM, Yimpa said:

The air we breathe, the water we drink, the Earth we live on… that, too, has many unhealthy aspects to it.

So what’s the solution?

Poor analogies to deflect from the collective ego manifestation brewing here, your life doesn't depend on this forum.

solutions for something meta aren't simple. I don't claim to have that answer. Best one i've got is don't bother coming on here to jerk eachother off in the name of enlightenment

On 8/16/2023 at 0:49 PM, Hojo said:

Imagine going to a Walmart and seeing some kids doing shaningans and saying this place is getting wild they should just shut the place down. 

Poor analogy. 

On 8/16/2023 at 1:06 PM, Osaid said:

I mean, I'm fine. Don't know about you guys.

You're a moderator, you've got egobligations to show up ;) 

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7 hours ago, Omni said:

You're tainted with a dense ego, attachment with a dash of holier than thou vibes and it wreaks throughout all your interactions. I don't have to try to find the toxicity, in fact it bubbles to the top cause just like clickbait and media it too is an easy trend.

Say all you want, it doesn't matter. You're the one who thinks I'm holier than thou. There is nothing in any of my posts that says that, only what you're interpreting to be so. Just because I don't complain a lot and try to give people advice the best I know how, doesn't mean I think I'm holier than thou. I would love to see quotes of my saying this. Life is all about interpretations, so your interpretations are saying more about you not me. 

I'd rather think of myself as holier than thou, anyway, than to think of myself as a piece of shit, even though they equivalent to the same thing. If you can't relate to the way I communicate then don't listen. Don't pay attention. You're complaining about the Forum but you're still here, still coming back. What does that say about you. There's a difference between observing and complaining.

Can you please share with me something enlightening, something mind-blowing, something of substance, as well as something funny and humorous, some information that will probably make me think, something to contemplate on. Not just criticisms and judgements about what you're experiencing, because all that is showing how much you're criticizing and judging yourself. 

Positivity has always been looked at by the human species as foreign, fake and annoying. Negativity does exists, but so much light has been shun on that aspect of Reality that it doesn't need any more. Reality is about balance, balancing the yin and the yang. So, I'm not knocking the negativity, but why shine light on it, why acknowledge it so much. Isn't life challenging as it is. 

If you're going about life looking all happy and in good spirits, people look at you like something is wrong with you, but the opposite is more embraced. Why, because their life's are miserable and depressing. So how dare you be happy. Then when you look sad and miserable, they complain about that too. So you can't please people, no matter what. So just please yourself and don't worry about what people think. Just do you.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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5 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

Say all you want, it doesn't matter. You're the one who thinks I'm holier than thou. There is nothing in any of my posts that says that, only what you're interpreting to be so. Just because I don't complain a lot and try to give people advice the best I know how, doesn't mean I think I'm holier than thou. I would love to see quotes of my saying this. Life is all about interpretations, so your interpretations are saying more about you not me. 

I'd rather think of myself as holier than thou, anyway, than to think of myself as a piece of shit, even though they equivalent to the same thing. If you can't relate to the way I communicate then don't listen. Don't pay attention. You're complaining about the Forum but you're still here, still coming back. What does that say about you. There's a difference between observing and complaining.

Can you please share with me something enlightening, something mind-blowing, something of substance, as well as something funny and humorous, some information that will probably make me think, something to contemplate on. Not just criticisms and judgements about what you're experiencing, because all that is showing how much you're criticizing and judging yourself. 

Positivity has always been looked at by the human species as foreign, fake and annoying. Negativity does exists, but so much light has been shun on that aspect of Reality that it doesn't need any more. Reality is about balance, balancing the yin and the yang. So, I'm not knocking the negativity, but why shine light on it, why acknowledge it so much. Isn't life challenging as it is. 

If you're going about life looking all happy and in good spirits, people look at you like something is wrong with you, but the opposite is more embraced. Why, because their life's are miserable and depressing. So how dare you be happy. Then when you look sad and miserable, they complain about that too. So you can't please people, no matter what. So just please yourself and don't worry about what people think. Just do you.

first paragraph - denial and ignorance followed up with justification to the actions and asking for proof

second paragraph - acceptance, comparisons and deflection

third paragraph - finally asking for something tangible,

fourth paragraph (not even letting me get proof first) and you're already telling me how things are and what is because YOU know, right?

fifth paragraph - more justifications followed by assumptions of the other party and finally telling me how i should behave




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1 hour ago, Omni said:

first paragraph - denial and ignorance followed up with justification to the actions and asking for proof

second paragraph - acceptance, comparisons and deflection

third paragraph - finally asking for something tangible,

fourth paragraph (not even letting me get proof first) and you're already telling me how things are and what is because YOU know, right?

fifth paragraph - more justifications followed by assumptions of the other party and finally telling me how i should behave




Sixth: : ............:.............:....................................




What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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On 8/15/2023 at 1:16 PM, Omni said:

came back out of curiosity to see where Leo has been and if there was any plans for a new video as it's been a few months. 

All i see is a small portion of people searching for their answers, others claiming they have answers, and the rest are just blatantly toxic.

This place is a festering ground for delusion and honestly suggest getting off here and go finding real answers.

best of luck all of you

I agree. I believe online communication pales in comparison to anything the outside world can offer. All the internet has done is make us more lonely.

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Agreed. Death to America. I mean

There is no failure, only feedback

One small step at a time. No one climbs a mountain in one go.

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I haven't been to this form for a while. Honestly I like how people discuss important topics about life. It's like a more interactive less NPC version of Reddit. 

Just reading certain topics give me a fresh perspective.

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This forum is part of a balanced diet.

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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It is covered with people trying to one-up each other's enlightenment (which goes against the whole thing), it is full of people making assumptions and projections, it does include a lot of mentally unwell people, all of this is true.

But minus the enlightenment part, what's the difference between this and the real world? Ever worked a job? I'd be surprised if you had and still didn't realise how sick the world is, it's arguably even worse than this forum. 

Every single one of us is fucked up and sick in some way or another, no matter woke you think you are. 

If you really think this is bad you should go on Instagram comments, they genuinely make many people (especially teens) deeply suicidal. 

I'm not saying this to downplay the forum, but things need to be taken into perspective. 

At the end of the day philosophy can be serious business and can include dealing with some mind-warping ideas that may disturb you. You are after all investigating life itself which can be deeply messed up and confusing from this monkey's POV, and trying to go beyond it into a deeper essence that fulfils you in some way. Of course such a process may be intense at times; you may even think you're losing your own mind. But that's the nature of the beast I'm afraid, life itself is a philosophical exercise whether you like it or not based merely on the reality of physical death confronting your very core.

You can either face life head on or ignore life, and facing it I believe is what both this forum and self actualisation as a whole is all about, and that of course includes facing some very weird shit. There's of course a lot mental masturbation here too, but honestly...who gives a fuck?

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10 hours ago, Ry4n said:

It is covered with people trying to one-up each other's enlightenment (which goes against the whole thing), it is full of people making assumptions and projections, it does include a lot of mentally unwell people, all of this is true.

And you assume that having a mental illness means it’s total doom.

Not true at all. As someone with mental illness, I am fortunate to have access to one of the most powerful drugs on the planet. I choose to only do it rarely due to how insanely powerful it is.

It’s so powerful, I can access LOVE deeper than any Buddhist on the entire planet ever could, if they could even ever.

Edited by Yimpa

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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5 hours ago, Yimpa said:

And you assume that having a mental illness means it’s total doom.

No I don't that was your assumption. 

The forum is obviously full of such people, I'm not judging it just acknowledging it. 

Don't project onto Buddhists; the outside appearances you see from your mental projection means nothing and whoever uses fancier words is not more enlightened either. So again your own post is assumption and projection. Cheers for illustrating my own point succinctly. 

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