
What Has Life Taught You So Far?

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We practically know nothing, people who running this place do it on faith that it will work until the next paradigm shift occurs. This happens at all levels, from personal emotions, to interaction with direct relatives, groups and the whole global social construct of human perspective.

Being open minded and adaptable is therefor the most useful tool you have and should be cultivated throughout your entire life.

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How karma really works, thought i suppose you have to experience it yourself to understand.

(I not talking about some kind of supernatural force)

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4 hours ago, Vaishnavi said:

What Has Life Taught You So Far?

What we call 'life' is a gradual suicide, only few people are able to know what life is.

That's what Jesus says when he says, "Let the dead bury their dead."

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Trust your gut/intuition, even when all odds prove to be against it. Trust yourself.

DISCLAIMER: You might think I am just trying to brag or get attention, but I don't know a better example of how intuition works othe than my own personal life. Leo got more in depth on this topic in his video How to Harness Your Intuition”. There he says that most of the time following your intuition will seem very counterintuitive and will imply going against the grain.

Every major positive shift I've experienced in life was due to a decision that I've made based on intuition, not logic or rationality.

When I needed to choose what to pursue in highschool, I had to make a decision between studying English or Guitar. The first one would have been a ”safer” choice, as I had only been playing the guitar for only 6 months at the time, and had absolutely zero knowledge of music theory and anything related to music at all. All I knew was that I loved music more than anything else.

Still, I trusted my gut and passion and went on to study music theory in highschool for 4 years when all odds seemed against it. This was my first major intuition.

Right now, as I am writing this, I am part of an elite group of guitar players, studying under the best guitar instructor in the country (and one of the best guitar instructors in Europe), all because of my second intuition - not taking a gap year between highschool and going to univeristy. 

I applied for a scholarship in a foreign country and didn't get it. I was like ”Ok, what do I do now? Wait for a year and try again?” That's exactly what I wanted to do. But about three days before applications for university were over in my country, I felt a strong urge not to sit on my laurels and do something.

What did I do? I bought a ticket for an 8 hour drive to Bucharest and applied to 2 random universities (my parents thought I am crazy). I thought it was a good opportunity to learn to be independent, maybe find some bands to play with and improve myself.

Now I am in my second year as a Philosophy undergrad, and being in Bucharest has helped me get in touch with the guitar teacher I mentioned earlier. My second intuition proved to be also a good one.

Right now, all the knowledge and practice (in speaking) acumulated as a philosophy student would make my job teaching guitar 100x easier, as well as communicating my ideas better in the music industry. It all seems to allign perfectly if I trust my intuition.

Now my third intuition is to start a youtube channel, a band, and a guitar teaching business as soon as I finish college or earlier. 

  • Again, all odds are against me, because most of these, especially the latter two, are oftenly not done in a proper, up-to-date way in my country, so I would have to be one of the first ones to change the current model of how things work here (in a broad sense).
    • If it will all unfold like my first two intuitions, I can see great things ahead.

This is how I learned that trusting your intuition is one of the best things you can do in life. 

Thanks for listening. Hoping to hear more of your experiences as well.


”Unaccompanied by positive action, rest may only depress you.” -- George Leonard

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@Vaishnavi That you are always and forever exactly where you want to be. you choose everything, and everything is here for you for your most accelerated journey for your soul's evolution. If you allow yourself to learn quickly and go with the flow, the results you get from every day-to-day situation are remarkable.
There is no ego, there is only souls journey. In fact that is the whole point of the spiritual path isn't it. That we say "ego doesn't exist". Well it doesn't. So let's stop calling it out on things like "oh ego did this and that" because it didn't. Because it never existed =D.
Everything is a lesson for the soul prepared by your higher mind and other soul contracts.
There are two kinds of a relationships. One kind is there to bringout all your demons for healing, the other kind is for joy and coexistence together when all parts of you are healed. Ideally you could have only 2 relationships in your entire life, if you learn and heal quick enough.
Then you become a beacon, a lightworker, a shepherding consciousness for other earthly-beings, and prepare them for destined ascension of the human race into the 5th dimension.
We are living in an exciting time.
And I love more and more every day.
I love you tons! <3.

Edited by Martin123

Follow me on Instagram for quantum and energetic healing.

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The primary thing that Ive learned,is that it is very hard to learn something!because whenever I thought that Ive gained some knowledge about a specific part of life,later on I realized that my understanding wasnt accurate at all.
So I guess the most important thing that Ive learned till now is that I need to be as much open minded as I can be.

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- That only you can ultimately help yourself you can seek help and get inspired but you have to do it ultimately and if you don't the guilt will destroy your soul. 

- How poor lots of rich ( in money ) people are i've seen that a lot.

- That you can have all the good habits installed but if you don't have a goal to work towards you will not keep them up this needs to go hand in hand the habits themselves are not the end goal they are there to serve it and i made that mistake although it was good mistake to make maybe.

- That language is used as indoctrination ALL THE TIME even by well meaning people for example what is money? people will answer probably a store of value or something to get stuff with but it can be a million things it can be a store of value/an addiction/a religion ( it is today's main religion i would argue )/slavery/freedom/a way of distributing labor/ and countless others

other nice words you can do this with are education/work/intelligence/society/the economy/love/friendship seriously contemplate there are consensus on all these words but its all an illusion so to complete this point

come up with your own definitions for these things drawn from contemplating/reading/seeing etc

- that the at first glance nice people can be the most boring,horrible,dangerous so be careful with overly nice people.

- that religion does not HAVE to be bullshit i have come back from seeing myself as an atheist, there is more to it you have to look for the essence and the origins that is where it gets interesting.

- starting to learn to play an instrument is one of the most worthwhile things you can do it is a lifetime challenge/pleasure and commitment and it makes you smarter. I have to add other passions and hobbies can fulfill this of course 

- that at first glance the worst people do not have to be that bad do not judge them to fast and listen to their stories with sincere interest.

- That bars and clubs are one of the biggest widely ignored scams ever i think funny one to think about

for less important stuff 

- kid's shows from the nineties were much better then the current ones. 

- that having watched every episode of married with children with my dad at least 3 times at the age of 12 may have shaped my worldview in unknown ways :P.

- That baldurs gate as RPG will probably never be surpassed in brilliance.  

- That no Michelin star restaurant can compare to a good BBQ. 

- That downing a full glass of jack Daniels after being already drunk is a bad idea.

- That purchasing two cats improved the quality of life by about 12%.

- That the best humor will always be dark and or absurd.

- That Chinese people can eat insane amounts of food

- That attempts at getting a nostalgic feeling trying to watch police academy fail because it simply sucks.

- That the best pizza i ever ate was in an obscure restaurant in a dark alley in Palermo i swear it was run by the Mafia.

- That smoking cigarettes is one of the most irrational yet accepted thing you can do ( is it a nice break from work or an expensive effort to try to get lung cancer?)

- That i have a strange fascination for ghosts and haunting s and everyone else thinks that is stupid and i don't understand that.

- That sometimes you start to watch YouTube for serious stuff about self development and sometimes 10 minutes later you are watching a documentary about sharks.

- That i don't understand i am scared of the smallest spider but huge lobsters are ok.

- That this post is all ready too long i'm off till another time.

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What Has Life Taught You So Far?

To appreciate the present moment.

“If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place.”  - Lao Tzu

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-you'll meet assholes all the fucking time, the trick is to not give a fuck 

-reality doesn't give a shit about you, if at all you care, you will have to change yourself

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Don't judge other people. A huge lesson for me.

Help others not because they need you or something,but in order for you to feel better.That way you are not anticipating an exchange. And its so beautiful. So nice.

Love someone because you love and not because of them. Even If they change,keep loving them. And don't try to change them. Love them for who they are,or leave. Love for the sake of loving,not because you need someone to love you.

If you are angry or upset or sad,its not their fault. Its noone's fault,not even yours. You create your own reality. You are responsible for everything in your life. Its not your fault,because you choose what to do every single time. You always learn.

Clean the house for your own joy,not for your mum's approval. Lol

Say no and dont be afraid. Even to your beloved ones,when its needed.

Dont blame others,dont victimize yourself.

For the most part,these are the lessons Ive learnt from life.



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That we only have one life. Just one. Once its gone, its gone.

And if we can be mainly conscience and self aware, you can enjoy the life you lead much much more. :)

And to not take anything for granted good or bad. 

Its not that deep of an insight lols, but its something I try to do and practice. Especially as I have very small children so Im trying to enjoy every moment with them :)

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On 25/03/2017 at 6:11 PM, Vaishnavi said:

What Has Life Taught You So Far?

What at first appears important, often it's not.  Studies, career, wealth - these life-devouring events won't mean a thing on our last breath.

It's those quiet small moments that may matter in the long run.  That smile from a passerby, a helpful hand from a caring stranger, moments in love.  That eternal moment when someone dear to your heart, dies in your arms.



Edited by jse

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On 15 April 2017 at 2:27 AM, jse said:

It's those quiet small moments that may matter in the long run.  That smile from a passerby, a helpful hand from a caring stranger, moments in love...

Or a mail from a distant friend! That works equally fine :x 

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3 hours ago, Vaishnavi said:

Or a mail from a distant friend! That works equally fine :x 

Or a reputation point. See that's even better

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