
What Has Life Taught You So Far?

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What life has taught me so far ( I turned 18 this august ) is that

it is okay to be yourself even if you feel inadequate. Give yourself love whenever you can,with no strings attached and understand yourself .

Cherish the people who matter in your life, and TRY ( because its take something to become a sage overnight) to understand others before judging them.

Make spiritual growth as intimate as you can. The pain involved is just misunderstood suffering of the human condition.


I am still very young but these are all what i have come to understand :)

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something else that life have thought me is that don't wait too long to take action even if its something emotional difficult its okay to take a break and acknowledge that you aren't ready to face it but problems don't go away they only do if you take the time to solve them so its important not to take breaks that to long i think when you face something like this its important to think about how you are going to solve it not to long after it happens otherwise you could waste a lot of time and it could create limits 

an other thing is that something i have found to be usefull is to have a lot of different perspectives on one thing when learning something that could be important for you so you have a better big picture understanding of it and a better chance that you have a correct answer as usually the first answer is low understanding

Edited by BjarkeT

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Always remember to focus on self and change self in order to see change in others or the world around you. This is one of the most fundamental lessons one can use and apply. The reflection in the mirror will not change unless you do, the universe works exactly the same way. 

Edited by pluto


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On 9/19/2017 at 11:51 AM, The Monk said:


  1.  You don't need anyone to fulfill you in life. You just want someone to. 
  2. All Religions are paths to enlightenment, however the path has become covered with mist, as the true deep rooted meaning that these Religions aided you to find, has been distorted, misinterpreted, and manipulated for the benefit of other egos. 
  3. Don't give a damn about criticism, but you should have the ability to make a distinction between harsh/ rude criticism and constructive criticism. 
  4.  Reality operates in a way that just distracts them from finding their true deep rooted truth, and they operate in a way that fuels their low consciousness and appeals to the emotional weasel within them.
  5. Do the emotionally difficult thing in every situation to ace life. 
  6.  To have an amazing life, you have to go against what the majority of society does. But, you will be labeled 'weird'.

Great advice!

"Keep your eye on the ball. " - Michael Brooks 

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1.The scale of ones ignorance is a life-long commitment to uncover and kindly accept but from intuition I comfort myself with Plato's quote: "All knowledge is but remberance" + "of the True self".

2. I recently became aware of the subtleness and the scale of my forgetfullness of the most important things I need to do for growth. Willful or subconsciousness Amnesia for the comfort or suffering as a distraction for my ego.

3. I more aware of the subtleness of which I hide all my actions as unselfish or for the wellbeing of the universe. Im realizing more and more of the hidden depth of how I masquerade my selfishness in interaction with others.

4. I have a mission like all humans to be more loving by developing the capacity to love everyday and to develop honesty to the point that I will finally be curious and will actually want to start asking the hardest question about my existence, my life.

5.Overthinking,analysis and theorizing instead of acting when its needed is what is keeping me stuck in life.

6. Be tolerant and more importantly accept other people as they are because they share the same huge force of the ego within in them.Your ego interprets and litteraly makes you see it,feel it and hear it as a bad trait or evi that is diffrent from your own traits l but it is the same in essence. The only way to accept them is then to unveil what YOU are not accepting within or about yourself.

This is what have been thinking and theorizing about but not implementing till now.


"Keep your eye on the ball. " - Michael Brooks 

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after every peak of experience, reset yourself back to neutral and let it go for good. because in fact it's already gone.

unborn Truth

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On 10/19/2017 at 8:40 PM, SaaraSabina said:

That I know very little about everything and that everything is me. 

Excellent maxim! 

"Keep your eye on the ball. " - Michael Brooks 

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here's what I have learned: That I don't know. I simply don't.

and that experience is the only real thing that is there, everything else is bullshit and you better experience that before nodding your head that you understand. 

On 9/21/2017 at 9:17 AM, Monkey-man said:

That I should have gone and pursue an art carrier that I wanted to from early ages, and should have drop out from school, or at least don't go to uni and go work in that field instead which I think was possible.

You know I was a commerce student up until high school but now I've taken arts cause I want to study the subject and when people ask me what do I do, I tell them I study, arts. And then they kinda look at me funny and then I look at them funny and then we change the topic. 

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To relax and everything chillfully becomes :)


Edited by pluto


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You can love EVERYTHING
Every problem comes from lack of attention, once you give it attention everything becomes ok, even if it is "not ok".

Edited by Blue is the sea

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

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I learn lessons from life each and every day. 

I'm just gonna say again, don't judge people. They'll always be people that are better or worse than you. Its how life works.. But when you judge, all you do is trying to make yourself look superior and how wrong could that be?  Haha its amazing how many times that you believe that you are better, you can make a huge mistake and then feel like shit about yourself. Always be humble and others will recognize your abilities and things that you do just right.  You don't have to show off because this is arrogance . always lift other people up!  Its so amazing when you do it. Remember that you make the world a better place. A whole new life when you say a nice compliment . ❤

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it's all inside. not the circumstances, but what you feel is the point. everything is here to help you grow, becoming the best version of yourself, you just need to open your eyes to it.

whatever arises, love that

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