
What is the fundamental nature of Distinctions/Differences?

22 posts in this topic

1 hour ago, Bobby_2021 said:

Do you see any difference between the visual experience of a tree and a cat? 

Are there two letters the same or different?

A B - Different 

B B - Same

This difference exists in the visual experience. You can choose to build on top of it by conceptualizing. 


When I say I make distinctions what I mean is that I imagine a distinction in my mind.

Visual experience is God's mind.

I can recognize and conceptualize that in my human mind.

All minds are capable of coming up with distinction. The human mind itself is a distinction imagined by the mind of God. 

Those two Bs are the same in some ways and different in other ways. For instance, the spacetime locations of those Bs are different, they are in different locations in the cyber space, and one was written before the other. And the subatomic particles that produce those two Bs are also different. 

Those two Bs might also be seen in different semiotic ways, where you can see one as the letter B while you can see the other as a representation of two boobs, or the front teeth of Bugs Bunny. So, only when you define those two Bs in a certain contextual meaning, then they are the same. 


Edited by Vibroverse

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17 hours ago, Bobby_2021 said:

Do you see any difference between the visual experience of a tree and a cat? 

There is no visual experience of tree AND cat, because you are referring to TWO visual experiences (as you have separated tree and cat). There is one visual experience, which has tree and cat. You separate it and abstract the experience through thought.

17 hours ago, Bobby_2021 said:

Are there two letters the same or different?

A B - Different 

B B - Same

This difference exists in the visual experience. You can choose to build on top of it by conceptualizing. 

The difference you're experiencing is not distinction. When you say "difference" you are referring to visual perception. Distinction is you splicing up the visual perception through thought.

A flower has no capability of distinguishing itself into something else, because when it distinguishes itself, it's not a flower anymore, it's a thought/distinction. Anything that exists cannot reduce itself down further. Experience cannot "distinguish itself", it can only create a THOUGHT (which isn't experience) that imagines a distinction.

The letters are experienced differently but they exist at the same time as everything else in your experience, so it can't be distinguished as "a letter" or "B" or "A" until you think of it first. Everything in your experience exists at the same time as eachother, so therefore distinctions of "a cat", "a tree" or "a letter" are not accurate to what you are experiencing (because you're separating experience with labels) and therefore they are NOT the experience itself.

17 hours ago, Bobby_2021 said:

Visual experience is God's mind.


17 hours ago, Bobby_2021 said:

I can recognize and conceptualize that in my human mind.

Sure, but that's just a human conception (which is created through words, thoughts, and other methods of communication). The concept is never the actual thing itself, it's just a method of communicating or describing experience.

17 hours ago, Bobby_2021 said:

All minds are capable of coming up with distinction

Maybe, but distinction is just a specific type of thought which describes an abstraction of experience. It's just a thought.

It might seem like I'm saying the same thing over and over again, so I'll try to bite at the main contention.

You're saying the actual physical experience, or any aspect of actual experience, IS distinction, which is wrong. Distinction is just thought ABOUT experience, not the actual experience it is describing. Experience is infinite and one.

If you look at a painting of Mona Lisa, the entire painting is one thing, although you are still experiencing SOMETHING (the painting). But, this SOMETHING you're experiencing is still one and it has no distinctions. Then, your thoughts come and say "Mona Lisa", "human", "background", which then creates a subtraction of experience through thought. Experience can never actually subtract itself, so it has to create a simulation of a subtracted experience through thought, but then that is always ONLY just thought, not the experience itself that it describes.

A thought always ONLY factually exists as a thought. Nothing else. It doesn't matter how amazing or descriptive it is, it is never smarter than any other thought, it is never more intelligent than any other thought, because they're ALL JUST THOUGHTS. They are never the qualities of "intelligence" and "smartness" itself. 

17 hours ago, Bobby_2021 said:

The human mind itself is a distinction imagined by the mind of God.

When you say "human mind" here I'm just gonna assume you're talking about "human experience" or "the experience of being human" for lack of better words, correct me if this is a wrong interpretation of the term though.

No, the human mind is just the human mind. Not two things. Not human mind + distinction. Just human mind. The distinction is just a sensory perception WITHIN human mind that it describes, and so it not the whole thing itself, and so it is not human mind itself.

What you're doing from a metaphysical perspective is this: You're taking human mind, which is infinite and one, then you're subtracting a part of it through thought, focusing on that subtracted thought form, and then saying: "Human mind IS this subtracted thought form (distinction)"

Really try to understand this: IF existence, at least theoretically, is one and infinite. I mean, you can try proving it, for example, try to point to the edge of your vision. But yes, IF existence is one and infinite, then "a cat" or "a tree" CANNOT exist, because all of these are just subtracted FORMS of existence and they only exist INSIDE existence. Existence is not JUST "a cat". Existence is not JUST "a tree". Existence is always the entirety of existence itself. And then any "distinguished" part of existence cannot be existence itself, because it's just a distinction/thought, not the entire thing itself.


Edited by Osaid

Describe a thought.

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