The Redeemer

This girl is falsely accusing me of raping her

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I have no compassion for females who engage in this type of behavior. It is a complete lie. It is a complete outrage. Women like this should be punished for falsely accusing men like this. It can completely ruin a man's life.

Edited by The Redeemer

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24 minutes ago, Raze said:

Get a lawyer 

As if I could afford one right now

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@The Redeemer Please explain in detail the events of the night she is accusing you of. 

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Well first of all it was the daytime.

So we were in a church parking lot and I was wanting to have sex with her, but she wasn't in the mood and she was insisting on getting food, but I was feeling so good in the moment that I just wanted to make love to her, so I kept trying trying to make her laugh and it was working somewhat, but I feel like she was half wanting to have sex and half not so she started crying and I was confused and she started reacting as though I had touched her, (which I did not) and so she started running towards the woods as if I was some wild animal that was going to hunt her lol. So eventually I just left her there and left because I was not going to put up with that childish behavior.

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@The Redeemer Did you guys have sex? - Voice Everything Browser Extension

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@The Redeemer So you never touched her and she felt like you where to forward in your advancements making her so uncomfortable she ran for her life and now she is accusing you of rape? - Voice Everything Browser Extension

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3 minutes ago, integral said:

@The Redeemer So you never touched her and she felt like you where to forward in your advancements making her so uncomfortable she ran for her life and now she is accusing you of rape? 

I think I touched her breasts, but I stopped when she didn't want to continue. It just confused me because we had had sex several times before this. I think she was responding to some type of psychological trauma that she had because she told me in the past that she had been raped.

Edited by The Redeemer

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11 minutes ago, The Redeemer said:

I feel like she was half wanting to have sex and half not so she started crying and I was confused

If she started crying it means it was really bad and she did not consent. What ever the truth is, she felt sexual assaulted, rape or not. 

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@The Redeemer Basicly the only time your getting into trouble is if she can prove rape and thats by going to the police and getting a rape kit done on her to take a semen sample. If she does not have semen she cant get a conviction. 

So only you know if your in danger of this happening.

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28 minutes ago, integral said:

If she started crying it means it was really bad and she did not consent. What ever the truth is, she felt sexual assaulted, rape or not. 


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25 minutes ago, integral said:

@The Redeemer Basicly the only time your getting into trouble is if she can prove rape and thats by going to the police and getting a rape kit done on her to take a semen sample. If she does not have semen she cant get a conviction. 

So only you know if your in danger of this happening.

So there has to be semen present? In order for it to be classified as rape? 

I am completely okay.

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7 minutes ago, The Redeemer said:

So there has to be semen present? In order for it to be classified as rape? 

I am completely okay.

Yes a rape conviction takes more then an accusation, she at least needs semen evidence or other types of evidence like physical harm, video or eye witness. Or else anyone would go to jail just by accusation. 

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On another note, your behavior was very uncalibrated and you got to learn to take no for an answer. It was way to agressive, seduce woman properly next time and have there needs as a priority in your engagement. 

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5 minutes ago, integral said:

On another note, your behavior was very uncalibrated and you got to learn to take no for an answer. It was way to agressive, seduce woman properly next time. 

To be fair, she didn't blatantly tell me "no" 

She expected me to read between the lines.

You can say I was uncalibrated, but was she also not as well?

Edited by The Redeemer

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8 minutes ago, The Redeemer said:

To be fair, she didn't blatantly tell me "no" 

She expected me to read between the lines.

You can say I was uncalibrated, but was she also not as well?

Yes 100% she also didnt know how to say no. Women are conditioned by sociaty to avoid conflict at all cost, be people pleasers and keep social harmy, when things like this happen they freeze up and dont know what to do, so they bottle up there emotions hoping it will stop, then they start crying, all before ever saying the word No. Especially if she has childhood trauma or past rape trauma, she likely has alot of psycological problems. 

Its called the assault freeze response. 

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4 minutes ago, integral said:

Yes 100% she also didnt know how to say no. Women are conditioned by sociaty to avoid conflict at all cost, be people pleasers and keep social harmy, when things like this happen they freeze up and dont know what to do, so they bottle up there emotions hopping it will stop, then they start crying, all before ever saying the word No. Especially if she has childhood trauma or past rape trauma, she likely has alot of psycological problems. 

Its called the assult freeze response. 

Thanks for the info

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1 minute ago, Buck Edwards said:

What was the evidence? 

There was none.

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