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If God is infinite, God includes all infinite Universes 
So do the infinite amount of Universes exist right now and where are they?

Why only this Universe is "here" which can be perceived and be conscious of? Where are the infinite others?

Why is this Universe not a Universe with exact same laws, but only with anti-matter instead?
They would behave exact the same. Why God preferes matter over anti-matter? 

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Consciousness is the substance of reality. Matter and antimatter are two different modes consciousness assumes to be, and we happen to be in the universe where it, mostly, is made of matter. 

Many, and infinite as possibilities, universes exist simultaneously, and the reason you are in this universe is because you are in resonance with this particular universe. It is like there being many channels on your tv, but the tv will receive the broadcast to which it is a frequency match. 

So all the universes are here and now at the vibrational, or informational, level, but you are perceiving and experiencing the reality to which you are a frequency match. 


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