
Women, painting your toenails is highly sexual and should be banned

26 posts in this topic

Notice that you are exposing kids 13-14 years old to sexual stimuli. Are you really ok with that? Like, not everything is fine just to compete in the sexual market.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I´m sure now you will say that that is not sexual. That you paint them because you like how they look and so on.

Sure, fine. I´m not denying that. But let's be honest, why males don't do it? Because in human culture having your nails painted is usually related with femininity, desire, attraction, 'beauty'. So basically you are 'sexualising' a body part that is not sexual, in a free way. And at the same time traumatising Childs. Think about that for a second.

Maybe you are doing an irresponsible thing here just to amp up your attraction value by 10%. Is that worth it?


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I would go a step further and say that women having toenails is too sexual. Women's toenails should be banned asap

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2 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

@Princess Arabia Let me know your thoughts on this. 

I'm about to paint mines right now. I think you have a foot fetish. Traumatizing children? I think ugly ass unpolished feet would be more traumatizing. You're not serious, tho, are you?

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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14 minutes ago, meta_male said:

@Ulax We should ban sexuality, problem solved.

@meta_male Agreed brother.

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2 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

Notice that you are exposing kids 13-14 years old to sexual stimuli.

You do know that teenagers think about sex right? I'd be more worried about red lipstick, maybe eyeliner, having long hair...

57% paranoid

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i think boobs are more likely to be highly sexual so toenails are not as illegal as you say , cheers.

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First of all you have some kind of fetish because I find painted nails ugly.

Secondly If we take this topic to address how our culture hyper sexualize female clothing, hair, make up... then yes its a pain in the ass and only males understand this. 

Women live in a bubble where they have no idea whats its like for the males primitive sexual brain to be hammered every 5 seconds just walking outside. 

Imagine if all men walked around with a massive Bulge and when you talk to them it flaps around in your face. ? Woman reading this might think "oh i would love that world" and NO you wouldn't because it gets very tiring and annoying and has major repercussions on your psychology and how you relate to people. 

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4 hours ago, DefinitelyNotARobot said:

Dude listen, maybe I'm too much of an autist to understand whether this is a joke or not, but whatever this is, it's funny as hell HAHAHAH

I know, part of me laughed when writing this but another part of me kinda really suffers it 

4 hours ago, meta_male said:

You had two months to let this go, man...

Hahaha lmao...I'm still working on it

2 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

I'm about to paint mines right now. I think you have a foot fetish. Traumatizing children? I think ugly ass unpolished feet would be more traumatizing. You're not serious, tho, are you?

Well, I think the line between having a foot fetish or not is difficult. Like why don't we just paint our eyebrows for that matter, I don't know.

And I'm not debating the hygiene of doing manicures and pedicures. I'm debating the thing about painting them of colours. For example red colour is usually related with passion/sex, etc... A lot of women paint it red.

Also, sometimes I'm envious of girls because of this. I would like to have hot feet too but I'm not going to pain my toenails because then I would not be considered a "real man". @Princess Arabia

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So, is fashion of all kind sexual and should be banned? 

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9 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

I'm not going to pain my toenails because then I would not be considered a "real man".

Im a man and I once had my toenails painted for months at a time (A girl did them, I didnt do them myself). The people who called me gay were very obviously insecure about their masculinity. What does a "real man" even mean?

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16 minutes ago, DefinitelyNotARobot said:

I see. I'm sorry you feel this way.

Here is my view: Sexualizing something is a cooperative effort. A woman might put on a hot dress, and maybe she DOES want it to look sexy, but that's half of the coin, the other half is the man who then sees her walking down the street and projects his own sexuality on her dress like. There is the signal being sent and the signal being received. The correlation isn't perfect though. Sometimes signals are being sent, but not received, and sometimes people think they're getting a signal when it's not really the case.

If you grew up in a fundamentalist Islamic community in the middle of Iraq, where it's believed that women must cover up their entire body as not to fuck with the minds of men, a woman showing her ankles might be seen as sending a sexual signal, simply because it's so risque relative to the local culture. I don't think ankles are that sexy, but maybe I would if I had never seen even a single female ankle in my life? Idk, it's just a guess, the point is that there is a lot of relativity considering what constitutes as sexual and what doesn't.

Personally I've never seen rep lipstick that made me go "Wow that red is so hot and sexy, I want to have sex with that person now because of how hot and sexy that red is!". Maybe it does affect me on a subconscious level, not denying that, but there are so many potential subconscious factors involved, that I think it's simply unrealistic to try and hold women to our standards as men, because men are quiet frankly fucking horny (especially teenagers).

So the only way this would work is if all women randomly came together and decided to cease existing all together, since almost anything about a woman's body can be sexualized by men. Some men sexualize feet, some don't. Some find a cute face sexy, some care more about the body. Some get turned on by a sexy voice, some don't really pay as much attention to that. There isn't a way to eliminate every potential sexual signal that could be received by men.

Very well said. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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1 hour ago, Javfly33 said:

I know, part of me laughed when writing this but another part of me kinda really suffers it 

Hahaha lmao...I'm still working on it

Well, I think the line between having a foot fetish or not is difficult. Like why don't we just paint our eyebrows for that matter, I don't know.

And I'm not debating the hygiene of doing manicures and pedicures. I'm debating the thing about painting them of colours. For example red colour is usually related with passion/sex, etc... A lot of women paint it red.

Also, sometimes I'm envious of girls because of this. I would like to have hot feet too but I'm not going to pain my toenails because then I would not be considered a "real man". @Princess Arabia

It's always about you. I knew there was something there that you were fighting within yourself. It's never about the outside world, always about the inside. Do this with everything you are fighting against and you will see it. Not saying don't fight against things etc but always look for the reason you are against something and go deep within, if you can have the courage to accept that part of you, you will start accepting more things that's not in your control and start to love yourself more. My toenails are red all the time and I never had anyone commented on them.

The toes' hint looks a bit stained when I remove the polish to redo them, which is a result from the polishing so regularly, but I bet someone would notice the unpolished nails and say to me your nails are stained you should polish them or soak them in baking soda. People will notice the so-called "bad" things about you first before noticing the good. That's just how the mind works. Start noticing the good things about life and your mind will start to see the good in everything, even painted toenails.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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16 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

Notice that you are exposing kids 13-14 years old to sexual stimuli. Are you really ok with that? Like, not everything is fine just to compete in the sexual market.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I´m sure now you will say that that is not sexual. That you paint them because you like how they look and so on.

Sure, fine. I´m not denying that. But let's be honest, why males don't do it? Because in human culture having your nails painted is usually related with femininity, desire, attraction, 'beauty'. So basically you are 'sexualising' a body part that is not sexual, in a free way. And at the same time traumatising Childs. Think about that for a second.

Maybe you are doing an irresponsible thing here just to amp up your attraction value by 10%. Is that worth it?


0.] ????????(guy excluded every age except 13-14). Just because Something is being perceived as feminine does not make it sexual. No one is traumatized by getting their nails painted. Stop being creepy #O.P

1.]I paint my nails as  a masculine heterosexual male mammal.

2.]Women are as sexist as men(if feminists). 

3.]Sorry the interview for painting nails went south..They caught onto your shenanigans!?

3.1] Porn sites have a section for feet. Guys jerk off to women's feet. This is why. Feet are sexy. 

4.]I'd love to tattoo titties. Try that out, maybe you'll have more success.



  • Feminist 

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1 hour ago, DefinitelyNotARobot said:

So the only way this would work is if all women randomly came together and decided to cease existing all together, since almost anything about a woman's body can be sexualized by men. Some men sexualize feet, some don't. Some find a cute face sexy, some care more about the body. Some get turned on by a sexy voice, some don't really pay as much attention to that. There isn't a way to eliminate every potential sexual signal that could be received by men.

We dont need to eliminate every signal, most men are basic, ass, tits, face, figure thats it. You went to far, that does not mean doe that woman are not sexualizing themselves in western culture. 

I can see how nails and face and stuff like that are unavoidable but Yoga pants and cleavage are, there needs to be a balance.

Regardless of culture a naked woman will get blood flowing and thats biology. So there is still a line we can draw in a healthy way. There is a reason sex workers dress the way they do, it works. 

Woman can wear attire that is less sexual and not be a part of male suppression. 

Biology of male sex drive is happening, a skin tight ass and figure in a dress is going to stimulate more then not wearing it.


The way western culture works right now is woman have 0 awareness of what yoga pants do to the male brain and are indoctrinated into sexual fashion trends as children. Its the reverse of iraq, woman are conditioned to be more sexualized by media. 

There needs to be a healthier balance.  

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StopWork.ai - Voice Everything Browser Extension

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2 hours ago, Phil King said:

Im a man and I once had my toenails painted for months at a time (A girl did them, I didnt do them myself). The people who called me gay were very obviously insecure about their masculinity. What does a "real man" even mean?

Well, culture has some norms in dressing depending if you are a male or a women, wether you like it or not. 

Not that I support it necessarily but it is what it is. 

But I get you maybe in the future we can dissolve this differences.

1 hour ago, DefinitelyNotARobot said:

I see. I'm sorry you feel this way.

Here is my view: Sexualizing something is a cooperative effort. A woman might put on a hot dress, and maybe she DOES want it to look sexy, but that's half of the coin, the other half is the man who then sees her walking down the street and projects his own sexuality on her dress like. There is the signal being sent and the signal being received. The correlation isn't perfect though. Sometimes signals are being sent, but not received, and sometimes people think they're getting a signal when it's not really the case.

If you grew up in a fundamentalist Islamic community in the middle of Iraq, where it's believed that women must cover up their entire body as not to fuck with the minds of men, a woman showing her ankles might be seen as sending a sexual signal, simply because it's so risque relative to the local culture. I don't think ankles are that sexy, but maybe I would if I had never seen even a single female ankle in my life? Idk, it's just a guess, the point is that there is a lot of relativity considering what constitutes as sexual and what doesn't.

Personally I've never seen rep lipstick that made me go "Wow that red is so hot and sexy, I want to have sex with that person now because of how hot and sexy that red is!". Maybe it does affect me on a subconscious level, not denying that, but there are so many potential subconscious factors involved, that I think it's simply unrealistic to try and hold women to our standards as men, because men are quiet frankly fucking horny (especially teenagers).

So the only way this would work is if all women randomly came together and decided to cease existing all together, since almost anything about a woman's body can be sexualized by men. Some men sexualize feet, some don't. Some find a cute face sexy, some care more about the body. Some get turned on by a sexy voice, some don't really pay as much attention to that. There isn't a way to eliminate every potential sexual signal that could be received by men.

@DefinitelyNotARobot @Princess Arabia I definetely do not think that women want to get me horny but painting their toenails. But I mean more than culturally men are not supposed to paint them and women are supposed (well, not supposed, but accepted) to paint them. 

So that should raise you some questions.

Why? Because I didn't just develop my fetishes or preferences from nothing. So I do get in a certain way what you are saying, but in another hand, I am getting vibes that you are judging my way of thinking, when my way of thinking (seeing girls painted toenails as attractive) didn't definitely came from nothing. I picked it up from the collective sexual conceptual matrix. You just might don't find it attractive because you have picked up other things in a different matter from that matrix. But we both have picked up from the same 'tank' so to speak. 

I accept part of my responsibility, but I don't completely buy the whole "you are the bad one, you are the pervert, society is completely fine). Meh, nope, I don't buy it. I don't think I´m guilty or 'sinful' by this.

Having said that, part of this topic was a joke obviously. 

1 hour ago, Princess Arabia said:

It's always about you.


I am the only one "Guilty' and 'Pervert' here? Right....sure, you guys are all saints, society is fine. I am the bad one. I Am 'bad', fucked up, etc... Right. Well, I am done with you guys manipulations.

I am actually the saint one. For pointing out you guys (not just women, talking about society) your devilries ways of thinking and of acting. 

But you want to say I am the guilty and bad here. How dare you

1 hour ago, MAHAVATAR_-_BABAJI said:

I paint my nails. I am a masculine.

Women are as sexist as men(if feminists).

Sorry the interview for nails painting went south..?


What colour?


Women are as sexist as men(if feminists).

Can you explain more about this?

Edited by Javfly33

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18 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

I accept part of my responsibility, but I don't completely buy the whole "you are the bad one, you are the pervert, society is completely fine). Meh, nope, I don't buy it. I don't think I´m guilty or 'sinful' by this.

Its not that, the issue its asking it to be banned does not work in practice as we can see it in iraq. 

So your only hope is to live with your attraction in a healthy way.

But i empathise with you because to me yoga pants destroys my sexual brain, its really sucks and i don't want to see it.

I agree with you that there is a part of society that is sexualizing woman in the west. Painting nails can be viewed as a part of that. But the solution is not to ban it. lol

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