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You are empty consciousness

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You are empty consciousness, spirit, awareness. This emptiness can be anything. So as this awareness, you don't have a body you are a void, a formless presence or mind, truly untouchable. When the creation began, you also became everything, the universe the space holding it all together as there was nothing to limit you. You say okay but why can't I remember? Memories are... fabrications of minds and brains. Even a soul, an eternal type of body can have memories and if you inhabit that body type you will have those memories. You aren't a human, you are truly awareness itself, consciousness, the I AM. But this I am needs a body to experience, to be something, anything. Otherwise there is no experience, no past no future, just being and peace, silence. So as a simple example, if you could switch channels to your friend's body or dog, you might be fooled oh this is me, this is who I am. But really you just inherit their story, character flaws, ego. You aren't them, it's like cosplay to you. Your real self can't be harmed or affected by anything in this dream land. Another example in one of my dreams I was an alien from Alien vs Predator. I ran along walls, climbing them upside down and even hunting marines. Crazy dream, but the part that gets me is that I didn't have language, ego, emotion, I didn't think at all. I was just doing what I was doing, like an animal, by instinct. So yeah I think this is what is meant by the true self and the fact it's untouchable. And I also think this is why we eventually forget what lives we have lived and how many etc. You need a brain or a mind like energetic(even if imagined) system to keep track of these things. 

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