
Have You Tried TMI Meditation? Share Your Experience Please.

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"The mind illuminated" book by culadasa, a meditation guidebook through the 10 meditation stages of shamatha. 

It presents techniques for every stage of practice and is very helpful. 

I am currently stage 3 by the book's description, but I am not sure if it is worth continuing with. 

My plan is currently to master all the way up to stage 7 

Then switch to hardcore vipassana practice (Daniel Ingrams way) until I move through all the 16 (?) stages of insight. 

After doing that I will continue with 1 hour "do nothing" every day and occasional retreats (shinzen noting style) and weekly tripping balls on 5 meo, but that's far away. 

Have you worked with this book? is it worth it? do you know other better systems? maybe yogic systems?  kundalini things? other traditions? I want something potent. 

Note: Psychedelics are unavailable right now and won't be for a long time because of country and age, and I also want to experience the classic enlightenment then experience god realization. 

Note: I am aware of all Buddhist dogma, but the maps and techniques are very useful. 


I believe in the religion of Love
Whatever direction its caravans may take,
For love is my religion and my faith.

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