
True face of Porn

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@Princess Arabia I didn’t want to come off as disrespectful. I was just annoyed how you push back on others but don’t want any push back yourself. 

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Alot of men on the forum have a part of them that don't like women and go about it by arguing with them.

Causing woman to run from this place. At this point its impossible to control. 


Edited by integral - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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1 hour ago, Princess Arabia said:

I love you dearly, and you're a sweetheart, you provide a lot of wisdom on this forum and your YT channel is great. But what you just said just sounds mechanical with no indepth meaning and sounds moralistic. You didn't really think this through and just sounds like the right thing to say. Sex is just sex. It was invented so our selfish asses would have an incentive to reproduce. If it weren't for the feel good aspect there would only be one person in creation, all alone waiting to get screwed.

Outside of porn many people are having unhealthy sex which lacks deep connection and bonding. What is twisted is relative to you and your agenda in life. You only find it twisted because it doesn't suit your taste. There are a lot of sexual perversions happening outside of porn and it's not just horny teenagers that consume it. There are lots of things people find the need to do that isn't moral or ethical. Porn isn't the culprit, it's just a means to an end. I could probably list a dozen more twisted things people are doing to fullfil their need for love other than porn. People are ashamed of their own sexual fantasies so they demonize porn as a way to compensate. The same way they like to demonize gays. And just to make it clear, I'm aware of the sex-trafficking involved, but that's not the issue I'm addressing here.

Feeling the need to 'watch that shit' is equivalent to feeling the need to finding love outside of you in whatever way, shape or form you have chosen. We are the ones collectively creating this so-called "shitty world" then criticizing our own creation. Showing people love and compassion goes a lot further than judging and criticizing. Love you

my bad, I see now that I was complaining instead of taking responsibility

Edited by Swarnim

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2 hours ago, StarStruck said:

@Princess Arabia I didn’t want to come off as disrespectful. I was just annoyed how you push back on others but don’t want any push back yourself. 

2 hours ago, StarStruck said:

@Princess Arabia I didn’t want to come off as disrespectful. I was just annoyed how you push back on others but don’t want any push back yourself. 

I don't see you as being disrespectful. Ignorant on some level in respect to this topic, but not disrespectful. And that's ok. We have our own biases, it's when we try to project that unto other people where it becomes problematic, but we're still learning as a whole and we're here to teach ourselves and others. Without continuing this and dragging it out, you're assuming I have something to push back about here, when I don't, and you're the one condemning my job, I'm not. Sex-trafficking is a major issue and should be addressed. 

Generalizing with a criticism doesn't help because I don't see where I'm pushing back nor do I even know what that really means, because I can interpret that any way I choose. 

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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1 hour ago, integral said:

Alot of men on the forum have a part of them that don't like women and go about it by arguing with them.

Causing woman to run from this place. At this point its impossible to control. 


It's not so much not liking women but not understanding or misunderstanding them. They wouldn't care if they didn't like us. It's because they love us why they are trying to mold us into what they want us to be. They want us to fit into their fantasies of us instead of loving us for who we are, yet they expect that from us. It's called selfish love. It's a part of the reason why humans suffer, not accepting things as they are and moving to the place they want to be.

We will fight against Reality not realizing all possibilities exists in the quantum realm and all it takes is the no how to move to the Reality we would like to experience because what we are experiencing is just a manifestation of our own mind. It makes no sense to criticize and judge people because we cannot experience anything outside our own level of consciousness, so what we are experiencing is a part of our own creation. We have given up our power to the outside world and have become victims to expecting it to make us happy and to fill the void within us when all it takes is for us to go within and fill ourselves up with the love we so desperately seek. That's true Spirituality. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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1 hour ago, Princess Arabia said:

It's not so much not liking women but not understanding or misunderstanding them. They wouldn't care if they didn't like us. It's because they love us why they are trying to mold us into what they want us to be. They want us to fit into their fantasies of us instead of loving us for who we are, yet they expect that from us. It's called selfish love. It's a part of the reason why humans suffer, not accepting things as they are and moving to the place they want to be.

We will fight against Reality not realizing all possibilities exists in the quantum realm and all it takes is the no how to move to the Reality we would like to experience because what we are experiencing is just a manifestation of our own mind. It makes no sense to criticize and judge people because we cannot experience anything outside our own level of consciousness, so what we are experiencing is a part of our own creation. We have given up our power to the outside world and have become victims to expecting it to make us happy and to fill the void within us when all it takes is for us to go within and fill ourselves up with the love we so desperately seek. That's true Spirituality. 

I love what you wrote here, +1.

Everything said makes sense but there is alot of men in many cases that do understand women and dont like the game. Not everyone has the same personality make up that is suited for every job and the relationships game forces men to be good at a specific set of skills that alot of them dont have and have to work very hard to get. Some people are naturals at socializing and some arent, some get woman with no effort and some require years of hard work. 

So we get alot of emotional males on the site, many virgins and having major issues with healthy relationships who see a woman on the site and allow there emotions to guide there communication.

Its very easy if your a man who does not inherently have the set of skills women are attracted to, to then hate the game.

So its not as simple as not resisting reality, relationships are a vital human need, acceptance will not fix the problem, they need to work hard to get the girl. 

As woman do not accept men the way they are so men have to work hard to match it and men dont accept women the way they are so women change there standards to a man who does not criticize them. LMAO Im joking around

Edited by integral - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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20 hours ago, StarStruck said:

@Princess Arabia how do you combine high consciousness with being an escort? I can imagine it can be a tough job. Are you even honest towards yourself? From what I heard from girls from the industry, mostly weird guys with stinky asses who can’t get girls order such services. I’m just asking because I’m curious because I have a hard time imagining how I would enjoy that. 

Wait she is a prostitute??!?!?!!? Jesus Christ, wow that explains a lot.

Is this new information from this thread or have I been out of the loop? So we've been here on this forum trying to have conversations and insights about the mechanics of sexuality and dating, in order to build better relationships and have more success - yet we have people here with such a literal absence of respect for themselves that they sell their body for money - obfuscating/trolling/and mudding the waters for those trying to make real progress?

It's like we are in a United Nations diplomatic court, dedicated for negotiating and discussing delicate geopolitics - and there is somehow a literal terrorist in the room who probably set off pipebombs in some marketplace within the last week, trying to shame us for questioning their creditability on the topics at hand.

I would try and find more amusement in it if I could, as it does appear to be quite a ??? show. But it's honestly more sad than anything. I really had higher hopes for this place but I'm continually let down. I guess that's my fault for repeating the same mistake.

I can't consciously participate anymore. It's such a fucking joke.

Edited by Roy


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@Roy she is a sweet lady but obviously she has some alternative insights on things. Unfortunately there are some mods who are enabling this. I’m kind of afraid to say something back to her because this mod is very keen on labeling people “women unfriendly”. 

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4 hours ago, integral said:

Causing woman to run from this place. At this point its impossible to control. 

While there have been some brash men here (which have been banned), a lot of it is them just being completely unwilling to accept any criticism or responsibility in a community that is more open minded and willing to go out of their way to help.

I remember some seemingly grown up, career professional, developed woman from Singapore a few years ago desperately asking for advice on a situation with her boyfriend. Fucking Leo Gura himself came into the thread to offer his time and some solutions to remedy the problem. Guess what her reaction was? To completely lock up, tell him he doesn't know anything, and to abandon all hope to even try to make things better for herself.

They don't want help most of the time. They can't handle the heat of being in the fire of development. They just want to be placated and gaslit.

If any part of the process isn't perfectly comfortable for them, they run.

It's not just that it's impossible to control, it's not even worth the effort to try.

Edited by Roy


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17 minutes ago, Roy said:

yet we have people here with such a literal absence of respect for themselves that they sell their body for money

Ye so your definitely being judgmental here. If someone would pay me 1000$ an hour I would jam my dick in any hole.

People can sell there bodies and have self-respect. - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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99% of the issues is you guys suck at communicating with woman lmao, got to do it WITH OUT getting emotional about it.

Men on the forum communicate to bluntly and it prevents women to absorb what is being said.

Just say it nicely. 

Edited by integral - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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5 minutes ago, integral said:

Ye so your definitely being judgmental here. If someone would pay me 1000$ an hour I would jam my dick in any hole.

People can sell there bodies and have self-respect. 

The fact you can't see that those things are mutually exclusive means you are part of the problem, and that propagating that kind of weak wishy-washy mentality is an insult to the very core of the principles and integrity people need to build themselves into great human beings.

But by all means let people destroy themselves in the pursuit of some high horse self-contradictory. pseudo spiritual, progressive insanity.

Good. Freaking. Luck.



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This place is very masculine and has a huge feminine shadow.

You are mode and your posts are clearly anti women/femininity/feminism.

And unfortunately you are not the only one.

You have a huge problem of understanding how women operate which is not like men, and I won't get into the reasons for that, it can be biological or cultural, it doesn't matter.

You expect women here to close their eyes to the women hatred, the constant judgement and misunderstanding, in your distorted and selfish view, only when we fawn to your hatred and disrespect towards us, we would be considered "good" and worthy, you expect us to act like nothing happens, as if non of you are a misogynist.

Instead of taking responsibility and deeply contemplating about the reason that this place makes women run, you choose to blame women like a 5 years old boy.

You intentions are not pure, you are driven by hatred and lot of unaddressed pain. If you talk about 50% of the population with such arrogance and contempt don't be surprised if it backfires at you.

I will be here in the shadows to remind you that. Don't worry. Don't think that you can get rid of me by calling me bitter or angry lol.

"Never be afraid to sit a while and think.” ― Lorraine Hansberry


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You're absolutely perfectly right! Nothing says female empowerment and "We've won!" than women selling themselves for less than a price of a big mac meal on OnlyFools.

Applause and pats on the back everywhere.

Edited by Roy


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1 hour ago, Roy said:

Wait she is a prostitute??!?!?!!? Jesus Christ, wow that explains a lot.

Is this new information from this thread or have I been out of the loop? So we've been here on this forum trying to have conversations and insights about the mechanics of sexuality and dating, in order to build better relationships and have more success - yet we have people here with such a literal absence of respect for themselves that they sell their body for money - obfuscating/trolling/and mudding the waters for those trying to make real progress?

It's like we are in a United Nations diplomatic court, dedicated for negotiating and discussing delicate geopolitics - and there is somehow a literal terrorist in the room who probably set off pipebombs in some marketplace within the last week, trying to shame us for questioning their creditability on the topics at hand.

I would try and find more amusement in it if I could, as it does appear to be quite a ??? show. But it's honestly more sad than anything. I really had higher hopes for this place but I'm continually let down. I guess that's my fault for repeating the same mistake.

I can't consciously participate anymore. It's such a fucking joke.

@Leo Gura I really don't think it should be okay for moderators to speak about other forum members in this way...

Death and decay 🥀

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Roy has been going downhill for a while now.

There is not much of a substance to anything he says and he seem to be incapable to engage with most topics more deeper than surface level.

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@Roy don't prerend like you actually care about women not respecting themselves, or selling themselves, or whatever. As if you just want to help them.

You clearly have no respect for women yourself.

Death and decay 🥀

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34 minutes ago, Roy said:

You're absolutely perfectly right! Nothing says female empowerment and "We've won!" than women selling themselves for less than a price of a big mac meal on OnlyFools.

Applause and pats on the back everywhere.

Onlyfools. Never heard that one. I guess they're lots of jokes in every category of life and also lots of fools and hypocrites who makes these jokes. Anyway, before I go see my next client, who I can show lots of love and affection to, and probably reap the benefits from the Universe, because the Universe is Love, I would say to you that you are selling yourself in numerous ways by just existing in society and there are lots of businesses exploiting you now without you being aware of it.

Have fun bashing my character some more. It might just turn around and pay you for the humor you will provide and probably make it's day by laughing, as laughter is good for the soul. You should try it sometime, it might loosen you up a bit and get you off that fake high horse you've climbed on instead of going on the roller coaster where you can really face your whimsical fears.

FYI, there's nothing you can say to me that will or can hurt my feelings. The only way my feelings may get a little teeny weeny hurt in life, is if what's been said is coming from someone who is coming from a place of love, respect, dignity and honor, someone who I regard as highly capable of giving true unbiased criticisms that was intended to truly grow me as a person and to help me blossom into my highest potential and not coming from a place of weakness, judgement, hatred of any kind or lack of kindness and compassion. If i sense it's not coming from that place, all I will do is just turn the mirror around and shine it back in their face. That's it.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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7 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Onlyfools. Never heard that one. I guess they're lots of jokes in every category of life and also lots of fools and hypocrites who makes these jokes. Anyway, before I go see my next client, who I can show lots of love and affection to, and probably reap the benefits from the Universe, because the Universe is Love, I would say to you that you are selling yourself in numerous ways by just existing in society and there are lots of businesses exploiting you now without you being aware of it.

Have fun bashing my character some more. It might just turn around and pay you for the humor you will provide and probably make it's day by laughing, as laughter is good for the soul. You should try it sometime, it might loosen you up a bit and get you off that fake high horse you've climbed on instead of going on the roller coaster where you can really face your whimsical fears.

FYI, there's nothing you can say to me that will or can hurt my feelings. The only way my feelings may get a little teeny weeny hurt in life, is if what's been said is coming from someone who is coming from a place of love, respect, dignity and honor, someone who I regard as highly capable of giving true unbiased criticisms that was intended to truly grow me as a person and to help me blossom into my highest potential and not coming from a place of weakness, judgement, hatred of any kind or lack of kindness and compassion. If i sense it's not coming from that place, all I will do is just turn the mirror around and shine it back in their face. That's it.

Hi Princess, I didn't know that.
I didn't go down the rabbit hole but something bothers me about the commodification of such things, is the "love" you give to your customers really sincere ?
Wouldn't you have preferred to have a husband and children? ?

A more lasting and deeper love in short.

Edited by Schizophonia

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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22 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

Hi Princess, I didn't know that.
I didn't go down the rabbit hole but is the "love" you give to your customers really sincere.
Wouldn't you have preferred to have a husband and children? :/

There are different kinds of love. Do you give your pet the same kind of love you give your gf or wife. I extend love on this forum numerous times, I might say I love you to someone or say lots of kisses or say sending❤️to name a few, Noone acknowledges that, not even the ones I send it to but I send it anyway, but as soon as I say I'm going to give love to a man who gives me money, you want to ask me isn't it better to have a husband or child for that and if it is sincere.

Gosh I didn't say I was in love with this man and how I'm going to trick him into giving me his money, I said I was going to show him love like I do in all walks of my life and to most people I meet and not just to a selected few because I want something in return. I hope the Universe is using me to show some of you people how biased and unloving you are because some of these questions and comments are just opening up to me how humanity can be so uncaring and can only see things from a limited perspective. I am one of the most kind, loving and compassionate person I even know, and that's not coming from a place of cockiness but unbiased observation and I sometimes cringe at the atrocities humanity is capable of.

To me what's more fake and less sincere is the ones who criticize what I do for a living and judging it just for the sake of judging it and never once asked me if I was OK. Never once reached out to me personally to ask if I was being trafficked and just couldn't say so, not once did they ask if there's anything they could do to get me out of this work that they so deem as evil, not once lend a hand of compassion before they started judging. To me that shows who's who more than some stupid job title. I didn't have to reveal what I did but I've come to a point in my life where I'm not going to hide behind the walls anymore. I refuse to show the world what I'm not just to receive some fake love. Love me for who I am or don't love me at all.  NEXT...

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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