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Anyone in this forum completely transcended fear of death ?

219 posts in this topic

47 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

When I was little I cried hard because I had hit myself.
Now I would have to cut off a finger and maybe more to have a similar reaction.

Exactly, and you can educate yourself to endure almost anything. 

Those boxers seem that are having a good time, the chamber music fits. 

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4 hours ago, Sidra khan said:

Take cold showers ?
Do mindfulness meditations ?Contact an expert therapist 

And don't forget to thank me for showing you the world with different eyeglasses:D B|




The devil is in the details.

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Martyrs (Pascal Laugier) is a very very brutal but deep film about extreme suffering and trancendence. Thanks to @LSD-Rumifor the recommendation. 

We shouldn't forget that in this world there exist states of suffering where having the option of suicide would be pure heaven.. 


Edited by TheAlchemist

"Only that which can change can continue."

-James P. Carse

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6 minutes ago, TheAlchemist said:

Martyrs (Pascal Laugier) is a very very brutal but deep film about extreme suffering and trancendence. Thanks to @LSD-Rumifor the recommendation. 

We shouldn't forget that in this world there exist states of suffering where having the option of suicide would be pure heaven..


Finally, someone who decided to actually watch the movie :P

Yeah it is very deep, it is not just meaningless brutality.

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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Only when I'm meditating in a certain way is clear to me that death does not exist. But then I fall into the illusion again ?

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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On 2023-08-11 at 9:59 PM, Someone here said:

No matter how much I try to accept my own mortality.. I can't.

Well it’s because it’s literally just a thought . You’re just reacting to your own mind. No way,  and no need to accept or deal with something that isn’t even happening. All you’re dealing with is your own mind.

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On 14-8-2023 at 3:14 PM, Sidra khan said:

Wow you're right ? I'm a bit famous for making accurate projections, yet respected Razard it won't be fair to give you any score but because you asked for my opinion, I think you're a serious case. ?

See what google says, 

"Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them. People with this disorder may lack the ability to understand or care about the feelings of others"

Take the test ok
If the score is too high ? ?
Take cold showers ?
Do mindfulness meditations ?Contact an expert therapist 

And don't forget to thank me for showing you the world with different eyeglasses. :D B|


@Sidra khanBe careful putting your beliefs and materialistic/psychological terms on people. You will create your reality based on the diagnosis you put on people, diagnosing people with sociopathy/narcissism/empaths etc. is your ego creating distinctions/seperation because it doesn't know how to handle people of different consciousness levels making yourself less conscious. When you start operating at higher consciousness levels these terms become useless, and you won't see or meet these people


Edited by Jowblob


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Death is Life
Life is Death


Edited by tuku747

Brains Do Not Exist 

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Yeah, me.

I'm not experiencing "death" right now, so I can't fear it. Most people operate this way actually, until they THINK about death, but most people are not enlightened and they are stuck to their self-image, so then this brings up a fear in them that feels very real.

Experience can't die. It just changes a lot. The physical body might stop operating at some point, but of course, that is not my experience right now, and even if it was, that would not be death either. It would just be physical pain or something.

Whatever idea you have about death, is not death, so you worry about something that is not, and probably never will be.

To put it more succinctly, you need enlightenment or some drug-induced state to transcend the fear of death, probably. But the latter is temporary.

Edited by Osaid

Describe a thought.

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3 minutes ago, Osaid said:

Yeah, me.

I'm not experiencing "death" right now, so I can't fear it. Most people operate this way actually, until they THINK about death, but most people are not enlightened and they are stuck to their self-image, so then this brings up a fear in them that feels very real.

Experience can't die. It just changes a lot. The physical body might stop operating at some point, but of course, that is not my experience right now, and even if it was, that would not be death either. It would just be physical pain or something.

Whatever idea you have about death, is not death, so you worry about something that is not, and probably never will be.

To put it more succinctly, you need enlightenment or some drug-induced state to transcend the fear of death, probably. But the latter is temporary.


I personally think the closest guess is there’s nothing after death..but not nothing in the way we think about it. Nothing, as we know it is the absence of something..but because our brains will be dead we won’t have a concept of nothing or something.

You Basically saying death doesn’t really exist for the dead because death is only a concept people alive can experience. So death is not something we truly experience first hand.. which means there aren’t ways to describe it..because it’s not an experience you can actually go through. It’s a state of being something,. Am I understanding you correctly?

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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13 minutes ago, Someone here said:

You Basically saying death doesn’t really exist for the dead because death is only a concept people alive can experience. So death is not something we truly experience first hand.. which means there aren’t ways to describe it..because it’s not an experience you can actually go through. It’s a state of being something,. Am I understanding you correctly?

Yeah, I think so.

I am saying that I LITERALLY cannot fear death right now, no matter how hard I try, because there is no "death" in my experience. My state right now is just glued to the present moment. "Death" is just words on my screen right now, and then maybe some images of someone getting injured in my head. That's it. That's literally all it is. It's just thoughts and concepts and words. 

Death only exists as a concept. Literally. Your experience won't be your imagination of death. So there's nothing to fear. It's something you experience. You can't imagine experience. You're imagining some time in the future right now where you die, but it's just imagination. Anytime you think of the future it's completely useless to fear it because it is just a thought form.

But also, death specifically is always an idea. It's just an idea you came up with to try and estimate some experience. It doesn't even point to anything real or substantial. Death is not physical pain. Death is not sensation or experience. It is literally just some human concept that says "Hmm, maybe my consciousness will disappear when my physical body dies?" <<< this question/concept is LITERALLY all that death is! This is death! 

The reason you are confused about death is because you are not experiencing it. If you were experiencing it, there would be no confusion. Now, I ask, how are you fearing something that you do not know or experience? There's literally nothing to fear! I'm not playing semantics, this is not hopeful thinking, there is existentially absolutely nothing for you to fear right now. You are just imagining a description of "death" in the form of thought, and then using that as a proxy to invoke fear. It is just thought.

Describe a thought.

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4 hours ago, Osaid said:

Death only exists as a concept. Literally. Your experience won't be your imagination of death. So there's nothing to fear. 

As Epicurus said, death is a chimera, because when I am , death is not , and when death is , I am not . 

I would say that death does not exist because when I stop being what I am, something else will be, and what I am now would never have been, because only the now is.

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7 hours ago, Osaid said:

Yeah, I think so.

I am saying that I LITERALLY cannot fear death right now, no matter how hard I try, because there is no "death" in my experience. My state right now is just glued to the present moment. "Death" is just words on my screen right now, and then maybe some images of someone getting injured in my head. That's it. That's literally all it is. It's just thoughts and concepts and words. 

Death only exists as a concept. Literally. Your experience won't be your imagination of death. So there's nothing to fear. It's something you experience. You can't imagine experience. You're imagining some time in the future right now where you die, but it's just imagination. Anytime you think of the future it's completely useless to fear it because it is just a thought form.

But also, death specifically is always an idea. It's just an idea you came up with to try and estimate some experience. It doesn't even point to anything real or substantial. Death is not physical pain. Death is not sensation or experience. It is literally just some human concept that says "Hmm, maybe my consciousness will disappear when my physical body dies?" <<< this question/concept is LITERALLY all that death is! This is death! 

The reason you are confused about death is because you are not experiencing it. If you were experiencing it, there would be no confusion. Now, I ask, how are you fearing something that you do not know or experience? There's literally nothing to fear! I'm not playing semantics, this is not hopeful thinking, there is existentially absolutely nothing for you to fear right now. You are just imagining a description of "death" in the form of thought, and then using that as a proxy to invoke fear. It is just thought.

Yes I'm imagining death right now .it has no actuality in the present moment. I understand that . But does that mean the future is complete fantasy and imagination?  Because if the future is real then your point can't hold water .so you must deny the existence of time if you want to deny the existence of death.  But time seems real .the clock is ticking. The sun is shining and setting everyday. I seem to age and get older ...what happens next ? Do you really think that you gonna live in Osaid's avatar for ...

for-fucking-ever ?

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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1 minute ago, Someone here said:

Yes I'm imagining death right now .it has no actuality in the present moment. I understand that . But does that mean the future is complete fantasy and imagination?  Because if the future is real then your point can't hold water .so you must deny the existence of time if you want to deny the existence of death.  But time seems real .the clock is ticking. The sun is shining and setting everyday. I seem to age and get older ...what happens next ? Do you really think that you gonna live in Osaid's avatar for ...

for-fucking-ever ?

Time isn't real. Neither is space. There is no future only the present moment is real. Your signature is correct, but are you recognizing it. The mind is in the past and future, it has trouble being in the present. Linear time is what you're experiencing to make sense of reality. Everything is fantasy and imagination. Time only seems real, the clock was invented. The sun isn't rising and setting, it only appears that way. You are aging because of entropy. 

It's not about living in your Avatar forever but imagining this one, then imagining the next. Forever.

Know thyself....

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3 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Time isn't real. Neither is space. There is no future only the present moment is real. Your signature is correct, but are you recognizing it. The mind is in the past and future, it has trouble being in the present. Linear time is what you're experiencing to make sense of reality. Everything is fantasy and imagination. Time only seems real, the clock was invented. The sun isn't rising and setting, it only appears that way. You are aging because of entropy. 

It's not about living in your Avatar forever but imagining this one, then imagining the next. Forever.

By that logic you are basically saying there Is no actuality to ANYTHING.  You might as well deny the entire existence of reality lol.

 I appear to exist inside a three dimensional space..  the content of this space keeps changing constantly.. Look!  It doesn't stand still for a single fucking moment!!  Everything is running away.. Quickly..  Every experience gets born to die.. In the same instance.   Impermanence is such a mindfuck.  Everything is a fucking mirage.. It's all bullshit. Wow. It's so weird isn't it? :P

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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21 minutes ago, Someone here said:

By that logic you are basically saying there Is no actuality to ANYTHING.  You might as well deny the entire existence of reality lol.

 I appear to exist inside a three dimensional space..  the content of this space keeps changing constantly.. Look!  It doesn't stand still for a single fucking moment!!  Everything is running away.. Quickly..  Every experience gets born to die.. In the same instance.   Impermanence is such a mindfuck.  Everything is a fucking mirage.. It's all bullshit. Wow. It's so weird isn't it? :P

It's magnificent, it's beautiful, it's colorful, it's spectacular, it's mind-blowing, it's awesome. My petty life might not be so great, but who the hell cares when it's just an experience. Who the hell cares when it doesn't lasts forever. Who the hell cares when I know it's my mind that's creating all this. Who the hell cares when I know it's just a dream. 

When you look through your sunglasses and things appear darker, do you deny the existence of the darker appearance. No, you just know it's an appearance, but it's still happening, appearing. I don't deny that. But I do deny that the darkness is permanent, the outer appearance is the same but I'm looking at it through the filter of sunglasses, so it appears different. Same goes for high heels, you only appear taller but your height is the same. I don't deny the appearance and say look I still look 5'6 even with my high heels on I say I appear taller with my heels on. Same with a microphone, the voice sounds louder, even though it's the same voice. Those are all illusions. Appearances. 

Same here. I don't deny it, but I do deny that what I see is what's actual. I understand it's only an appearance. An illusion of the mind. I'm experiencing it through filters, layers of filters. Drop the filters and things become more actual, more to the Truth. You are not inside a 3d space, the 3d space is inside you.

Edited by Princess Arabia

Know thyself....

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14 hours ago, Someone here said:

Yes I'm imagining death right now .it has no actuality in the present moment. I understand that . But does that mean the future is complete fantasy and imagination?  Because if the future is real then your point can't hold water .so you must deny the existence of time if you want to deny the existence of death.  But time seems real .the clock is ticking. The sun is shining and setting everyday. I seem to age and get older ...what happens next ? Do you really think that you gonna live in Osaid's avatar for ...

for-fucking-ever ?

You are accessing something from the present right now, which is "death."

But this thing you access is not death, because you are always present. It is just a description of some thing called "death" that YOU made up. It's based in nothing. You will never experience the future. Yes, It's complete fantasy.

Experience is not concept or any idea you have of death, it is just the entirety of experience itself, whatever that is.

You are interpreting things from experience which do not exist.  There is absolutely nothing to interpret in experience. Experience is just experience. The color red is just the color red, it can't be anything else, and you can't interpret it as anything else.

Death is just a fantasy humans made up, and you adopted it. Kind of like believing in Santa.

I am saying that the entire medium of "death" is an inaccurate tool for accessing reality. It needs to be dropped. It's just a concept. It won't let you access reality. Instead you should describe what is experienced presently, rather than making up future events. When you want to realize reality, you don't make up things like "death", you just look in front of you and describe it.

It's like this:

A kid looks at presents under his chimney and infers >>> Oh, that means I will meet Santa in the future!

You are doing the same exact thing, you see someone's physical body get injured and infer >>> Oh, that means I will experience death in the future! 

In both cases, you've made something up that isn't the actual thing itself and never will be. It never will be, because the medium of concept/imagination can never touch reality or actually be real, ever.

Although, you're welcome to prove me wrong, let me know when you do manage to experience the future.

Edited by Osaid

Describe a thought.

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

By that logic you are basically saying there Is no actuality to ANYTHING.  You might as well deny the entire existence of reality lol.

 I appear to exist inside a three dimensional space..  the content of this space keeps changing constantly.. Look!  It doesn't stand still for a single fucking moment!!  Everything is running away.. Quickly..  Every experience gets born to die.. In the same instance.   Impermanence is such a mindfuck.  Everything is a fucking mirage.. It's all bullshit. Wow. It's so weird isn't it? :P

The thing is that the experience that is happening is like a hologram superimposed on reality. You are not the hologram, you are reality, but you identify with the hologram and it seems solid. you have to break its solidity, realize reality, which is infinity, and realize that you are that and that the you you thought you were is a fiction. Everything else about knowing things is very good but it is simple curiosity, like knowing about politics or biology. spirituality is realizing your true nature and then identifying with it, making the hologram transparent full time. It is not easy but it is not that difficult either, and for anyone on this forum, interested in spirituality, it should be a must to reach that point.

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At a certain point the OP just needs to put some skin in the game and deconstruct his mind. All these threads are like a person questioning how cold the pool is, at a certain point you should just jump in the pool. Even if you go in the shallow side its a start. But contemplating reality without meditation, taking psychedelics etc... is just a waste of time after awhile. You can't study your way to Absolute Truth. You must risk sanity, and your personal identity to reach Absolute Truth. It's non negotiable. Anything less is just entertainment for the ego. Nothing wrong with that but that's all you are doing.

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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