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Anyone in this forum completely transcended fear of death ?

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6 hours ago, Someone here said:

I understand that my body's  recycling process but not sure if the same applies to death .maybe when you're dead you're dead and that's it .

Death and birth are two sides of the same coin; they always go together. Every death is a birth, and every birth is a death. You can't have one without the other.

Your fear of "dying" is the same fear that the fetus has of being born.

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@Leo Gura i cant know admitting that is admitting that i am dead. that is the end. you know just as much as me.

Edited by Hojo

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

If you think this work will make you invincible, boy, you're in for a rude surprise.

One of the things I'm doing now which I wish I'd done earlier is disabusing you guys of mythical and fantastical notions about Awakening. Actual Awakening is a lot less glamorous. Consider that you've been sold a lot of fairy tales.

As long as I can start crying at the sight of forks I'll be happy with Awakening. 

I forgive my past, I release the future, and I honor how I feel in the present. 

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4 hours ago, ZenSwift said:

As long as I can start crying at the sight of forks I'll be happy with Awakening. 

Even that will be a sporadic thing. Sometimes you will look at a fork and not give a fuck. Most times in fact.

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7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

It is easy to say you have transcended this suffering or that suffering, but suffering can get very large and you will feel differently once you're stuck in it.

Sadly, I can confirm this :/, I used to have a lot of spiritual fantasies, but almost all of them got shattered by how brutal life can be. It made me appreciate the conservative and nonadventurous tendencies that people have. Life can be brutal physically and psychologically.

People who say they have transcended suffering, what if you got amnesia out of a sudden, I expect you will lose all your invincibility :P

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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@Leo Gurawhen you say you've been suffering a lot lately, without being specific, are you saying physically (with your health condition) or mentally (unrelated to your health condition)?

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5 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

@Leo Gurawhen you say you've been suffering a lot lately, without being specific, are you saying physically (with your health condition) or mentally (unrelated to your health condition)?

Both. Physical issues easily spill over into mental ones.

But also I've suffered plenty just mentally, unrelated to health.

Edited by Leo Gura

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:


Man, we should listen to the good old masters and meditate to find balance. 


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There is not one kind of death. You can die physically, emotionally or mentally. Or all at once. I have trouble with all three. Trying to die mentally is already hard enough.

Edited by StarStruck

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:


Isn't mental suffering just stories of the mind. Not what's actually happening. Physical pain is just that, physical pain, but isn't mental suffering, caused by you and your ideas about what is arising. If you thought differently, do you think you'd still be mentally suffering. 

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14 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Isn't mental suffering just stories of the mind.

This may be technically true but it's way too reductionistic because most of your life is wrapped up in meaning you create.

For example, if your business collapses you will not feel any physical pain, however the mental suffering can be immense as you have to face serious loss and you have to reflect on things you did which caused its collapse. You cannot just take the position that "oh, well, it's just a story in my mind". No, it's much more serious than that because the stories in your mind determine whether you live or die.

There is much suffering to be had simply from reflecting on your on inadequecies. So what are you gonna do, not reflect on your own inadequcies and mistakes? You gonna ignore them in order to feel at peace? That's not gonna go so well. Imagine how you'd feel if you were pulling out of your driveway and accidentally ran over someone's child. Are you gonna sit down and silence your mind to meditate your way out of that?

And what about all stuff in your life that you could lose? Are you just gonna act like nothing happened if your house burns down? If your child or dog is run over by a car? If your health is ruined by poison? If your spouse dumps you? If your best friend steals from you?

There is endless suffering waiting for you behind every corner. You just aren't aware of it yet.

Edited by Leo Gura

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4 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

There is not one kind of death. You can die physically, emotionally or mentally. Or all at once. I have trouble with all three. Trying to die mentally is already hard enough.

You lost me here. Why are you trying to die? Life is about living not dieing 

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

This may be technically true but it's way too reductionistic because most of your life is wrapped up in meaning you create.

For example, if you business collapses you will not feel any physical pain, however the mental suffering can be immense as you have to face serious loss and you have to reflect on things you did which caused its collapse. You cannot just take the position that "oh, well, it's just a story in my mind". No, it's much more serious than that because the stories in your mind determine whether you live or die.

Yes, but aren't the "if's" just stories also. It's not actually happening. I understand that what happened, happened. It would be devastating to lose a business, but why think about the if's. That's just creating if's, not actuality. An abundance mindset will create more businesses because you know you are the Source from which the business came. I know it's easier said than done and I'm not saying the concern shouldn't be there, but why not deal with it at the time. Make preparations for the if's. But why suffer about something that's not actually happening. I know we're just using a business as an example, this could be replaced with anything material.

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there is only one way to transcend the fear of death. see throughout life that each event is exactly what has to happen when it has to happen. you flow with life and when it comes to an end you can accept it naturally and without fear. I'm not speaking from experience, obviously.

41 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

For example, if your business collapses you will not feel any physical pain, however the mental suffering can be immense as you have to face serious loss and you have to reflect on things you did which caused its collapse. You cannot just take the position that "oh, well, it's just a story in my mind". No, it's much more serious than that because the stories in your mind determine whether you live or die.

There is much suffering to be had simply from reflecting on your on inadequecies. So what are you gonna do, not reflect on your own inadequcies and mistakes? You gonna ignore them in order to feel at peace? That's not gonna go so well. Imagine how you'd feel if you were pulling out of your driveway and accidentally ran over someone's child. Are you gonna sit down and silence your mind to meditate your way out of that?

Exactly, we are not animals adapted to the environment who live in the eternal present, we depends of the mind to survive, so the mind is not a joke. In fact, is the main thing. 

spirituality tells you: transcend the mind and be like a bird. Yes, sure. The thing is: understand the mind and master the mind in the extent that you can.  


Edited by Breakingthewall

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18 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

You lost me here. Why are you trying to die? Life is about living not dieing 

Life and death is the same thing. Contemplate on it and you will see.

Edited by StarStruck

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18 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

This may be technically true but it's way too reductionistic because most of your life is wrapped up in meaning you create.

For example, if your business collapses you will not feel any physical pain, however the mental suffering can be immense as you have to face serious loss and you have to reflect on things you did which caused its collapse. You cannot just take the position that "oh, well, it's just a story in my mind". No, it's much more serious than that because the stories in your mind determine whether you live or die.

There is much suffering to be had simply from reflecting on your on inadequecies. So what are you gonna do, not reflect on your own inadequcies and mistakes? You gonna ignore them in order to feel at peace? That's not gonna go so well. Imagine how you'd feel if you were pulling out of your driveway and accidentally ran over someone's child. Are you gonna sit down and silence your mind to meditate your way out of that?

And what about all stuff in your life that you could lose? Are you just gonna act like nothing happened if your house burns down? If your child or dog is run over by a car? If your health is ruined by poison? If your spouse dumps you? If your best friend steals from you?

There is endless suffering waiting for you behind every corner. You just aren't aware of it yet.

The house I'm living in did catch on fire once around 6yrs ago. Didn't see it coming. I'm still living in the same house. We did what we needed to do at the time. When it happened it happened. I didn't go through suffering wondering about my house catching on fire before it happened. I don't go around wondering about the things that might happen, my mind goes towards things I want to happen. Things happen, yes, but why go about life focusing on what could happen. Instead focus on what you want to happen. That's how we create.

Know thyself....

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5 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

Life and death is the same thing. Contemplate on it and you will see.

God and Satan are the same thing but only God exists. Contemplate on that and you'll see.

Know thyself....

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11 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Yes, but aren't the "if's" just stories also. It's not actually happening.

That's a very dangerous and serious game you're playing because by the logic your whole life is just a story.

But you will not have enough wherewithal to treat someone like the loss of your house or your child as "just a story". It's not just your story, it's you're whole reason for existence.


It would be devastating to lose a business, but why think about the if's. That's just creating if's, not actuality.

This assuming that losing a business wasn't caused by you. But what if your own behaviors and mindset keep causing you to lose your business?


An abundance mindset will create more businesses because you know you are the Source from which the business came. I know it's easier said than done and I'm not saying the concern shouldn't be there, but why not deal with it at the time. Make preparations for the if's. But why suffer about something that's not actually happening. I know we're just using a business as an example, this could be replaced with anything material.

Almost any complex undertaking in life requires serious fore-thought, planning, and analysis of mistakes. If you don't analyze your mistakes you won't grow or improve.

If your child gets run over by a car, you can't just go, "Abudance mindset!" You will naturally need to ask the question, "Was I a bad parent? Did my own negligence cause this? How can I prevent this in the future?" And that will come with serious suffering.

You guys are not thinking deeply enough about these issues.

Edited by Leo Gura

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