
Here's why is impossible to be "bored" or craving artificial stimulation if you Awake

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You really think god will put someone in that "awakened" state for a long time? God wants people to live life and suffer. I was once in this childlike state where everything was magical and new but it didn't last very very long, it was a high state induced by psychedelic.

You can't control your state of consciousness

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2 hours ago, Holykael said:


You can't control your state of consciousness

You can.

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Yeah, well, life is a dream. So what? The power of the dream should not be underestimated.

If you think awakened people can't get addictions I think you're kidding yourself.

You still have to be vigilant against bad habits otherwise you will end up like Alan Watts, an awakened alcoholic who drinks himself to death.

Awakening is not a get-out-of-jail-free card.

Is not about kidding myself. Is about setting the bar to a level that is enough high so the word "being Awake" means actually something real.

I do not consider anyone to be awake if he falls into ego.

Since Reality is always Now, if Now you are not awake, that's it, you lost.

You might as well say that you awakened 10 years ago, but the previous 9years you have been a crack addict with a miserable life in very poor and compressed states of consciousness.


Edited by Javfly33

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I completely agree with you. Isn't existence marvelous?! Soo beautiful and exquisite. I am in awe every morning I wake up. 

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3 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

Is not about kidding myself. Is about setting the bar to a level that is enough high so the word "being Awake" means actually something real.

I do not consider anyone to be awake if he falls into ego.

Since Reality is always Now, if Now you are not awake, that's it, you lost.

You might as well say that you awakened 10 years ago, but the previous 9years you have been a crack addict with a miserable life in very poor and compressed states of consciousness.


I like how you set the bar high. But maybe you are setting it a little too high. See if you experience that same mystical wonder for the sensations inside your body. 

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On 11.8.2023 at 8:43 PM, Javfly33 said:

If you are actually AWAKE, and you find yourself a Tuesday evening at 10PM on your house alone, there's no fucking way there is a need or a craving to seek stimulation or "entertainment" through a screen, talking to someone, watching a dumb YouTube video, etc...

Why? Well, if you are actually deeply Awake and Conscious, just the mere phenomena of being ALIVE, of watching "dumb" objects appearing in front of you (a wall, a chair, a kitchen sink), hearing noises outside your home like dogs barking, traffic, etc...all of this becomes just deeply interesting on its own.

Why? Because life is not anymore a dumb object. You are inside a wonderful marvelous creation, and you are AWAKE. You are in AWE just by the mere fact that you are conscious of Consciousness. Everything becomes mystical... everything. Just the act of breathing and existing becomes a completely enchanting phenomena to be conscious. Everything seems magical, because it is. And you can not fucking get tired of it. 

So there you go. The great test to "measure" your awakeness. Fast and easy. Know today how awake you are.

If you are not in love and in awe with the mere fact of breathing and existing, guess what...you are not fucking awake!


Thanks for describing your experience. I do agree with that, based on my own experience. And thousands of others in all cultures and centuries described it like you do. That is a very important element of the path.

It probably sounds quite a bit nuts, boring and strange. At least I would have interpreted it like that a few years ago...

But that is exactly how the Impersonal (Silent/Pure/Empty) Infinite Consciousness perceives all of its manifestation in certain awakened nondual states, watching itself, perceiving itself, being itself and the world, by itself, for itself.

(1) That starts to happen when the self-contraction/separate-self is seen through, transcended and cut off either with high enough speed & proficiency, or with some more energetic state-change techniques.

So the resulting flow of bliss makes it no longer possible for any grasping/contracting thought/feeling-arising to grip & contract the focus/attention (and cut the nondual field into two, or duality), and create bad emotions/stop the flow of bliss. And motivating the separate-self with that resulting suffering again for searching or avoiding certain experiences to eradicate the suffering, and relax the contraction again.

That process you describe is the natural way that leads the transition to the deep identity level change to ones True Nature, the Infinite Silent and peaceful/blissful Abyss of Pure Consciousness without location or any kind of objective appearance... 

When not finding IT (or Consciousness, or oneself), at some point the localization of consciousness dissolves, making every appearance (thought, feeling, cloud, tree, the whole world including ones "small self") just an appearance arising in the Infinite, silent & empty and not-personal Eternal Reality of Ones True Being, Infinite Consciousness, or Reality itself.

(2) And when it is seen that even the "Understander" of this Nondual and Awake Realization is nothing more than a bundle of "understanding"-thoughts arising WITHIN THAT, then Full Enlightenment is finally seeing that there never was a separate-self besides an illusion, and nobody (besides) an Illusion actually woke up. Pure Infinite Consciousness/Being was there throughout, undisturbed, just containing some illusion-arisings. And yet, that Realization or waking up of that perspective of Indras Net makes all the difference in the dream of that perspective, finally dissolving the self-contraction/separate-self illusion even of the "Understander" of all of that for good.

Selling Water by the River


PS: (1) are the stages of dissolving the separate-self into nonduality, and (2) is going from Nonduality/Unity towards even relaxing/dissolving the "Understander"-separate-self-illusion of that into Infinite Consciousness/Reality itself. More on that in this post:

PS PS: For Infinite Reality to create a separate-self/self-contraction/ego and to maintain it, there are just two emotions needed that have to regularly occur in cycles (not permanently, that would also kill the separate-self) : 1) suffering (in the meaning of non-satisfied-ness, or "non-bliss" , and 2) boredom. That starts all of the projects for getting back again the bliss via certain experiences (whatever that may be varies a lot).

A bliss that would be there if not the separate-self-contraction would stop its flow via contracting. Of course, that can only be seen after having touched the natural bliss of ones True Being, because if that would be seen earlier the whole process would be shut off immediately. But if there is no technique available to just cut off the contraction/suffering, one has to stick to grasping for certain experiences, because that is then all one has...

Edited by Water by the River

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@Water by the River yyesterday I had an awakening experience, and today I was thinking in what you use to say about enlightenment. I wrote this: 

yesterday I had an experience that I can't call anything other than enlightenment. I have been thinking a lot about states of consciousness, awakening, understanding, and I was clear to me hat everything is a matter of levels of depth, and that these are infinite. Yesterday morning I took 20 ug of lsd, low but it has a profound effect on me. it allows me to interact with people but at the same time be in an open state, with the flavor of lsd fully present. around 8:00 p.m. in a park I smoked a single puff of weed. I sat down and started thinking about the couple, the sex, and suddenly, something happened. my mind opened completely. the mental flow stopped completely and my being opened, like a plant, leaving an empty hole inside. suddenly, there was no more human, there was no more mind, zero. there was only existence. bright, pure, limitless. laughter. that was. that's it. nothing to understand, nothing to know, all that belongs to the human mind, any comprehension was implicit in existing, there were no more questions, this is what I am, life or death does not matter, reincarnation or whatever, they are all mental stories. brilliance, perfection, recognition of myself as a completely impersonal, free, unlimited existence. nothing to interpret, I stayed in that state for a couple of hours, smiling. that is what I was looking for, the complete purity of the existence that I am. It is not a high state of consciousness, it is the complete purity of consciousness. It cannot be raised any higher because it is beyond the levels, it is simply the total absence of mental contamination. is to be. It is complete joy, my true nature, it cannot be better, there is no more ambition. It is something that if you tell someone, they will find it boring, lacking in content, lacking in future prospects. it is simply being, but same time it's everything.  

But now I'm doubting. Let's see , Maybe more depth is possible. It's extremely beautiful, so it could became addictive. 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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2 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

@Water by the River yyesterday I had an awakening experience, and today I was thinking in what you use to say about enlightenment. I wrote this: 

yesterday I had an experience that I can't call anything other than enlightenment. I have been thinking a lot about states of consciousness, awakening, understanding, and I was clear to me hat everything is a matter of levels of depth, and that these are infinite. Yesterday morning I took 20 ug of lsd, low but it has a profound effect on me. it allows me to interact with people but at the same time be in an open state, with the flavor of lsd fully present. around 8:00 p.m. in a park I smoked a single puff of weed. I sat down and started thinking about the couple, the sex, and suddenly, something happened. my mind opened completely. the mental flow stopped completely and my being opened, like a plant, leaving an empty hole inside. suddenly, there was no more human, there was no more mind, zero. there was only existence. bright, pure, limitless. laughter. that was. that's it. nothing to understand, nothing to know, all that belongs to the human mind, any comprehension was implicit in existing, there were no more questions, this is what I am, life or death does not matter, reincarnation or whatever, they are all mental stories. brilliance, perfection, recognition of myself as a completely impersonal, free, unlimited existence. nothing to interpret, I stayed in that state for a couple of hours, smiling. that is what I was looking for, the complete purity of the existence that I am. It is not a high state of consciousness, it is the complete purity of consciousness. It cannot be raised any higher because it is beyond the levels, it is simply the total absence of mental contamination. is to be. It is complete joy, my true nature, it cannot be better, there is no more ambition. It is something that if you tell someone, they will find it boring, lacking in content, lacking in future prospects. it is simply being, but same time it's everything. 


IT (what you describe, bold markings by me) is always right here, and can not be gone. Just temporarily clouded with containing/giving arising to the illusion-arisings of the self-contraction (certain I-thoughts and I-feelings). One can do perfectly fine without them, because most of them are just suffering.

I am happy for you that you had this Awakening, insight and experience. That is a wonderful "place" to live ones life from.

Water by the River


PS: Just some further musings, not specifically intented as answer for you/your post, but also for others that maybe are a bit put off (or just dont really know what I mean by that) by my frequent mentioning of the Impersonal/Nonpersonal [or empty] Nature of Reality/Pure Primary Consciousness/Infinite Consciousness. I certainly would have been a few years ago.

[IT/Infinite Reality (what you describe, bold markings by me) is always right here, and can not be gone. Just temporarily clouded with containing/giving arising to the illusion-arisings of the self-contraction (certain I-thoughts and I-feelings). One can do perfectly fine without them, because most of them are just suffering.]

Yet, after waking up, the personal individuality/soul stays, though no longer being a separate-self, but an enlightened being in nondual unity with existence itself. Impersonal or non-personal is not bad at all (although it can sound scary in the beginning), but on the opposite: It allows for the full expression of ones individuality or soul-qualities, that now can finally flourish in nonduality, and are no in a contracted separate-ness, hampeing its flow and expression with suffering and other not so nice experiences. But instead expressing itself fully in the Infinite Existence/Reality that one really is then, containing in this perspective (of Indras Net/Reality itself) this individual soul and its expressions.

It is like:

  • Unenlightened Being/perspective
    • = Absolute Reality + Individuality/soul + and separate-self arisings cutting Nonduality/Reality into two, creating suffering and/or boredom.
  • Enlightened Being/perspective (or better woken up perspective in Indras Net, since the separate being has been transcended and replaced with Infinite Reality itself)
    • = Absolute Reality + Individuality/soul (each perspective/being is different, have different traits and capacities and inclinations, even enlightened ones) + and no more separate-self arisings cutting Nonduality/Reality into two, but instead True Identity= Impersonal/Nonpersonal Infinite Reality +  containing (transcended and intergrated) Individuality/soul, evolving further in this non-contracted state of being. Enlightenment is not the final end of the caterpillar-being (only of certain aspects of it (clouding mechanisms, separate-self-illusions), preventing it from being a butterfly), but just the beginning of the unique butterfly and its path, this life and the next...
Edited by Water by the River

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9 minutes ago, Water by the River said:

my frequent mentioning of the Impersonal/Nonpersonal [or empty] Nature of Reality/Infinite Consciousness.

I would say that the label "impersonal" arises in our minds given the necessary absence of the "human" for this opening to really occur, but on the other hand, it is you, existence. In experiences with 5meo, (of which I have had many and will continue to have, since I do not use it as a means of understanding but as a means of breaking) the unlimited is manifested but it is very forced, violent, since it occurs by artificially eliminating a living part settled in my mind, the human.  Yesterday (due to that rupture work, among other things) the thing happened almost naturally, the human only had to be slightly narcotized, and with this the lucidity was much greater. the beauty of these openings is enormous, this is what we are looking for. but I see it as a difficult process, impossible to teach to others, which requires a deep understanding of what it means to be human. Well, I'll keep looking for the total opening, nothing is comparable.

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3 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

I would say that the label "impersonal" arises in our minds given the necessary absence of the "human" for this opening to really occur, but on the other hand, it is you, existence. 

Yes (the bold letters). The Real You. An Infinite silent eternal Abyss/Singularity of Infinite (empty and impersonal, or pure) Consciousness, being Infinite Reality/Existence itself, and containing all worlds and arisings/apperances in a nondual way, perceiving itself by itself.

And once the separate-self-arisings parts of the human are gone (or known well and cut off fast enough), IT becomes stable. The functional part of the human/soul/individuality continues, even better than before, because it no longer suffers from a mistaken identity and the separate-self-contraction.

Selling Water by the River

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22 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Awakening is not a get-out-of-jail-free card.

And purposely staying in jail puts you at an advantage, depending on the context of the game being played.

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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21 hours ago, De Sade said:

God wants to experience everything. No bias.

Including bias xD

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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On 8/11/2023 at 9:43 PM, Javfly33 said:

Why? Well, if you are actually deeply Awake and Conscious, just the mere phenomena of being ALIVE, of watching "dumb" objects appearing in front of you (a wall, a chair, a kitchen sink), hearing noises outside your home like dogs barking, traffic, etc...all of this becomes just deeply interesting on its own.


I can totally agree on this. It's as if you are looking at your room for the first time. And this "first time" repeats every day. And also apply this to everything.


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On 8/11/2023 at 1:43 PM, Javfly33 said:

If you are Awake or Highly Conscious there's no fucking way at the same time you are justifying or normalizing being bored, having addictions or compulsions to the phone, videogames, etc...

Here's why.

If you are actually AWAKE, and you find yourself a Tuesday evening at 10PM on your house alone, there's no fucking way there is a need or a craving to seek stimulation or "entertainment" through a screen, talking to someone, watching a dumb YouTube video, etc...

Why? Well, if you are actually deeply Awake and Conscious, just the mere phenomena of being ALIVE, of watching "dumb" objects appearing in front of you (a wall, a chair, a kitchen sink), hearing noises outside your home like dogs barking, traffic, etc...all of this becomes just deeply interesting on its own.

Why? Because life is not anymore a dumb object. You are inside a wonderful marvelous creation, and you are AWAKE. You are in AWE just by the mere fact that you are conscious of Consciousness. Everything becomes mystical... everything. Just the act of breathing and existing becomes a completely enchanting phenomena to be conscious. Everything seems magical, because it is. And you can not fucking get tired of it. 

So there you go. The great test to "measure" your awakeness. Fast and easy. Know today how awake you are.

If you are not in love and in awe with the mere fact of breathing and existing, guess what...you are not fucking awake!


I think this is more about transcending the ego's constant desire for pleasure.   You could have woken up from fhe dream and been like that for a few months or even years...but at some point the ego's selfish desires will try to sneak back in.  This is really where the work begins.  And you don't really have to have had awakening for this type of mentality or outlook on life.  It really comes down to your outlook on life and how you entertain your ego or rise above selfish desires.  This takes a level of maturity that may not necessarily come with awakening.   

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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8 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

@Water by the River

  all that belongs to the human mind, any comprehension was implicit in existing, there were no more questions, this is what I am, life or death does not matter, reincarnation or whatever, they are all mental stories.

Good shit! Is truly shocking to realize how the mind has constructed all the questions. 

8 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

@Water by the River 

But now I'm doubting. Let's see , Maybe more depth is possible. It's extremely beautiful, so it could became addictive. 

Actual nothingness (not ideas of no-self, but actual non-localization) is extremely addictive, absolutely ?


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On 12/08/2023 at 5:55 PM, Leo Gura said:

Yeah, well, life is a dream. So what? The power of the dream should not be underestimated.

If you think awakened people can't get addictions I think you're kidding yourself.

You still have to be vigilant against bad habits otherwise you will end up like Alan Watts, an awakened alcoholic who drinks himself to death.

Awakening is not a get-out-of-jail-free card.

how awake do you consider alan watts to have been? 

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On 11.8.2023 at 8:43 PM, Javfly33 said:

If you are Awake or Highly Conscious there's no fucking way at the same time you are justifying or normalizing being bored, having addictions or compulsions to the phone, videogames, etc...

Here's why.

If you are actually AWAKE, and you find yourself a Tuesday evening at 10PM on your house alone, there's no fucking way there is a need or a craving to seek stimulation or "entertainment" through a screen, talking to someone, watching a dumb YouTube video, etc...

Why? Well, if you are actually deeply Awake and Conscious, just the mere phenomena of being ALIVE, of watching "dumb" objects appearing in front of you (a wall, a chair, a kitchen sink), hearing noises outside your home like dogs barking, traffic, etc...all of this becomes just deeply interesting on its own.

Why? Because life is not anymore a dumb object. You are inside a wonderful marvelous creation, and you are AWAKE. You are in AWE just by the mere fact that you are conscious of Consciousness. Everything becomes mystical... everything. Just the act of breathing and existing becomes a completely enchanting phenomena to be conscious. Everything seems magical, because it is. And you can not fucking get tired of it. 

So there you go. The great test to "measure" your awakeness. Fast and easy. Know today how awake you are.

If you are not in love and in awe with the mere fact of breathing and existing, guess what...you are not fucking awake!

What about the addiction to nondual states & insights? Does that go away too?

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2 hours ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

What about the addiction to nondual states & insights? Does that go away too?

That's not an addiction, that is a Love Affair for life ?  @Bazooka Jesus

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51 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

That's not an addiction, that is a Love Affair for life ?  @Bazooka Jesus

On the subject of addictions  - I would say that awakening does increase your baseline level of consciousness and also you level of self awareness.  So though your physical body may still be prone to addiction- you do have the awareness to pull yourself out of one and see when it is coming on.  Again, it is all about awareness.  But post awakening you may still be vulnerable to these things because the physical body and the ego is still there.  Though as I said immediately after awakening you may linger in a higher mystical state for months.  That will eventually drop back down.

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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