
Here's why is impossible to be "bored" or craving artificial stimulation if you Awake

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23 hours ago, UnbornTao said:


Examples of awakened individuals doing silly (and human) things abound. Because they still have to act like a person. Nissargadatta smoked, zen warriors killed people, etc.

You could be enlightened and stream games. And certainly get bored, angry, jealous, etc.

@UnbornTao That is the issue. You are putting labels on to the gurus and assuming they are Awake as a trophy. You think being Awake is having a certain experience that leaves you "Awakened" for ever.

It does not work like that. You can only be Awake in the Now. You can not grasp, hold or "save" in a closet the Awakening and claiming that a person is Awake for life. 

Awakening is not an understanding that you come, or a conclusion. Is an opening in your energies, and activation, a boundless state. If you lose it, that's it. The end. You can't be cheating saying "Nahhhh I'm awake but I do have some addictions here and there, damn, let me go smoke some blues...but all is alright, I'm awake! I'm God and everything is a mind yada yada". ???

You guys just don't get that having an experience and building a conceptual knowledge around it can be done by anyone. That is certainly not being Awake.

Unfortunately I suspect Leo's supposed "Awakening work", is built around this structure, seeing he kinda of thinks about this topic in the same way as most of you.

Edited by Javfly33

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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On 16/8/2023 at 10:55 AM, Bazooka Jesus said:

If I may add one more suggestion... keeping in mind what you told me about your father, always try to be mindful about possible attachments and avoidance strategies that might be at work in your own psyche. Spiritual bypassing is a very sneaky addiction (because it usually cosplays as goodness & virtue), and it can easily derail your life if it goes unnoticed.

Anyway, keep on doing the practice, but don't neglect the less ethereal aspects of your very real human existence. Trust me, the "illusion" exists for a reason.

May you find what you are looking for, brother.



Damn, you definitely have low integrity with such a low attack. I did not expect that. Do me a favour and mind your own business and have some integrity to not use dead people as a means to try attack me. 

On 16/8/2023 at 4:10 PM, Inliytened1 said:

It was never intended to solve suffering.  The only one putting a negative connotation on suffering is you.  Counterintuitively, it all comes full circle and suffering ultimately can lead to awakening.  So how's that for a skull fuck?   


You've been repeating the same script for the past 5 years in the forum. It is disappointing. 

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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On 18.8.2023 at 0:04 PM, Javfly33 said:

Damn, you definitely have low integrity with such a low attack. I did not expect that. Do me a favour and mind your own business and have some integrity to not use dead people as a means to try attack me.

It was not meant as an attack. It was meant as friendly advice. I am sorry if it rubbed you the wrong way, but we need to become aware of our possible blindspots if we are to recognize the truth about ourselves.

Now, could I be dead wrong with all of this? Could I be the one who is full of crap, the one who is projecting his own shit onto you? Of course I could. But so could you. All I am trying to do here is to hold up a mirror and make you reflect on your own behavioural and psychological patterns; it would show low integrity on my part if didn't do so. Having integrity is not about playing patty cakes with each other, it's about expressing the truth as you see it and accepting the consequences. But hey, maybe you already are on the perfect right track and don't need my advice... in which case I say great for you, keep doing what you are doing and don't mind my stupid blabbering.

Noone is here to attack you, brother. Don't divide the world into friends and foes in your "crusade". We are all just walking each other home, as Ram Dass said.

(And btw, how can anyone possibly attack you? If you're not human (as you claim), then who is the one who feels attacked?)


Edited by Bazooka Jesus

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Lol that sounds boring as shitttt 

Good story that relates to this....

Californian guy wants to start 'awakening school' goes to India to find teachers & receive teaching etc

Knocks on guys door, let's him in, gets chatting 

He's sitting there watching cricket for like 2 days 

Guy gets bored and is like I want the teaching 

He just goes- THIS is the teaching- I'm enjoying life- what more do you want ?


I think a lot of spiritual teachings tend to negate life. Sure that's cool if you're into that. Personally I prefer 'love life' teachings- makes much more sense to me & my way of living 

Each to their own 

Staring at a wall is no more superior than being at a bar with friends or watching TV absolutely speaking 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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3 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

Unfortunately I suspect Leo's supposed "Awakening work", is built around this structure, seeing he kinda of thinks about this topic in the same way as most of you.

Yes, sometimes it seems that what Leo is looking for are insights, to later translate them to the conceptual mind and expose them, then people believe them, just like those who read the Koran, believe what it says. The problem for believers is that Leo is modifying his cosmology. A year ago everyone here was talking about solipsism, everyone thought that the people they saw on the street were robots with no experience of their own. now it seems that it is not like that, so nobody talks about it. 

If you doubted the solipsistic dogma you were classified as something very negative: not awake. now it is not a problem because nobody is awake because what you have to achieve is the alien awakening, so nobody accuses anyone of not being awake. It is a little more democratic perhaps. but a bit crazy isn't it?

Edited by Breakingthewall

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4 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

So it's a conceptual trophy? @UnbornTao because if it does not transform you or give you any ability to be or exist in a different matter, then what is the point of doing it in the first place?

Not at all. It's becoming conscious of what's already true, not about meaning and survival. It's about consciousness. It doesn't change anything, and it does change your relationship to everything. After it, the difference is that you're absolutely conscious of who and what you are --your nature. Our job is to get what that is, and then see for ourselves how the way we relate to everything gets changed - or not.

"What's the point if I can't get anything out of it?" There's no point in it except knowing the truth, which itself is prior to meaning. That's why most people don't care about pursuing it.

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7 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

 You've been repeating the same script for the past 5 years in the forum. It is disappointing. 

I guess my script needs updating to stay current with the times?  Or should it be able to withstand the test of time?

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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4 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

@UnbornTao That is the issue. You are putting labels on to the gurus and assuming they are Awake as a trophy. You think being Awake is having a certain experience that leaves you "Awakened" for ever.

It does not work like that. You can only be Awake in the Now. You can not grasp, hold or "save" in a closet the Awakening and claiming that a person is Awake for life. 

Awakening is not an understanding that you come, or a conclusion. Is an opening in your energies, and activation, a boundless state. If you lose it, that's it. The end. You can't be cheating saying "Nahhhh I'm awake but I do have some addictions here and there, damn, let me go smoke some blues...but all is alright, I'm awake! I'm God and everything is a mind yada yada". ???

You guys just don't get that having an experience and building a conceptual knowledge around it can be done by anyone. That is certainly not being Awake.

Unfortunately I suspect Leo's supposed "Awakening work", is built around this structure, seeing he kinda of thinks about this topic in the same way as most of you.

Either one is absolutely conscious now or not. It'd be useful to make a distinction between absolute consciousness, and the way life is lived. The latter is relative while the former is not. In other words, emotions are another matter than the absolute.

In the same way that you know you exist, you're conscious of that all the time. Can't forget it, not about memory. You're conscious. It's not a state, nor an activation, nor an energy opening.

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Boredom is the desire for something that doesn't exist.

When enlightened, you see that there is no point in chasing anything, because if you're chasing something, it doesn't exist. Thus, no boredom. There's nothing that can make you bored, it doesn't exist. 

The idea that "there are other things to get to" IS boredom. This sentence I just quoted is literally what boredom is. Boredom is not a feeling or emotion, it is a negative interpretation of feeling or emotion based on the idea that something which does not exist does exist.

When someone says "I feel bored because I'm stuck in class", this is actually an inaccurate perception. Boredom is LITERALLY just the thought or desire that says "I want to go somewhere that isn't class." The boredom appears because of a failure to recognize that the class is all that exists, thus there is no "other experience" to go to. The "other experience" is just a thought form that you cling on to.

Edited by Osaid

Describe a thought.

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9 minutes ago, UnbornTao said:

You're conscious. It's not a state, nor an activation, nor an energy opening.

what you are only manifests in a state of openness, it is very difficult, your mind is a closure, a barrier. it must expand, lose its solidity for the opening to occur. Since it is so difficult, we use psychedelics that act as a solvent, but after one layer there is another layer. For me, either the truth is now, or it isn't and you don't have to think about it, because always it's a deception , you have to think about how to make the barrier softer.

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Boredom is an emotion. Two insightful definitions:

  1. Hostility without enthusiasm
  2. Arrogance! Holding your worldview as real and representative of the way the world is, confusing one for the other.

You guys should soberly consider that enlightenment isn't an ideal. There's more work to be done, it's just the beginning. Unless it's a powerful one like that of Ramana, things like emotions, the body, skill, relationships, etc, are to be investigated.

Now as a spiritual practice, go get bored for a couple of three days. I should be charging you guys for this advice. ;) 

Edited by UnbornTao

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18 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

what you are only manifests in a state of openness, it is very difficult, your mind is a closure, a barrier. it must expand, lose its solidity for the opening to occur. Since it is so difficult, we use psychedelics that act as a solvent, but after one layer there is another layer. For me, either the truth is now, or it isn't and you don't have to think about it, because always it's a deception , you have to think about how to make the barrier softer.


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there is bored there is excited there is fulfilled, this is it this is shit this is lit


duality or unity is in your hands

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On 2023-08-18 at 0:42 AM, Carl-Richard said:

Yep. Awakening literally changes your brain.

Mind elaborating a little? I’ve been curious about this as I’ve directly sensed things myself since my shift and thus thought a lot about neurology .

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Enlightenment is independent of brain and perception.

Edited by UnbornTao

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13 minutes ago, UnbornTao said:

Enlightenment is independent of the brain and any such phenomenon.

Ok fair enough but is there a difference between enlightenment and awakening so awakening I’m guessing is about true self as consciousness which I’m guessing happened to me because I had this permanent shift …and enlightenment perhaps even that distinction collapses so no consciousness even …….because that is still some form of knowing …. Or ……………

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3 hours ago, Sugarcoat said:

Mind elaborating a little? I’ve been curious about this as I’ve directly sensed things myself since my shift and thus thought a lot about neurology .

The Default Mode Network (DMN) is a known neural correlate for mystical experiences (a.k.a. "awakening"), and "enlightenment" (or persistent non-dual awareness) correlates with a persistent deactivation of the DMN when the subject is not doing anything (there is a graph in the video). The DMN is associated with the feeling of self, self-referential thinking, etc.


Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Drop everything you have about enlightenment as it is utterly useless crap. It has to be. Seriously.

Consider the implications that it is not relative. That may create an opening in order for you not to confuse it with relative stuff like perception, changes in states and ideas.

It's what you are now. It's what's absolutely true. Period.

You see? It's always been true -- even before you had a brain.

Discard this BS too. Go become enlightened yourself.

Btw, the terms awakening/enlightenment are being used interchangeably here.


Smart but mistaken explanation -- every explanation is here. It somehow presupposes that the matter can be thought out and mapped.

You're referring to phenomenon the brain or perhaps the mind. Consciousness transcends mind and perception.

This matter is not conceivable. Only direct consciousness will do the trick.

Edited by UnbornTao

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