
Here's why is impossible to be "bored" or craving artificial stimulation if you Awake

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Idk man.. I've experienced total breakthrough transcendence of boredom and addiction on psychedelics. and I was still in this physical body. Even had peak experiences where I thought, 'this it it, i've cured all my addictions forever'

No reason one couldn't theoretically attain that level permanently, pretty sure Jesus or Buddha was mindful enough to not get sucked into tiktok. 

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This type of awakened person you’re describing probably wouldn’t write such a post so I don’t see the point of this on who’s behalf are you even speaking on

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2 hours ago, Razard86 said:

I know man, I just don't like the raising the bar, try to make others feel less than about awakening. Awakening is a beautiful experience, but we don't need to start telling people they need to be happy all the time, grateful all the time etc. 

What we can say if you are unable to appreciate life at all, then you are not awake....something like that. But this standard he erected he won't even be able to live up to himself. Somewhere around the corner, life humbles the HELL out of you. So then his ego will beat the hell out of him for not living up to his own standard.

I just recently became aware that I am too hard on myself sometimes during one of my meditations and I realized I was erecting standards for myself that was impossible to live up too. Then I came on here and read this lol and got pissed off. 

He has turned awakening into some magical fix for everything.  Yes, in a sense it is...it will give you liberation from the ego because you will become God.  But awakening from the dream does return you to the dream after, because there is no where else for God to go other than to dream.  To dream is to be finite.   And so, you will be finite again.   The difference is you will have accessed infinity.  You will be much more conscious when you come back.  So in a sense he's not wrong.  But the ego will be back - and everything that comes with it will be back.  The difference is now you have the knowledge of what lies beyond the ego - so you know all of it is an illusion.  In that sense- he is correct.  What I fear is that he has taken awakening as the belief that it will be the end all solution to all of the ego's challenges.  It will in the short term - but after that it will take work on your part to embody what you have become conscious of.

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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I think this is pretty accurate. But even though you could choose to stare at a teapot until the end of time, when you're incarnated as a human being, you'll still be compelled to engage in certain different behaviors at different times. That is the nature of physical existence. So meanwhile the level of "addiction" (and side effects like boredom, discomfort, etc.) certainly diminishes, you'll always be moving. You could say spirituality is about optimizing that movement.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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4 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

I think this is pretty accurate. But even though you could choose to stare at a teapot until the end of time, when you're incarnated as a human being, you'll still be compelled to engage in certain different behaviors at different times. That is the nature of physical existence. So meanwhile the level of "addiction" (and side effects like boredom, discomfort, etc.) certainly diminishes, you'll always be moving. You could say spirituality is about optimizing that movement.

You have a way with words.  You're sounding more like @Nahmeveryday.   Not necessarily a bad thing but maybe be careful you don't become him.  Not with this post but just the general vibe I'm getting.

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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10 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

@Razard86 @Jowblob

I'm sad for you guys. Such a short time in the human body and you guys don't want to make a joy out of it. 

"If you do not do what you cannot do, that's no problem.  But if you do not do what you can do, you are a tragedy".

?? It is my wish that you discover the power beyond the depressive and crushing thoughts of your ego ??

You do not understand, when you're god there is no such thing as infinite happiness or infinite fullfillment. You will be just as you are containing everything in you. Yes , your state of being will be vibratory/warm love and so on, but you experience those things alone by yourself and your state of being there is as normal as your being now. All these energies will be a common thing for you there. But you will be much more awake and conscious of your position as god, you will also understand why you have to dream and create others. You will also understand why you were fooling yourself by creating stories and others and why it was necessary.

The things that i say, i'm speaking from experience. You have no idea what god is or having no physical body. You're just creating a fantasy for yourself and others to dream about.


You have to understand that there is no such thing as car being broken and so on, it is literally god/you doing in it to create life and distractions for yourself. There is a reason why mahavatar babaji preached that working and doership is the most important thing

Edited by Jowblob

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8 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

He has turned awakening into some magical fix for everything.  Yes, in a sense it is...it will give you liberation from the ego because you will become God.  But awakening from the dream does return you to the dream after, because there is no where else for God to go other than to dream.  To dream is to be finite.   And so, you will be finite again.   The difference is you will have accessed infinity.  You will be much more conscious when you come back.  So in a sense he's not wrong.  But the ego will be back - and everything that comes with it will be back.  The difference is now you have the knowledge of what lies beyond the ego - so you know all of it is an illusion.  In that sense- he is correct.  What I fear is that he has taken awakening as the belief that it will be the end all solution to all of the ego's challenges.  It will in the short term - but after that it will take work on your part to embody what you have become conscious of.

In you guys definition of awakening yes, awakening is not a solution.

But there's not written anywhere in the universe that awakening is about doing psychedelics and having wacky experiences, saying you are god, visiting aliens, or etc.

The reality is this forum understanding of the point of spiritual practices is based on an ideology built to serve the incapability of actually having mastered anything. So saying things like 'awakening does not solve suffering' serves the ideology well. 

When you hit 80 years old and the grave is coming, you will see how fucking laugable all of this was. If you didn't do it for make your life more beautiful blissful and withouth suffering, why the fuck did you do it for?? 

Oh wait, right, mr Leo and the actualised ideology. I forgot! Is all about understanding and holding memories about awakening. And then saying that even though you are awake that doesn't prevent you from addictions and suffering. 

Jesus, can't you guys see through the bullshit? Is pretty shocking at this point. 

My god I´m so out of here. Has been a pleasure. But this forum is really stucked on circles. It stinks of stuckness and stagnation.

31 minutes ago, Jowblob said:

You do not understand, when you're god there is no such thing as infinite happiness or infinite fullfillment. You will be just as you are containing everything in you. Yes , your state of being will be vibratory/warm love and so on, but you experience those things alone by yourself and your state of being there is as normal as your being now. All these energies will be a common thing for you there. But you will be much more awake and conscious of your position as god, you will also understand why you have to dream and create others. You will also understand why you were fooling yourself by creating stories and others and why it was necessary.

The things that i say, i'm speaking from experience. You have no idea what god is or having no physical body. You're just creating a fantasy for yourself and others to dream about.


You have to understand that there is no such thing as car being broken and so on, it is literally god/you doing in it to create life and distractions for yourself. There is a reason why mahavatar babaji preached that working and doership is the most important thing

Good script of Leo. Along with the 'I am form and formless' bullshit of @Bazooka Jesus You guys are for a brutal awakening of time lost here. 


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28 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

My god I´m so out of here. 

Good idea. Taking extended breaks from this forum can do wonders for your mental and spiritual clarity.

31 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Along with the 'I am form and formless' bullshit of @Bazooka Jesus


It's been a pleasure for me too. Godspeed on your further path, my friend.

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If I may add one more suggestion... keeping in mind what you told me about your father, always try to be mindful about possible attachments and avoidance strategies that might be at work in your own psyche. Spiritual bypassing is a very sneaky addiction (because it usually cosplays as goodness & virtue), and it can easily derail your life if it goes unnoticed.

Anyway, keep on doing the practice, but don't neglect the less ethereal aspects of your very real human existence. Trust me, the "illusion" exists for a reason.

May you find what you are looking for, brother.



Edited by Bazooka Jesus

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I think this is because you're simply no longer numb to life due to a dopamine detox and suddenly the littlest things become interesting.

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@Javfly33 don't burn yourself friend , Just expose your thing, there are those who appreciate and understand it, and others who don't.

My opinion: you're right, when you're awake to a certain degree there is no boredom or suffering. but you can be awake now and not be awake in half an hour, when I come into your house to tell you that you will be impaled tomorrow, you will get into deep sleep with nightmares. I mean,  It is not easy to maintain awakened states. we're on it, at least we get awake moments. for something one starts

In general, I agree with a lot of what you have said.


Edited by Breakingthewall

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6 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

In you guys definition of awakening yes, awakening is not a solution.

But there's not written anywhere in the universe that awakening is about doing psychedelics and having wacky experiences, saying you are god, visiting aliens, or etc.

The reality is this forum understanding of the point of spiritual practices is based on an ideology built to serve the incapability of actually having mastered anything. So saying things like 'awakening does not solve suffering' serves the ideology well. 

When you hit 80 years old and the grave is coming, you will see how fucking laugable all of this was. If you didn't do it for make your life more beautiful blissful and withouth suffering, why the fuck did you do it for?? 

Oh wait, right, mr Leo and the actualised ideology. I forgot! Is all about understanding and holding memories about awakening. And then saying that even though you are awake that doesn't prevent you from addictions and suffering. 

Jesus, can't you guys see through the bullshit? Is pretty shocking at this point. 

My god I´m so out of here. Has been a pleasure. But this forum is really stucked on circles. It stinks of stuckness and stagnation.

Good script of Leo. Along with the 'I am form and formless' bullshit of @Bazooka Jesus You guys are for a brutal awakening of time lost here. 


It was never intended to solve suffering.  The only one putting a negative connotation on suffering is you.  Counterintuitively, it all comes full circle and suffering ultimately can lead to awakening.  So how's that for a skull fuck?   

But to your point on ideology- we do stress to take none of this stuff as an ideology but to do the spiritual practices for yourself.  Again, not to end suffering.   But out of curiosity.   And hey, maybe we will discover something we never expected.   

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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15 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

He has turned awakening into some magical fix for everything.  Yes, in a sense it is...it will give you liberation from the ego because you will become God.  But awakening from the dream does return you to the dream after, because there is no where else for God to go other than to dream.  To dream is to be finite.   And so, you will be finite again.   The difference is you will have accessed infinity.  You will be much more conscious when you come back.  So in a sense he's not wrong.  But the ego will be back - and everything that comes with it will be back.  The difference is now you have the knowledge of what lies beyond the ego - so you know all of it is an illusion.  In that sense- he is correct.  What I fear is that he has taken awakening as the belief that it will be the end all solution to all of the ego's challenges.  It will in the short term - but after that it will take work on your part to embody what you have become conscious of.

Let's see him get attacked on the street brutally, gang raped, and see how well he is going on about the beauty of life. Life is beautiful, but that doesn't protect you from brutality. Because brutality is beautiful as well from the ABSOLUTE perspective but I am conscious enough to know that I like to keep my arms and legs thank you. Sawing off my arms to save myself if I am stuck under a boulder and trying to save a friend maybe romantic in the Absolute sense, but living without said arms would still be a challenge.

The work to embody it is its OWN MINDFUCK.

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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Wouldn't even a peak 5meo awakening/God realization get boring after a while? 

Isn't that the reason God created the world in the first place?  infinite bliss and omniscience got boring!

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13 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

You have a way with words.  You're sounding more like @Nahmeveryday.   Not necessarily a bad thing but maybe be careful you don't become him.  Not with this post but just the general vibe I'm getting.

What did you not understand about what I said? I can clarify.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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1 hour ago, itsadistraction said:

Wouldn't even a peak 5meo awakening/God realization get boring after a while? 

Isn't that the reason God created the world in the first place?  infinite bliss and omniscience got boring!

From my experience it’s not that it’s boring. Rather, it’s completely shocking.

Hence the term, “Oh my God!”


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20 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

From my experience it’s not that it’s boring. Rather, it’s completely shocking.

Hence the term, “Oh my God!”

Yes, but after a while even that peak would become boring, no? Like after a few days or weeks of saying "oh my God!" you would become bored of it maybe? 

(I'm thinking of a scenario where they hook you up to an IV of 5meo and also a feeding tube for ever lol)

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Let's see, @Javfly33 is right, awakening is the end of suffering, and whoever says no is not awake and has never been awake for a second. what happens is that it is extremely difficult to be awakened and you return to dream state, then you suffer. but that is not why you are going to say that awakening is not the end of suffering, it is, completely. mental suffering is like physical suffering, it pushes you to withdraw from a harmful situation. if you succeed, the suffering ceases. If you are awake, you are out of suffering, and whoever says no does not know what awakening is, equates it to knowing things, which is precisely the dream

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29 minutes ago, itsadistraction said:

Yes, but after a while even that peak would become boring, no? Like after a few days or weeks of saying "oh my God!" you would become bored of it maybe? 

(I'm thinking of a scenario where they hook you up to an IV of 5meo and also a feeding tube for ever lol)


The one who gets bored is an illusion and doesn't exist, especially 'at the peak'.

For something to be one way or another, the flywheel of  mental patterns has to start again. But at the peak, it's not there.

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28 minutes ago, itsadistraction said:

Yes, but after a while even that peak would become boring, no? Like after a few days or weeks of saying "oh my God!" you would become bored of it maybe? 

No, what’ll happen in due time is you’ll stop taking your human life for granted and start to appreciate it with a fresh perspective.

32 minutes ago, itsadistraction said:

(I'm thinking of a scenario where they hook you up to an IV of 5meo and also a feeding tube for ever lol)

Trust me, you wouldn’t want that even if you were given the option to. Again, not because you’re bored of realizing that you’re GOD, but because you start to truly appreciate why limitation exists and how important it is to appreciate all aspects of REALITY.


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