
Which causes more hurt: strong morals or weak morals?

15 posts in this topic

‘Strong[…] or weak morals’ was the best way of saying it (for the title) that I could come up with. Compare someone who is known as a troublemaker (steals, lies, cheats, is violent, makes people do what they see fit) with someone who is known for upholding conventional morals (judges, persecutes, demonises, disregards people’s rights, makes people do what they see fit.) Aren’t they basically equal? Isn’t it better to think of what the least harmful solution would be? Then again, it is impossible to judge what will lead to the least harm.

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When you have strong morals, you can be aware of your pitfalls and traps as well as that of others. When you have weak morals, it's easy to trap others and be trapped yourself. 

In the end, weak morals lead to a lot of unnecessary drama which benefits nobody. 

The path of weak morals is just an illusion and a delusion. 


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Yes you have discovered the paradox of having morals; you inherently have to judge and demonize those that don't follow them. The solution is to have no morals at all yet be a good person. A delicate balance. 

Edited by itsadistraction

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consider that psychopaths and sociopaths do the bad things they do because of existential, absolute boredom.  

Edited by Oppositionless

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intelligences treats everything case by case ... sometimes a good murdering is needed

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12 hours ago, Oppositionless said:

consider that psychopaths and sociopaths do the bad things they do because of existential, absolute boredom.  

Or what God would do.

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Weak is def worse, which is why those people are locked in prison and the others are not.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Weak is def worse, which is why those people are locked in prison and the others are not.

The prisons are imaginary.

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1 hour ago, DefinitelyNotARobot said:

The prisons being imaginary is imaginary.

The point is...

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life has only one moral: survive. the human group has the same morality, to survive. Since the individual is not an individual but a part of the group, it fragments that one rule into many. the most valuable individual for the survival of the group is the one who internalizes and carries out those norms. the selfish, amoral individual acts outside the group but taking advantage of it. it is a parasite and a ballast for survival, therefore it is removed, enjailed, killed. he has to pretend that he is moral in order not to be completely repudied. As the human being is a gregarious being, repudiation is death

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4 hours ago, jdc7733 said:

@Leo Gura @Buck Edwardsstrong morals lead Hitler to kill the Jews 

Well, in this case, you have to define what's morals?

What values cause Hitler to kill the jews? Were the values good or bad morals?

If they were bad morals (excluding others from society, discrimination racism, genocide etc) and someone exhibit such behaviours, were they considered as having strong morals (Strong bad morals) or having weak morals?

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8 hours ago, hyruga said:

What values cause Hitler to kill the jews? Were the values good or bad morals?

the usual values, survival. what varies is the extent of the organism that must survive. individual/clan/nation/species. Hitler sought the survival of what he considered the human entity: the Aryan nation. as he was quite stupid, what he achieved was the destruction of his country, the abolition of his ideology and the strengthening of his enemies. the guy was a crack.

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someone who is known to uphold strong morals can be upholding them because of two reasons,

1: they strongly believe in the morals and uphold them like rules

2: they don't believe in any morals nor are they doing any 'upholding', it's simply their nature.



1 is better than weak morals. 2 is better than 1. You should aim to change yourself, your mindset/understanding, your actions and your life in such a way that being this person with strong morals is simply who you are. The reason is because you'd be much more content and peaceful if you are such a person, but you are also not held back by dogma and 'break' the morals when needed

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