
It's NOT About Getting Rid of the Ego

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So many people come to spirituality looking for an easy way out, wanting to be "saved". Counterintuitively, it's about facing the truly hard work, taking full responsibility for what is and not looking away from it. And through that work, that is where you'll lose yourself.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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1 minute ago, Carl-Richard said:

So many people come to spirituality looking for an easy way out, wanting to be "saved". Counterintuitively, it's about facing the truly hard work, taking full responsibility for what is and not looking away from it. And through that work, that is where you'll lose yourself.

Beautifully said ?❤️

Words can't describe You.

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11 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:


So many people come to spirituality looking for an easy way out, wanting to be "saved". Counterintuitively, it's about facing the truly hard work, taking full responsibility for what is and not looking away from it. And through that work, that is where you'll lose yourself...

... and rediscover yourself anew - for all eternity.

“Did you ever say Yes to a single joy? O my friends, then you said Yes to all woe as well. All things are chained and entwined together, all things are in love; if ever you wanted one moment twice, if ever you said: ‘You please me, happiness! Abide, moment!’ then you wanted everything to return!” - Friedrich Nietzsche

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@Javfly33 sometimes a simple explanation of a few words is all you need.  I didn't write it to feel warm and fuzzy.  If God wants to cosplay as (insert your name here), then obviously it would not make sense to get rid of ones ego.  Like i said before, earth shattering awakenings must happen for you to understand this stuff, especially solipsism. 

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13 minutes ago, Ramu said:

@Javfly33 sometimes a simple explanation of a few words is all you need.  I didn't write it to feel warm and fuzzy.  If God wants to cosplay as (insert your name here), then obviously it would not make sense to get rid of ones ego.  Like i said before, earth shattering awakenings must happen for you to understand this stuff, especially solipsism. 

There's not an ego..only God.

God can be asleep or awake. When God is asleep, it loses itself to thoughts and compulsion.

God just doesn't want to magically suffer because it likes it.


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@Javfly33 sorry for the repeat response.  Yes, ego=human self.  Yes I know ego doesn't really exist, but how else do I EXPLAIN this?

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First I'd start with discovering what self and ego are about. Without being conscious of it you can't become free from it.

Also, transcending something isn't a matter of destroying it. I don't know what the ego yet, but I suspect there's some basic functioning for human life in that. Again I loosely distinguish between self and ego, the latter being a function of the former. 

But contemplation is needed.

Edited by UnbornTao

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the issue is not getting rid of the ego, it is getting rid of fear. Fear in general, and especially the fear of rejection, makes us lock ourselves in a capsule of constant mental flow that isolates us from reality. Actually, that capsule is also reality, but it creates the appearance of filtering everything through it. all the time he is conceptualizing, classifying, evaluating and giving an opinion. It doesn't stop for a second, because if it stops, you have nothing to hold on to. You are in the unlimited now. this is exactly what we want. stand up to fear and be now without a filter. It seems simple, but it is not. it takes deep understanding, will and courage. the prize is freedom, which is our natural and normal state. the other, with the capsule, is a malfunction created by human dynamics

Edited by Breakingthewall

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1 hour ago, Ramu said:

Form part of God equals ego

God is inside the human form as is inside the table chair in front of you.


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@Javfly33 human form is part of the construction.   God is your bubble of "experience ", including what we call your "ego".

You either get this stuff or you don't.  Most of the forum is struggling to understand,  but never will.  A small percentage DO understand this stuff.  I get this stuff.

I'm done trying to explain this stuff, as it is an exercise in futility.

Good luck, you all need it.

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12 hours ago, Ramu said:

@Javfly33 human form is part of the construction.   God is your bubble of "experience ", including what we call your "ego".

You either get tell yourself/brainwash yourself this stuff or you don't. 

Let me correct you @Ramu


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The issue of the ego is not so mystical, nor is it necessary to talk about God and all that. It is something much more earthly. it is necessary to understand how the interaction with others through language plus the evolutionary programming creates a common, cultural, unified entity. the social matrix. here lies the strength of the human as a collective and its weakness as an individual. You will not see any animal torturing itself for not meeting standards, he is and that's it. the human is dominated by this entity. He is capable of running towards a machine gun powered by this entity. its force is irresistible. If you want to be free, you have to understand it deeply, see how it sinks its roots in you, how you are its puppet. It's very interesting and fascinating. If you don't do, all the spirituality is just another addiction. More ego. 

An example, every time a person says the word "god" in this forum, it is ego, it is a learned idea captured from the social matrix. Leo is the social matrix, you know that right? This is what the solipsism video means: only you exist, the rest is imaginary, is ego. 

Conquer your sovereignty.

Edited by Breakingthewall

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On 8/11/2023 at 3:48 PM, Breakingthewall said:

the issue is not getting rid of the ego, it is getting rid of fear. Fear in general, and especially the fear of rejection, makes us lock ourselves in a capsule of constant mental flow that isolates us from reality.

It's not fear in general, it's a very specific kind of fear of which fear of rejection can be an important instance.  You can't and shouldn't get rid of fear in general because it is indispensible in certain situations.

Namely, it's a fear of certain parts of yourself that have been deemed invalid or wrong.  This is the ego's function: to create this divide between some parts of yourself which are accepted and some which are rejected.  This creates suffering because then the rejected parts of you are met as external obstacles, sufferings, all sorts of "negative" phenomena due to the psychological processes of repression, projection, etc.

Getting rid of the ego (in other words to stop identifying with only those parts of yourself which are accepted due to biosociological factors) creates a space for you to reintegrate the rejected parts in order to create a psychosynthesis (a healing of the psyche.)

The reason why people have so much trouble with the word "ego" on this forum is that they are very much in their ego and cannot conceive of the idea that identification/clinging is not content.  When they think "I" they automatically associate this identification with a bunch of biosociologically inherited baggage.  So of course it's extremely threatening to hear verbiage like "destroying the ego."  They think it means destroying a large chunk of their psyche, while in reality it is destroying the limiting identification with that chunk.

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3 minutes ago, SeaMonster said:

ego's function: to create this divide between some parts of yourself which are accepted and some which are rejected. 

I would say that the ego is the internal dialogue about oneself in relation to others, evaluating and comparing, and constantly forming a mental image of oneself, usually a little unfavorable, and maintaining that ghostly image full time without stopping for a second. . a serious mental illness

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1 minute ago, Breakingthewall said:

 . a serious mental illness

I agree lol, and some people want to save it 

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54 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

I agree lol, and some people want to save it 

Yeah, because they fear a lot rejection, they have been possessed in childhood, just like us, with that comparative shit because we live very close to people who have that shit inside, and their parents also had it, and so, and they have told you: you have to meet this standard or you would be better off dead. this is life. all this comes from the fight to the death between violent sons of bitches, murderers, rapists, torturers,  who are humans by nature, greedy for power over others,  race of son of a bitches, but just as son of a bitches as life is,  so it's not easy at all to get rid of this 

There is just one solution: trascendence. Open yourself to the reality, and loose all the fear. A difficult work, but possible. The prize is the freedom, and the freedom means feel the now as the glory that really it is. That's awakening, the best thing possible. Be you, the freedom, the laugh, the openess, the pure existence. 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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20 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

I would say that the ego is the internal dialogue about oneself in relation to others, evaluating and comparing, and constantly forming a mental image of oneself, usually a little unfavorable, and maintaining that ghostly image full time without stopping for a second. . a serious mental illness

The internal dialogue is epiphenomenal to the ego (in other words, it is an outgrowth or a consequence of it.)

First you need that identification (the I-thought) then something to identify with (some part(s) of the psyche) which produce kind of a fictitious relationship with "the world"/"others" due to psychological processes like repression, projection, etc.  The internal dialogue -- the narrative -- is generated as a result of this.

So yeah, it is a serious mental illness but at the root of it is that psychic split between the accepted and rejected parts.

Edited by SeaMonster

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