
How do I prepare for Leo's upcoming course?

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Hello, everyone, this is my first post. I've been a fan of Leo's videos for a few years now, but find that I'm struggling to do the work. I've bought the life purpose course, the book list, and have been taking notes on many of his videos. But I struggle to read books, meditate, contemplate, work on my life purpose, etc. I think some part of me doesn't believe or understand what the benefits of doing the work are.

Despite this, I'm definitely unhappy. I've been trying to treat my depression since 2019. I've tried several antidepressants and therapy. But so far, not much has worked. Intuitively, a lot of what Leo says seems true. But I don't what to just believe, I want to experience it for myself. But I'm also afraid to invest the amount of time and all the risks that doing this work entails.

I was brought up in a fundamentalist Christian home, and all my family and most of my old friends are still in that very deep Stage Blue life. Meanwhile, my current few friends and coworkers are mostly in Stage Orange, with a little Green. I think I'm about half Orange/Green, and want to go through Green to Yellow. But I feel so alone, and I'm really worried what will happen with my relationships if I really go far in this work. I already feel like I have to hide my true self from everyone as it is.

I'm planning to register for Peter Ralston's Fall Retreat, hoping that will jump start my efforts. Although, I wonder if doing all four weeks will be too much for a beginner. I don't know if I can ever take psychedelics, given my issues with depression and anxiety. It sounds like Leo's next course will be focused on psychedelics.

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If you are grounded I would start with psychedelics. They are the most effective tools. 

I personally prepare with malt for leo's upcoming course. This is a great motivation for me 

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In my opinion course is too advance for you do regular enlightment work, if you cant meditate for 1 hour then you are jumping to the university while not finishing gradeschool..

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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Is there any ETA for this new course?

Self-love is the force behind every decision you make.

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You can try CBT again effectively, evaluate your limited belief and thought then engage in a behavior/practice/doing by using hierarchy and gradually. I think you imbalance between the theory and practice ratio. Start to identify from the basics, then move to another. Good luck!

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Course is too advanced for me personally. I’m just not there right now for that I think. 

Personally would love a course on mastering psychology and thinking process. 

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Question to you: Why don't you understand the benefits if you follow this work? Is it because it's a nice ideology to fantasize about?


Care for your human needs first. It's easy to stay in the mental wonderland of this work (because Leo's nature is of an introvert) and it's easy to disregard the need to be with likeminded people, for doing meaningful work.

Build a good work ethic of the practices. Doing that with likeminded people is easier and for some people it's the only way because we our tribal nature. So, maybe search for Green intentional communities in your area or connect to people through Green gatherings or groups on

Edited by Loving Radiance

Life Purpose journey

Presence. Goodness. Grace. Love.

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Thanks for the replies. Some good advice here. I have watched videos where Leo says the benefits of this work. But despite that, I have so much resistance or inertia. I just get home from work and want to watch YouTube videos or find some other distraction. Even if Leo's course is still years away, I probably wouldn't be ready. I want to try psychedelics, but not sure I'm ready for that either.

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@ark0143 I understand you. Homeostasis is a powerful force.

Start slow. Maybe only meditate for 5 minutes in the morning or right after you got home from work. That's enough for the day. Slowly increase the duration over time. The goal of meditation is to return to the object of or state of focus again & again no matter what comes up.


Life Purpose journey

Presence. Goodness. Grace. Love.

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