
Ultimate self improvment habbits by Alex

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There is a guy named Alex who runs the channel Playing with fire. Its mainly self improvment and pickup channel. 

He ranked cold approaching as a Tier 1 self improvment habbit. I really want to start cold approaching not just because i want to get laid but just for the benefits that comes with it. Do you think if it is too late to start cold approaching at 29.



Edited by evgn

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I would say at 29 you will have more success with it
Women do like older guys and guys generally get more attractive towards mid life

But regardless of that, it is a great time, so just do it :) 

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Its never too late to cold approach. When old people divorce they have to start cold approaching again. Age is the stupidist limiting belief society tries to sell you. 

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 cold approach is great but #1? Donno 


Edited by Jacob Morres

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12 hours ago, Jacob Morres said:

cold approach is great but #1? Donno

Well, he is a pickup guru, so when you're a hammer the whole world is a nail and all that.  I would say stuff like ending the porn habit would be the more important self-improvement habit for young men, along with working out/athletics and having direction as far as profession/business.

Why cold approach when you can warm approach, though? 

Do that many guys have trouble recognizing when women WANT THEM to approach? It's kind of obvious. Then the only filtering is whether you find HER attractive.

Maybe I have this weird pride thing where if a woman is not obviously attracted/interested in me I won't stoop to trying to win her over or something, but it just seems like swimming against the current or something.

I would say recognizing signs of interest from women is more important than cold approach.   They may be subtle to some guys, idk, but the subtle signs seems pretty obvious to me.

Cold approach is no big deal. I've done it and rejection is no big deal.  It's just kinda dumb pickup.

Edited by SeaMonster

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29 is not too late. But also, don't delay any longer.

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Pick up is not that hard. Guys are so stupid by overthinking this. There's literally two steps:

1 you get good at playful fun small talk (you can practice on anyone).

2 at the end of the interaction you say "cool if I get your number?".

The hard part is maintaining a relationship. 

Watch a few of this guy's videos to see how easy it is to pull a girls number. 







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4 hours ago, itsadistraction said:

Pick up is not that hard. Guys are so stupid by overthinking this. There's literally two steps:

1 you get good at playful fun small talk (you can practice on anyone).

2 at the end of the interaction you say "cool if I get your number?".

The hard part is maintaining a relationship. 

Watch a few of this guy's videos to see how easy it is to pull a girls number. 

Sorry, this is false and bad advice. 

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24 minutes ago, Raze said:

Sorry, this is false and bad advice. 

Not if it works. Try and see for yourself. What's your strategy? 

Edited by itsadistraction

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5 hours ago, itsadistraction said:

Not if it works. Try and see for yourself. What's your strategy? 

There are many flaws in what you said.

1. Just making small talk is a bad idea for beginners, the girl will be annoyed and not know why you are talking to her or she will think you’re hitting on her but too afraid to make it clear. You have to show some romantic intent to give the conversation purpose. Otherwise you will end up talking about nothing.

2. you don’t just suddenly blurt out that you want the number, you have to properly seed it, build up to it, then make the number solid by setting up a reason you are taking it such as a date idea and then talking to her for a bit after taking the number to build trust. If you just leave right after getting the number she will be much less likely to respond.

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6 hours ago, Raze said:

There are many flaws in what you said.

1. Just making small talk is a bad idea for beginners, the girl will be annoyed and not know why you are talking to her or she will think you’re hitting on her but too afraid to make it clear. You have to show some romantic intent to give the conversation purpose. Otherwise you will end up talking about nothing.

1. You practice making small talk with every demographic and you make it a habit. Eventually you will bump into or see someone you are interested in to have a chat with. You don't need to be sexual at all on the first approach. You want to ask her to hang out just like you would a guy. Then on the first "date" you create sexual tension.

6 hours ago, Raze said:

2. you don’t just suddenly blurt out that you want the number, you have to properly seed it, build up to it, then make the number solid by setting up a reason you are taking it such as a date idea and then talking to her for a bit after taking the number to build trust. If you just leave right after getting the number she will be much less likely to respond.

2. Steve Shapiros YouTube channel is video proof that it does work very well. Girls don't care about logic. The plan you outlined here is way too logical that will easily fall apart in the messy real world. Girls can read your body language instantly and thats all they need to know if they like you or not. You don't need a well planned script like the one you outlined here. 

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Often the hardest part of pickup is just motivating yourself to go out consistently and to approach consistently.

On the one hand it's easy, on then other hand that can be very challenging, especially for a very introverted person with social anxiety and zero friends or support group.

Many hard things in life are mechanically easy but emotionally very challenging.

Edited by Leo Gura

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13 hours ago, itsadistraction said:

Pick up is not that hard. Guys are so stupid by overthinking this. There's literally two steps:

1 you get good at playful fun small talk (you can practice on anyone).

2 at the end of the interaction you say "cool if I get your number?".

The hard part is maintaining a relationship. 

Watch a few of this guy's videos to see how easy it is to pull a girls number. 







Ok big man, how many approaches you done?


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If you are past the age of 35 day game pickup is getting a tat creepy. There are still guys who are 40+ who are still running around town with their dick in their hand and it is hard not to judge.

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1 hour ago, Ulax said:

Ok big man, how many approaches you done?

Many, I don't see it as an "approach" though. I use the same technique to talk to a hot girl as an old lady and talk to them in similar ways. This way I am always taking to people.

Another thing you can ask, almost anyone is; "any plans this weekend?". If she has "no plans" shes probably single. Then you say "that sounds boring, cool if I get your number?, let's get coffee, or walk our cats, or something"


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1 hour ago, StarStruck said:

If you are past the age of 35 day game pickup is getting a tat creepy. There are still guys who are 40+ who are still running around town with their dick in their hand and it is hard not to judge.

People enjoy talking to each other no matter what age. The older women give hints too. Usually by complaining about their ex-husbands.

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1 hour ago, itsadistraction said:

Many, I don't see it as an "approach" though. I use the same technique to talk to a hot girl as an old lady and talk to them in similar ways. This way I am always taking to people.

Another thing you can ask, almost anyone is; "any plans this weekend?". If she has "no plans" shes probably single. Then you say "that sounds boring, cool if I get your number?, let's get coffee, or walk our cats, or something"


Fairs dude. sorry for being passive aggressive btw


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15 hours ago, itsadistraction said:


1. You practice making small talk with every demographic and you make it a habit. Eventually you will bump into or see someone you are interested in to have a chat with. You don't need to be sexual at all on the first approach. You want to ask her to hang out just like you would a guy. Then on the first "date" you create sexual tension.

2. Steve Shapiros YouTube channel is video proof that it does work very well. Girls don't care about logic. The plan you outlined here is way too logical that will easily fall apart in the messy real world. Girls can read your body language instantly and thats all they need to know if they like you or not. You don't need a well planned script like the one you outlined here. 

1. Making small talk with everyone is fine, but it’s not for cold approaching a girl if you want a result. I didn’t say you have to be sexual, but you have to show some romantic intent.

2. That’s not a script, those are basic techniques to make a number solid. You don’t even know if any of the girls responded back to Steve and he actually produced a date. Anyone can get a flaky number.

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1 hour ago, Raze said:

1. Making small talk with everyone is fine, but it’s not for cold approaching a girl if you want a result. I didn’t say you have to be sexual, but you have to show some romantic intent.

2. That’s not a script, those are basic techniques to make a number solid. You don’t even know if any of the girls responded back to Steve and he actually produced a date. Anyone can get a flaky number.

True, it's a numbers game not every girl will text you back. Only the horny lonely ones lol. Cold approach is the same thing as being good with small talk with strangers. Asking someone at the grocery store where the cornstarch is after they obviously checked you out is a form of cold approach and small talk. Practice by asking old ladies where the cornstarch is. Then you can start talking about cooking, then you say , give me your number I'll cook you an awesome meal ....etc

Girls love being treated like regular human beings esp the hot ones who get hit on 20 times per day. 

Edited by itsadistraction

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