
Why are so many people Depressed and Mentally Ill these days?

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4 hours ago, LSD-Rumi said:

This is theoretically true but practically impossible. You cannot avoid stressful events in life.

It's more an explanation than a prescription.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Just now, Lila9 said:





And lack of love basically 

Lack of love. You got it. Love is everything. Everything is Love.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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The most common causes of depression are believed to be genetic predisposition or stressful life events.

Some argue that a decline in vitamin D levels, testosterone, and social atomization could be increasing it.

Recently a demographic breakdown of people who were diagnosed with a mental health issue (in America) came out.

It seems that overall liberals, young people, and women are at higher risk of being diagnosed with a mental health issue. The group least affected is older conservative males, and the group most affected are younger liberal females. No one knows for sure, but some speculate young people grow up overly coddled and end up fragile mentally, liberal beliefs can create unhappiness and toxic mindsets, and social media may be harming the mental health of young people especially.

Edited by Raze

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Some other things to consider that in the past we were busier (farms, kids, no machines for everything, etc), mental health wasn't discussed, understood, studied, or kept track of. Just like in poor countries there was "less" COVID since the infrastructure to track it wasn't there.

On the flip side, in the past we were more connected to the community through church, lack of computers, and a more uniform culture. This helped keep mental health issues away. 

Edited by itsadistraction

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Few things of the modern life are conducive to optimal mental health, or health over all, so depression is a reasonable reaction in the system but I guess few people see the wisdom of it and instead try to deal with it by suppressing it or other ways that just reinforce the very problem 

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@Michael569 damn, that list literally explains why i been feeling how i been feeling usually i can pull a uno reverse card and be okay but a few weeks ago i was so depressed i was genuinely considering just ending it ( good friends and hope saved me) its so true tho, the lack of struggle as a kid def hurt my character development, and maturity for that case. only struggle i had was hiding weed from my over protective parents 

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It is getting very bad in the youth especially. Whenever I visit social media sites, I sometimes see people vent about death and murder so casually.

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It's because there's too much knowledge in the internet world but some people do not have the wisdom to control their mind. The first thing you have to do is to stop overthinking.

Edited by hyruga

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Very insightful video. I don’t need to say anything else.


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They did an experiment on rats where they fed them bad food. They got sick. The next generation got sicker, then the next, and the next. They couldn't carry on the experiment past the 4th generation because they all became unfertile. Bad health accumulates through generations. I think we are paying for generations of bad diets and environmental toxins. I think physical illness is often the root cause of mental illness. Speaking from experience.

The road to God is paved with bliss.

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On 09/08/2023 at 3:59 PM, Michael569 said:
  1. Social Media - shattered sense of identity, living "according to script" - as seen on social, trying to replicate people who themselves are fake & depressed. 
  2. Easy childhood, lack of challenges, lack of pressure, too much shielding from overprotective parents , 
  3. Decline in stage blue values - discipline, loyalty, modesty & humbleness, generosity,  honour, truth, beauty, slow productivity 
  4. Exaggerated sense of self-importance 
  5. Ilusion of choice (especially relevant to dating online) 
  6. Decline in parent-child time due to financial difficulties, parental careers and parents having kids in older age 
  7. Poor diets, excessive screen time, sleep deficiency
  8. Excessive porn consumption 
  9. Lack of purpose and passion 
  10. Addiction to stimulation (caffeine, sugar, weed, obtaining stuff quickly and too easily ) 
  11. poor living situation in many cases due to financial reasons
  12. + maybe poor maternal health during pregnancy event 

5. What do you mean by this specifically, can you elaborate?

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Consider that speaking about your mental health is a relatively new thing. This was seen as a taboo thing just a few decades ago.


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On 8/9/2023 at 9:20 AM, ZenAlex said:

- Is it primarily Diet?

- Overload of information?

- No exercise?

- Social Media?

You could say a combination of things but what do you guys think are the few primary reasons why so many MF's these days need anti-depressants and shit?


1.] A Lack of metaphysical love

  • Feminist 

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