
Nothing's wrong with the world

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@Inliytened1  i dunno what to tell you its part of reality i didnt fabricate it. if you think thats far fetched how could you know god

Edited by Hojo

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Just now, Hojo said:

@Inliytened1  i dunno what to tell you its part of reality i didnt fabricate it.

There is no book of identities.   Infinity doesn't need it.  So yes- you fabricated it.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Inliytened1  its a algorithm of predetermined tendencies.for when you are not conscious of god.when you are unconscious you are literally watching a movie you just follow the pre determined tendencies. you could say like a mind dna from your parents or tendencies given from baby when you were not even aware yet. and the akashic record were written before your body was created so it did need it.


Edited by Hojo

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1. From one perspective it is predetermined from another perspective it isn't.

I already explained that reality is both one way and another way. 

First there is something called karma, the predetermination of your life is based on patterns/habits which we call karma. For example, some people eat the same thing, think the same thing, and do the same things. Like freaking robots. In this way there life is predetermined because how they choose to respond to events is the SAME.

The only way to escape predetermination is to escape the cycle of karma which you do by TRYING NEW THINGS. Yes you create everything and nothing is outside of you, but within the first person perspective you have the ability to RESPOND to an event of your creation. Your ability to RESPOND is your FREE WILL. On the HIGHEST LEVEL you still have FREE WILL because EVERYTHING you ever experience is your FREE WILL.

Now STOP misunderstanding the things I say and CLAIM I said there is no free will. It is BOTH TRUE AND UNTRUE. If you fall asleep into your karmic patterns you give up your free will. But ultimately since you are the ABSOLUTE even that is an expression of your free will. Why is it free? Because what is binding you if there is ONLY YOU? ONLY YOU CAN BIND YOU so your will is ALWAYS FREE.


You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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2 minutes ago, Hojo said:

@Inliytened1  its a algorithm of predetermined tendencies.for when you are not conscious of god.when you are unconscious you are literally watching a movie you just follow the pre determined tendencies. you could say like a mind dna from your parents

The magic of God is simply this: There is no subconscious.   There is nothing behind the scenes.  There is no algorithm when you are not conscious of something.   There is ONLY NOW.  That's all.  Everything else is fabricated.  You can believe what you want.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Inliytened1  so they do exist then, i believe they are a dimension of reality and all dimensions of reality are in my pov right now as i am god and exist on all dimensions of reality simultaneously.

Edited by Hojo

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5 minutes ago, Hojo said:

@Inliytened1  so they do exist then, i believe they are a dimension of reality and all dimensions of reality are in my pov right now as i am god and exist on all dimensions of reality simultaneously.

It exists in an imaginary sense to you.  It does not exist in the Absolute sense.

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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Please learn about buddhism well, dig deep into it.

Don't listen to Leo Gura that they are a bunch of rats, or anything of that nature, because Leo Gura himself is going through his own personal suffering and he himself seemed to be dismissive of the major problem that we should be interested on: The problem of suffering.

I'm not sure what problems you are going through reading the initial post, maybe you are going through chronic pain or some highly emotionally energetic cognitive feedback loops that are beyond your capability to process.

I think that the spiritual framework you are using with the goal to tackle the problem of suffering is just overkill and you are too emotionally biased towards making use of it.

Stick with a framework like buddhism. What I have seen from you is that you are utilizing the paradigm of determinism/lack of free will as a framework to help you process whatever suffering you are being afflicted by due to your clingings and aversions towards specific mental states or physical sensations which you would like your body or mind to present.

You don't need to go to the point of bringing your mind towards de-realization in order to process it. Within buddhism, at some point something similar seems to happen, but I'm not quite sure. But you need to follow a specific sequencing of the techniques to spiritually acclimate yourself, mind and body towards a well developed type of enlightenment that deals with suffering.

There are many kinds of enlightenment, I think even Leo had an episode on that one.

I remember up to this day I was listening to that episode while I was at the health care hospital because I used to have those severe inflammations on my eyes, I still do have that tendency but I think drinking enough water and sleeping well solved them for the last year at least.

Just use more softcore approaches first towards your problem with suffering.

I'm not dismissing anything, you are just biased locked in a specific paradigm or a specific kind of enlightenment if you believe that's the case. There is plenty I hear from serious Buddhist teachers of students having all kinds of views towards dealing with suffering or their view of reality itself that is just completely unskilful towards the problem of suffering.


Here is a critic against neo-advaita, and why it is a problem this worldview/paradigm that "you are just the witness":

She basically says that you just don't know how to differentiate between the state of mind of the witness vs the actor, and you are deluding yourself. It's something that needs to be practiced.



This guy below had some similar views to you, and how it was causing him suffering:


The canonical buddhist knowledge from a secular buddhist and two ordained monks:





Edited by Lucasxp64


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Original Poster, I felt worried for you about your initial post. It's very omniums sounding. I really hope you don't do anything harmful physically towards yourself, whatever is going on, if it is a kind of deep realization or physical or traditional emotional pain caused by depression and so on. You should find a place within yourself that offers shelter until you figure it out a way towards a more wholesome (more complete, more holistic, more grounded, more skillful, more trained on actual meditative practices) alignment of body, mind and soul. If you believe that there is no such place or that there is no point of finding it, then I'm obligated to tell you that you got stuck in one of the million different labyrinths of the mind and reality and it's not doing you any good to you and others around you follow that belief. If you are solipsistic and thinking about physical death, then I must also tell, that you should reconsider that it might be again some kind of mental state like the ones people get from salvia where they forget they took the drug and they do crazy shit and die.

Or if someone took psychedelics on his fucking bathtub.

Oh jezz, would it have been mahasamadhi if he had drowned his sorry ass while the survival parts of his brain were offline? Fucking no. It would have been just a dude drowning high on drugs.

There is a fine line here between being the enlightened person on the market delivering on goodies (Look at the Zen 10 ox hoardings pictures) and being someone that decided on something awful and died off.

It's fucking spiritual masturbation if it leads you to madness to the point physical death is anything remotely acceptable. It's unskillful as fuck.

I don't use it to discredit powerful insights and exploration into the infinite depths of the infinite tapestry within the web of all possible possibilities or anything of that kind.

Hope everyone is doing fine tonight!


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Holykael usual posts proves he does not accept reality.

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