
Nothing's wrong with the world

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2 minutes ago, Hojo said:

@Holykael you can go back into the projector room and change the film when you wake up. You can realize that you are the one feeding the projections into the projector and change them.

Maybe on psychedelics this is possible but it certainly won't happen while in the dream.

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@Inliytened1 I don't think any of us know how to do that. I just saw clearly that It was a possibility 

Edited by Hojo

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1 minute ago, Holykael said:

Maybe on psychedelics this is possible but it certainly won't happen while in the dream.

No no.  Psychedelics aren't needed.  You are doing it now.  The problem is you have bought into the idea that it's hopeless and so hopelessness has become your reality.   And you make it seem like hope is impossible.  


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5 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

I'm going to warn @Razard86.  There are precious minds he is ruining over his bullshit.

Do you think that information comes out of his ass? I literally stopped my heart with my consciousness which is a symbol for truth, and i got into the void , vibrating forever as some kind of energy in the infnite void. And i swear i was there before.  Even all these conversations about the void only started happening often ones i unlocked the consciousness of void. You're all being projected by my current state of consciousness 

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4 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

He doesn't understand that yet. He took spirituality and became brainwashed - the very trap you spoke about in the other thread about religion and spirituality- he has bought into.  It's very sad to see it being played out in real time. 



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@Holykael you are simultaneously feeding the film into the projector watching the movie and playing the character you are feeding the film into the projector right now you just don't know how you are doing it. And you are doing it without psychedelics right now. You are god you are doing it. You need to figure out how you are doing it by stop attaching to the movie.

Edited by Hojo

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1 minute ago, Hojo said:

@Inliytened1 I don't think any of us know how to do that. I just saw clearly that It was a possibility 

Dude - you are changing it now - with every post.  You guys got lost in some spritual belief that life was predetermined.  That a hand is guiding you.  Yes it is - but maybe its your hand!


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2 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

Dude - you are changing it now - with every post.  You guys got lost in some spritual belief that life was predetermined.  That a hand is guiding you.  Yes it is - but maybe its your hand!



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9 minutes ago, Holykael said:



What I am saying is that there is nothing behind the scenes.  Your will and God's will are One.  There is nothing "over there" predestined.  Infinity does not require anything happening elsewhere or somewhere else beyond you.  That is the true beauty of Infinity.  It is the true power of God.

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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everything you say is nonsense. reality is not conceptual, it is direct, now. immerse yourself in it and stop thinking nonsense

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17 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

What I am saying is that there is nothing behind the scenes.  Your will and God's will are One.  There is nothing "over there" predestined.  Infinity does not require anything happening elsewhere or somewhere else beyond you.  That is the true beauty of Infinity.  It is the true power of God.

Im sorry but the reason you think we have free will is because you didnt experience high consciousness states on psychedelics. Then you would understand how severely limited we are and how your path is predestined. Just as ramana has said, the only free will we have is not associating ourselves with this body. 

ascended masters that think they're one with god are still under the control of  god in the void and they know it themselves thats why they keep praising god. Even the greatest mahavatar babaji kept praising god all the time. The reason he knew exactly what move a person would make in the future is because the movie was already made by him for him. And now i'm here in my current form am witnessing all the evidence people show about babaji and what he could do. But let me tell you, the life of an ascended master is not as fun as you think, since you only witness yourself and the loophole you are in for eternity. I have extracted a lot of information from the void but most of you won't be able to comprehend it

Edited by Jowblob

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24 minutes ago, Jowblob said:

Do you think that information comes out of his ass? I literally stopped my heart with my consciousness which is a symbol for truth, and i got into the void , vibrating forever as some kind of energy in the infnite void. And i swear i was there before.  Even all these conversations about the void only started happening often ones i unlocked the consciousness of void. You're all being projected by my current state of consciousness 

That infinite Void was nothing but your own Consciousness as God.  There is nothing outside of Consciousness and you are IT.   The discussion here is not about a void of nothingness- it is about free will and whether something "over there" controls you.  It does not.  It does not because you ARE Oneness itself.   You are IT.  Reality cannot go anywhere because it has nowhere to go.


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2 minutes ago, Jowblob said:

Im sorry but the reason you think we have free will is because you didnt experience high consciousness states on psychedelics. Then you would understand how severely limited we are and how your path is predestined. Just as ramana has said, the only free will we have is not associating ourselves with this body. 

ascended masters that think they're one with god are still under control of the god in the void and they know it themselves thats why they keep praising god. Even the greatest mahavatar babaji kept praising god all the time. The reason he knew exactly what move a person would make in the future is because the movie was already made by him for him. And now i'm here in my current form am witnessing all the evidence people show about babaji and what he could do. But let me tell you, the life of an ascended master is not as fun as you think, since you only witness yourself and the loophole you are in for eternity. I have extracted a lot of information from the void but most of you won't be able to comprehend it

No.  You ARE the ONLY thing in existence.   You are ALL states of Consciousness.  You are simply in a particular state right now.  A finite, limited state.  But that is all.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Jowblob Are you the only person who died after taking a psychedelic? :)

@Inliytened1 Freedom is an abstract concept which ultimately, rests on nothing tangible.

Edited by Schizophonia

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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1 minute ago, Schizophonia said:


@Inliytened1 Freedom is an abstract concept which ultimately, rests on nothing tangible.

Freedom is what you make of it as God- yes.  If you want to create your own hell you can surely do that.  


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@Inliytened1 I'm still trying to detach from the drama of my mind. There are steps you have to take to get to the projection room.

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40 minutes ago, Holykael said:

 I wish I could see the world in a brighter way.

Just stay with this thought?

This is your true thought.

Hey, I am Harsh Bagdia?

I can see the intelligence behind your each post. I bet your journey is and will be exhilarating. From No Will to Total Will..????


Do you want to know a truth about you? 

You are using your free will to believe that you don't have any free will...

And that is so cool...?

It is appreciable really?

I promise I am not saying this in a sarcastic or bitter way...you want to experience your creatorship in such a deep and profound fashion that you were ready to fall into the illusion of victimhood to such a great extent. 

I can't wait to see you rise as a Creator with Absolute Control at your fingertips ???

All the stuff about predeterminism and world is evil etc are false and you know it??? And you know it so well because it doesn't feel right and good. And that's why your frustration and your revolt. 

I can't even imagine how painful it must have been for you...Do you want to share your story? Or maybe how are you planning to live from now on? Or your Realisation/response after reading it?

And I am expecting a honest reply from you...I want to talk to YOU. Don't give me the crap of no free will and all that..You are consiously choosing what to think and what to reply and I know it..

If you don't want to talk to me that's a different matter..I am fine with it. But don't be a jerk and reply something like God is evil and all.

Because I know You are Not Evil.

You Are Absolutely Good. 

(Ya I know I am good but God is evil)

You Are God and You know it and I know you know?

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15 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

No.  You ARE the ONLY thing in existence.   You are ALL states of Consciousness.  You are simply in a particular state right now.  A finite, limited state.  But that is all.

Exactly, there is nothing but yourself. Now how do you think god stages a play if there is only him? He can only make a movie = lowering his consciousness to predetermined dumb state. Because if the state is high enough there are no others and no movie.   Why do you think there is so much coincidences and magic in your movie?????? Think my friend, think


As yogananda has said, humans only use creator thoughts. Original thoughts come from only the one or god

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Just now, Jowblob said:

Exactly, there is nothing but yourself. Now how do you think god stages a play if there is only him? He can only make a movie = lowering his consciousness to predetermined dumb state. Because if the state is high enough there are no others and no movie.   Why do you think there is so much coincidences and magic in your movie?????? Think my friend, think

This has nothing to do with free will.   If you limit yourself down to a dumb state and there is ONLY you - then you can't follow a path you made for yourself.  Eventually you will stray from it.  Because its only you.  There is nothing stopping you from straying from it.


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56 minutes ago, Holykael said:

Maybe on psychedelics this is possible but it certainly won't happen while in the dream.

Psychedelics are in the dream.


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