Mysterious Stranger

If You Could Talk To Any Person In History Who Would It Be?

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Hitler, I think he might not have been such a bad guy after all (proof below)


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An Egyptian Pharaoh would be something.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I would talk to Da Vinci. No one else I admire more than him. I would like to see him work to see what fueled his unquenchable curiosity.

Apart from that I would like to know about emperor and evaluate their level of development and see how low it can go. There should be some astounding realizations in there. 

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I would talk to the young Hitler (maybe 15 years) and ask him about his dreams and future plans and see if he was already predestined to become to become that what he became. 

I would smoke some dmt with alan watts while he is describing the trip in a funny way or maybe just about his alcoholism.

I would like to see a ptolomeyan pharao like cleopatra and see if they are really so beautiful and intelligent or just stone photoshopped and mentally disabled.

Or maybe I'd want to talk to Augustus, Nero and Caesar about good goverment and politics and listen to their perspective

Or just the Buddha about his view about  enlightenment and why he thinks a man without his balls can't attain it (Not that I intend to lose them ?) and his world view in general.


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36 minutes ago, Starlight321 said:

Or just the Buddha about his view about  enlightenment and why he thinks a man without his balls can't attain it (Not that I intend to lose them ?) and his world view in general.


maybe it was the just the misogyny of the era reflected in his thought process. OR because deconstructing reality just takes big balls (metaphorically speaking).

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Buddha, Jesus, Zherka, Andrew Tate, Owen Cook Hitler, Einstein

Edited by PenguinPablo

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Cyrus the Great (Persian/Achaemenid Empire).

We know a lot about the Greeks in part because they wrote more but also because victors write the history books.
Not many people know about the Persian empire. Here's an interesting documentary I found:


Plot twist: Waldo finds himself.

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It would be interestingly to meet other species of human like neanderthals, heidelbergensis, homo erectus.

Plot twist: Waldo finds himself.

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Any kind of mystic, sage, shaman, prophet, daoist immortal, or any kind of spiritually evolved being from different backgrounds and traditions would be cool to meet. 

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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Kylian Mbappé. "Go to Real already for christ's sake."

Oh oh, Ramana Maharshi too.

Edited by UnbornTao

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Nietzsche and Hegel (not because I‘m particularly keen on Hegel, but his ideas still deeply permeate all philosophical discourse and you can not really get around him).

I could pick their brains for days on end.

It would also be super interesting to ask for their take on contemporary philosophical problems (gender, existential risk, AI, etc.).

Hitler would also be very intriguing, but I suspect he would be mostly hot air, without much substance.


Edited by Nilsi

“Did you ever say Yes to a single joy? O my friends, then you said Yes to all woe as well. All things are chained and entwined together, all things are in love; if ever you wanted one moment twice, if ever you said: ‘You please me, happiness! Abide, moment!’ then you wanted everything to return!” - Friedrich Nietzsche

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12 hours ago, Oppositionless said:

maybe it was the just the misogyny of the era reflected in his thought process. OR because deconstructing reality just takes big balls (metaphorically speaking).

That's what I assume. But which one? ??

Edited by Starlight321

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I'd love to speak to some real mystics that people revered so much and who had a great deal of powers/miracles done in their track record. I'd ask them if it's all real and would ask what is up in general

Apart from mystics, I'd probably love to meet Alexander the Great and Leonardo da Vinci to have a more intimate peek in their characters without our societies graondization of them. Woud love to see the mundane stuff in their lives and how they approached life day to day

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