
Do you know anything relaxing to read?

10 posts in this topic

Hey, I want to read something relaxing before bed tonight and over the day when I am stressed a lot. 

If you know anything, copy and paste.

I don't know what exactly I want to read. Having listened to a lot of the Bible till book of Joshua,I lost interest and haven't had any concentration today, so yeah. 

I don't want to go read stuff above the mental health section, and I guess I exhausted my interest for reading stuff here as well. 

I amnot brave. I have very little courage unfortunately. Tomorrow is gonna be another terrible day on Earth. You know. 

I don't know how to be happy where I am. A pill I'm taking makes me not wanna sleep and I have a very loud sound in my ear like when something loud explodes and then you hear that shit in the ear. Well that noise doesn't stop for me. Can't sleep. But complaining here feels a bit better and comfier. Still, I'm ruined.

I want to read something that makes me understand the world better. I want to read something easy, that is not too long and I don't know. Any ideas? Something about, I don't know, some love story, yeah, write that. Maybe some sad ending, but not that sad. Yup, this pill increases sex drive as a symptom as well. That's why I wanted to read a love story, maybe. I don't know what to do or read anymore. I never thought my life would come to this, that I'd be poisoned and traumatized and utterly ostracized.

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I want to read something that gives me courage and a will to end my life. Something that makes me endure the pain, quick pain, not the pain that is given by others over years and decades until I'm dead. 

Something that can make me brave and courageous. Something for battle. True stories and reports.

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Ultimately, I want to read about myself. I want to read about my life. About what is hapoening in it from Gods point of view. If God accepts and loves me, that would be nice to read. 

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If someone ever meets God, ask him to write me a book about my life so I can read. But maybe I just feel unable to read. Another symptom of this pill is not being able to sit down for long and being restless all the time.

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Hmm, I like drifting off into sleep through audiobooks or podcasts.

Books are nice, but for me, impractical when trying to go to sleep, although still a viable avenue of course

A book about God? I heard Conversations with God is good. The Book of Not Knowing I have also heard good things about.

You can also look into certain genres yourself, I think finding a book you personally sought after has its own appeal as well.

I don't read books that much, so I wish I had some personal recommendations I could list and recommend to you. I should really start reading some as well, though, so thanks for reminding me. 


Edited by Osaid

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@Osaid Thanks for the reply. I'd like to read a book about God, but I already read those two books, just forgot what they are about. I don't have access to them anymore. It's good for sleep I guess to read about God.

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@Osaid I found "God is Nothingness" for free and "No Boundary" in my language that I could buy. What do you think, which is better?

Edited by at_anchor

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17 minutes ago, at_anchor said:

I found "God is Nothingness" for free and "No Boundary" in my language that I could buy. What do you think, which is better?

I would pick No Boundary.

On first glance, the other one seems rather dogmatic, clinging to the Buddhist "nothingness." It looks like someone who had their first awakening wrote it, kind of rudimentary, if that makes sense. You could find many books talking about nothingness, and so it lacks uniqueness as well.

Or you could go for both, why not.

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I'm not sure I want to order 'No Boundary' right now... I woukd love the books so much I would not like to leave it behind me. This is the summary, feel free to add what is missing, I would be glad to read about this book here!

I need to watch this video multiple times though. 



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Read one of the Chicken Soup for the Soul books

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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