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Is it safe to trip outside?

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As you might know, at high enough dose god might be in control of your dream/thoughts/imagination when you go outside.

So God can make it appear like you  got hit by a car/like you killed someone, like you had a fight , god can make a new reality like that with you having no remembrance of it, from my understanding it all depends on your karma and gods will. 


For example: You go outside and you're in another time frame/dimension where there are no people anywhere, then suddenly you lose consciousness and wake up in jail. Then you got told you attacked some people even though you didn't do that, god created a new reality for you.


Anyone has more information about this, and if some of you tripped outside how did it go?

Edited by Jowblob


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Don’t be a fool. 

You can hurt yourself tripping, or even others.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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8 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

Don’t be a fool. 

You can hurt yourself tripping, or even others.

It's not "you" who is doing these things, it's god just creating a new reality for you.

Like ramana maharshi have said, we have no freedom. The only freedom we have is not associating ourselves with our body.

My question is, how is it possible that "god" can create a new reality without your doing when you go outside when your consciousness is at a high level.  Has it something to do with "high consciousness vibration dimension" trying/merging with your previous vibration/dimension where you usually are ? So there is a conflict in reality itself because it loses stability? And no stability in reality= infinite outcomes?


@Thought Art


Edited by Jowblob


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I don’t know or fully understand ur question

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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God can do anything and that scenario is part of infinity and one day will happen. Just like me getting my head chopped off and put back on several times in a row without dieing. Literally anything you can think of is possible and will happen.

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No worries. Go outside and try it yourself. If you are worried about hurting someone, choose a place in the woods, somewhere quiet and you don't see anyone there. 

I wouldn't suggest tripping near people simply because it can be awkward, you never know what you might end up saying. 

Sometimes people use a trip sitter. 

You could record your trip like Martin Ball did. 

I recommend a trip sitter. For safety. 



One suggestion - it's not good or ideal to trip having preconceived notions or fears or anxieties before the trip. It can lead to a bad or uncomfortable trips because you went into it unprepared and with an anxious mind. You should ideally trip with a very neutral mind so your pre-existing emotions do not alter the process or outcome of a trip. Most people trip with some weird notions in mind and cannot benefit from the trip as they are horribly unprepared for it. Don't make rookie mistakes. Be confident before a trip and use the trip to organically contemplate without letting emotions overshadow it. 


My name is Whitney. 



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