Hello everyone.
My objective is to transform to a completely different person over the next years. I am talking about a deep fundamental change. Not petty surface-level stuff. I am tired of all the BS and now at 30 years old with all the experience and learning i've had i am ready to go to the next level. I have finally accepted the Call of the Hero's Journey and i am living the best period of my life the last 1 month. It's really incredible how much better life can get.
My objective spiritually is to become as conscious as humanly possible.
My objective work wise is to become a world class programmer and eventually start my own business which improves peoples health & well-being.
I am already implementing some major changes in my life like daily walking, daily reviewing my top 10 values, daily watching high-quality videos, daily programming work & daily reading.
Problem is that i push too hard and i get ego backlashes but now i pace myself better.
Anyways the purpose of this post, is to get some serious advice from other people who have gone through this transformation process. I am all ears.
Keep in mind that i want to focus more on Stage Orange stuff in this period of my life. I need more success in my life.