
Someone please talk Christianity out of me.

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Some of your earlier videos were based on buddhism and yoga. You have tapped into sacred texts from time to time early in your career. To negate it so blatantly would be biased of you. 

Sometimes you take a 180° turn. 


I even remember you talking about the Brahman and Indra  in your holon video if I properly remember. 

That was 2 years ago. 

Edited by Buck Edwards

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14 minutes ago, Buck Edwards said:

Some of your earlier videos were based on buddhism and yoga. You have tapped into sacred texts from time to time early in your career. To negate it so blatantly would be biased of you. 

1) That was before I had some insane awakenings.

2) I never over-indulged in those texts. I used them sparingly, and ultimately they were not necessary for my ultimate understanding of God.

3) My path was quite meandering, not direct. There's much fat that could be cut in retrosepct. Now as I teach I try to cut off all the fat.


Sometimes you take a 180° turn. 

I wouldn't want it any other way ;)

It's hard to convey to you guys just how radical my highest realizations were. Everything was turned upside down. That's why I act so strange sometimes. That's not a mistake. That's what was required.

9 minutes ago, Majed said:

@Leo Gura maybe just for educational purposes ? in order to make better sense of people's worldviews and explore diverse perspectives, as well as helping you develop big picture understanding. 

Sure. General education is good. Which is why I shared all sorts of religious quotes and stories with you over the years.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura why do you expect people to directly come to your awakening? If it took you so long (yourself), it might take them equally long to come to your understanding of awake. Of course you're expecting they might never come to that level even in their lifetime, but even if they do, it might take a long time. They obviously spend less time and effort than you do any time of the day. 


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24 minutes ago, Buck Edwards said:

@Leo Gura why do you expect people to directly come to your awakening? If it took you so long (yourself), it might take them equally long to come to your understanding of awake. Of course you're expecting they might never come to that level even in their lifetime, but even if they do, it might take a long time. They obviously spend less time and effort than you do any time of the day. 


I don't expect your path to be direct. That's nearly impossible. However, my job is simply to guide you in the most direct way I presently know of. Just ask yourself, why would I recommend very indirect and weak methods if I really cared about your awakening?

It's because I care so much that I am so ruthless about cutting away all the fat. People are drowning in spritual fat.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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13 hours ago, TheAlchemist said:

Most people have no idea how deep the fundamentalist Christian conditioning penetrates into the mind and a persons whole being, they think its just like believing in Santa Claus and one day you just stop believing and become rational. But if you have been raised into it somce birth, your whole worldview is shaped by it and deep fears are installed in your mind to prevent you from even seriously questioning the dogma. I wouldn't call it an exagerration if someone feels that they have been truly brainwashed by the fundamentalist conditioning. It can take years or even decades to shed that conditioning, and its important to be patient and compassionate with yourself in that process. For some it is more painful than others. But it is absolutely worth the effort I believe.. 

I agree with what you said but you took what i said out of context. I did not say well look your just irrational get over it. I pointed to santa claus to explain where her epistemology came from, the origin of her belief during the conformity years of her development. 

StopWork.ai - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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22 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Why does God need to read a book about God by people who cannot even speak clearly about God?


Exactly... Even if those people had genuine awakening, they were too shy or considered their audience to be stupid. 

I have met many people who are into reading sacred texts like Bhagavad Gita and others, yet they don't have any slightest clue of awakening. 

Most are playing social games of being spiritual..

The only help those texts have for majority of people in the process of awakening is that they confuse the hell out of you.....and then you start to question everything and take responsibility for knowing your own Truth. 

For genuine seekers, those books are unnecessary. 

You don't need any book, You are the book itself..?



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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I don't expect your path to be direct. That's nearly impossible. However, my job is simply to guide you in the most direct way I presently know of. Just ask yourself, why would I recommend very indirect and weak methods if I really cared about your awakening?

You wouldn't and shouldn't recommend. But be patient. You shouldn't even object to others meandering and not being direct. Give them the space that you automatically gave yourself. If actualized org is your child, they are your children too. Any good parent is patient with their child meandering. 


Edited by Buck Edwards

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If you want to read a great book about God, read Conservations With God by Neal Donald Walsch. That one book explains God better than The Bible, The Torah, The Quran, The Gita, and the Te Ching combined.

I'm dead serious.

Don't just read stuff because it's old and popular. You want to read the stuff that's most clear.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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17 minutes ago, Buck Edwards said:

You wouldn't and shouldn't recommend. But be patient. You shouldn't even object to others meandering and not being direct. Give them the space that you automatically gave yourself. If actualized org is your child, they are your children too. Any good parent is patient with their child meandering. 


I am patient with you.

But I will not give you cover for your spiritual games. Which is really what you want from me.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Just now, Leo Gura said:

If you want to read a great book about God, read Conservations With God by Neal Donald Walsch. That one book explains God better than The Bible, The Torah, The Quran, The Gita, and the Te Ching combined.

I'm dead serious.

Don't just read stuff because it's old and popular.

That's nice. You should also ask people what their specific spiritual goals are and it's perfectly ok if they don't align with yours. They're in the same stream. Your path is well suited to you. But actualized org is a whole continuum and not simply only your vision alone. That would be way too personal. This is an ocean and there's plenty to explore and take in. Of course your guidance is necessary but so our freedom.


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On 05/08/2023 at 7:22 PM, KatiesKarma said:

Just give me simple explanations for as to why it literally cannot be true



Christianity: You are not God, God is God and you are in his image, in a defiled one.

You must accept Christ to ascend to Heaven. Most of Humanity will burn in hell eternally because God wants to glorify himself. Sin is real.

Satan is the ultimate deceiver. My concern is that Satan is deceiving us with new age spirituality and the belief of being God. I.e. Leo's 666 lamp, whilst he claimed that lamp means literally nothing in Christianity it is the mark of the beast.

I had psychosis from this that's why I am concerned. Thanks 

I have looked into this a lot and I have found that Christianity only has any merit if Jesus rose from the dead. If he didn't rise from the dead then Christianity is a bunch of stories. The evidence we have for him rising from the dead is by supposed interviews with 40 eyewitnesses about 2,000 years ago and decades after the supposed "resurrection". This is simply not enough reason to believe something. 

Edited by itsadistraction

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26 minutes ago, Buck Edwards said:

That's nice. You should also ask people what their specific spiritual goals are and it's perfectly ok if they don't align with yours. They're in the same stream. Your path is well suited to you. But actualized org is a whole continuum and not simply only your vision alone. That would be way too personal. This is an ocean and there's plenty to explore and take in. Of course your guidance is necessary but so our freedom.


Hello @Buck Edwards?? I'm Harsh Bagdia. 

I second the books Leo is suggesting. Conversations with God series is talking directly..it is really like talking to God himself. I had several awakenings by engaging with that book. 

I don't think I need any other book with regards to spirituality other than that. It is empowering, wise enough to accommodate all of my spiritual goals. 

You are right that it's perfectly ok if our spiritual goals are different. What exactly are your goals by the way? I would love to know. 

Also, Actualized is one of the most(honestly the only one I know for sure) holistic and all encompassing knowledge library I am aware of. I don't think Leo's vision in any way hinders our personal expansion and development. In fact I believe it's the opposite, by Leo teaching us more direct techniques and talking in a bold direct way about God and awakening, it is faster and easier and more effective to achieve what we want. 

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Just now, Harsh Bagdia said:

Hello @Buck Edwards?? I'm Harsh Bagdia. 

I second the books Leo is suggesting. Conversations with God series is talking directly..it is really like talking to God himself. I had several awakenings by engaging with that book. 

I don't think I need any other book with regards to spirituality other than that. It is empowering, wise enough to accommodate all of my spiritual goals. 

You are right that it's perfectly ok if our spiritual goals are different. What exactly are your goals by the way? I would love to know. 

Also, Actualized is one of the most(honestly the only one I know for sure) holistic and all encompassing knowledge library I am aware of. I don't think Leo's vision in any way hinders our personal expansion and development. In fact I believe it's the opposite, by Leo teaching us more direct techniques and talking in a bold direct way about God and awakening, it is faster and easier and more effective to achieve what we want. 

My goals are confidential sorry. I cannot say that on a public platform. Spirituality can be a serious thing. Anyway, I agree with the rest of what you wrote. Have a nice day 


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6 minutes ago, Buck Edwards said:

My goals are confidential sorry. I cannot say that on a public platform. Spirituality can be a serious thing. Anyway, I agree with the rest of what you wrote. Have a nice day 

I understand..

Yes, Spirituality is serious..its like our operating system, the core of our being. 

Thanks! Have a great day ahead you too! 

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Sure. General education is good. Which is why I shared all sorts of religious quotes and stories with you over the years.

but leo how can you talk about chrisitianity and islam if you haven't read the bible or the quran ? 

imagine someone talking about your content without having consumed it first.

plus i'm sure you'll get much more insights into islam or christianity if you read these books. i mean cmon reading the bible or the quran is the minimum to be able to talk about it.

i feel like we have very silly notions of religion here: "oh religious people are stage blue fundamentalists who are too stupid and take the metaphorical content of the books literally. 

all religions are basically the same, pointing towards god, but in different ways"

i feel like that's an insult on the understanding one could get of these religions if studied properly. 

Edited by Majed

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@Majed Once you understand God you don't need any books. In fact, all those books will seperate you from God.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura God is a separate issue from religion. 

i'm not talking here about god but about religion. like for example understanding god won't make you understand the history of nazism. 

to understand nazism you have to study nazism. well same applies to religion here. i'm talking more about the history, the tradition, the architecture, the culture... not really god. of course god is only accessed through mystical realization, but you know religion as i described it above is still valuable to study. 

but again i could be deluded, it's hard to prioritize in this work. on the one hand i can't follow you exclusively, i need to look at other sources, on the other hand i don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater. it's a hard balance to find. 

Edited by Majed

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Very cute Healthy Christian explanation.  

The Father = Source: It is Pure creative energy, the ultimate potential energy, the beginning and the end, the orgin where all creations come from.

Holy Spirit = Divine Will: Its the Divine intelligence that conceives and wills things into shapes and into creation.

The Son = Divine Expression: Embodiment of Source: Physical representation of source. Form. 

Edited by integral

StopWork.ai - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Fine have fun. 

But none of that is Awakening.

Lol when did I say it was? I have already awakened to Love, To Beauty, To Authority, and to Absolute Solipsism. So why is there anything wrong with me going to a church? I went to see if our comments about the Church are valid and from my perspective we actually rail too hard on the forums against the Christian Church.

When I was there the same presence I feel when I get my awakenings was there. Churches are lower developmental avenues for those on the Spiritual Path to experience the Absolute. They don't get a direct experience, it's indirect but it's a start.

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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@Majed they all believe in the same God so what does it matter the practice

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