
Bliss is not just another pleasurable state, this is why is important in the path

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So lately in the forum the 'bliss' word have been coming up a lot...there seems to be people against it and people saying is the only thing to seek in the path.

Here's what I found: Bliss is not just a normal state of consciousness. Bliss feels 'bliss' (or very good), because when the Bliss is being experienced, there is non-localisation of Consciousness.

And what happens when there is not a feeling of existing inside anything? That you exist everywhere = Unity.

So the 'state of consciousness' of Bliss is not just a dumb empty feeling that feels so good just because of nothing. It feels so good precisely because Unity is being experienced.

So when some of you guys say...


"I prefer Understanding - 'Awakening' vs your dumb simple Bliss...

Ask yourself this question:

Are you actually with that understanding or 100 Awakenings reached, experiencing Unity right now? 

Here's the thing: That dumb Bliss... actually provides Unity 100% of times! It never fails. Is direct.

What about the profound data and understanding you have gathered? How many times when you hold those thoughts in your mind, Unity is being experienced?

Just some interesting questions I think some of you guys would benefit from...


Would love your input on this @Water by the River

Edited by Javfly33

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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So, when I would achieve a non-dual god-consciousness state, do I get blissful?

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