The Redeemer

Are high consciousness states possible for the mass population?

22 posts in this topic

@Leo Gura

On 07/08/2023 at 0:53 AM, Leo Gura said:

I have no intention of quitting at this time.

Sometimes I feel like you guys would love me to quit. It would make your life easier. But I would rather remain a pain in your ass.

   I actually want more of the opposite, you making long form high quality videos and sharing posts on blog every now and then when you feel right to do so. People here jumping the gun thinking you'll quit, when it's more a long break for deeper recovery. Taking a break/=/quitting guys. At this point I've implemented 15 videos and made some of those principles working in my life after so many years, all the while I've already watched 4× from first video to most recent in your channel, and despite the action taking and massive video watching I still feel like it's just beginning for me still.

   Also bring back those weird gestures from the old vids, maybe do an A.I style for the thumbnails?

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I am sure it's possible with a highly conscious leader that has the ability to make changes much like a king would. The reasoning being that the state of consciousness is largely affected by the environment and systems at play within a state and a conscious leader could work on these and fix up such things if he/she has enough power to do so. Even without psychedelics, a cleaner and more natural environment could easily raise up the average consciousness level of the population. Then the growth just becomes exponential as the masses open to more radical possibilities as they raise in their state. Obviously this hinges on the leader being conscious and resilient enough.

In a more democratic fashion, what Leo said is better though, is more likely to happen as well.

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