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On being god - the architect of suffering

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The hardest part about accepting that I'm god is to accept the true nature of god which is infinite cruelty, evil and despair. I will and have already subjected trillions of beings to immense suffering. I have and will continue to bring into existence beings who never wished to exist for no reason at all other than this sick identity game of being infinite.

I don't know what's going to happen to this character, the character is innocent but the controller of the character isn't. If I end up in the streets starving to death, maybe I deserve it because after all I have created this rotten and corrupt world.

My will is done 24/7 and it's tragic. If god was truly good and selfless, he would lay down his imagination forever, remove the infinite love and bliss and sleep in nothingness forever. Now that's truly selfless. It is my wish and my desire. Absolute non existence. Is there anything more selfless than that, renouncing infinite pleasure and just be nothingness forever?

Edited by Holykael

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19 minutes ago, Holykael said:

his imagination forever, remove the infinite love and bliss and sleep in nothingness forever. Now that's truly selfless. It is my wish and my desire.

No ? . You want to exist .and you want to be happy . Start meditation practice and gratitude journal. 

Existence is infinitely beautiful.  I highly suggest you leave this forum and put on your headphones and play your favourite album while taking a walk In nature .

Listen to these birds ..let them teach you the point of life 


my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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@Holykael imagine there was a hiding spot god created to hide from itself. A space created to leave 3d  when things get too scary. That would be the ultimate gift wouldnt it. Everytime God gets too scary you can curl back into your black hole and stay there till its over. I beleive this hiding spot exists

Edited by Hojo

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