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Aaron p

Leo's Apology on the the blog

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So I don't know if anyone else is actually posting about this but Leo had a pretty insightful blog post recently entitled "Apology 1" wherein he articulates a new understanding that he's been lacking sensitivity, compassion and general, human level goodness. 

I've recently been formally introduced to a branch of Mahayana Buddhism that teaches in depth techniques regarding the human heart, compassion, gentleness, kindness and regular selflessness. It's very interesting that Leo's posted this just lately in his blog. 

Leo, your our hero bro. Thank you for being vulnerable enough to post that. As it turns out, it feels nice to be compassionate and gentle I've found. There is of course a place for more old school Buddhist style approaches, whipping, canning etc. The language of love and motivations powered by love [as opposed to fear] are the only ones that are realistic and long term oriented (as even described in the life purpose course, eliminating negative motivations module). 


My question is this, are we going to get to see this beautiful new side of Leo? revelations of love, tender compassion and kindness. I'd love to learn more about these new ideas. With deep respect, and compassion for your suffering, God.

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We have one thread for that already. :) Let's stick to that one okay?

Words can't describe You.

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