
Forget psychedelics, let’s talk about stimulants/amphetamines

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I feel like using psychedelics is too all over the place as far as experiences go. And downers actually push you more towards unconsciousness as Eckhart Tolle describes when talking about weed or alcohol. 

So let’s talk about stimulants for a minute here instead. I’m not necessarily referring to cocaine or meth since those have a high tendency to make you very egocentric. I am referring plain old, pharmaceutical amphetamines such as Vyvanse or Adderall. Euphoric dopamine rush aside, amphetamines are primarily known for improving focus and alertness. These benefits are related to the benefits of meditation or ‘abiding as awareness’. I am prescribed Vyvanse and I find that it really clears my head and makes it a lot easier to be ‘in the moment’. It’s not a silver bullet because I can still fall into the same traps of identifying with my thoughts like I do without it, but it sure makes it harder. I’ve actually had most of my glimpses of who I truly am while on my medication. 

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There is an entire list of stimulant research chemicals that are available. I was interested in a one called 4-fa for focus and another one called 4-fma as an empathogen.

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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